
EELS / The Complete Dreamworks Albums / 8LP vinyl box


Universal Music will release, EELS: The Complete DreamWorks Albums, an 8LP vinyl box set which includes the band’s first five studio albums and an exclusive bonus double album.

The set contains Beautiful Freak (1996), Electro-Shock Blues (2LP – 1998), Daisies Of The Galaxy (2000), Souljacker (2001) and Shootenanny! (2003) all pressed on 180g vinyl. The bonus album is the vinyl debut of the Electro-Shock Blues Show double live album, some of which was recorded in 1998 (while on tour with Pulp).


The vinyl albums are all available separately except Electro-Shock Blues Show which is unique to the box set. This box comes with download code for MP3s.

The Complete Dreamworks Albums is released on 30 October 2015.



Beautiful Freak

1 Novocaine For The Soul
2 Susan’s House
3 Rags To Rags
4 Beautiful Freak
5 Not Ready Yet
6 My Beloved Monster
7 Flower
8 Guest List
9 Mental
10 Spunky
11 Your Lucky Day In Hell
12 Manchild

Electro-Shock Blues

1 Elizabeth On The Bathroom Floor
2 Going To Your Funeral Part I
3 Cancer For The Cure
4 My Descent Into Madness
5 3 Speed
6 Hospital Food
7 Electro-Shock Blues
8 Efils’ God
1 Going To Your Funeral Part II
2 Last Stop: This Town
3 Baby Genius
4 Climbing To The Moon
5 Ant Farm
6 Dead Of Winter
7 The Medication Is Wearing Off
8 P.S. You Rock My World

Daisies of the Galaxy

1 Grace Kelly Blues
2 Packing Blankets
3 The Sound Of Fear
4 I Like Birds
5 Daisies Of The Galaxy
6 Flyswatter
7 It’s A Motherf#&!@r
8 Estate Sale
9 Tiger In My Tank
10 A Daisy Through Concrete
11 Jeannie’s Diary
12 Wooden Nickels
13 Something Is Sacred
14 Selective Memory
15 Mr. E’s Beautiful Blues


1 Dog Faced Boy
2 That’s Not Really Funny
3 Fresh Feeling
4 Woman Driving, Man Sleeping
5 Souljacker Part I
6 Friendly Ghost
7 Teenage Witch
8 Bus Stop Boxer
9 Jungle Telegraph
10 World Of Shit
11 Souljacker Part II
12 What Is This Note?


1 All In A Day’s Work
2 Saturday Morning
3 The Good Old Days
4 Love Of The Loveless
5 Dirty Girl
6 Agony
7 Rock Hard Times
8 Restraining Order Blues
9 Lone Wolf
10 Wrong About Bobby
11 Numbered Days
12 Fashion Awards
13 Somebody Loves You

Electro-Shock Blues Show

1 Cancer For The Cure
2 Fingertips Part III
3 Going To Your Funeral Part I
4 Efil’s God
5 Souljacker Part I
6 My Beloved Monster
7 Novocaine For My Soul
1 Not Ready Yet
2 Last Stop: This Town
3 Everything’s Gonna Be Cool This Christmas
4 Flower
5 Dead Of Winter
6 Electro-Shock Blues
7 The Medication Is Wearing Of
8 Climbing To The Moon helps fans around the world discover physical music and discuss releases. To keep the site free, SDE participates in various affiliate programs, including Amazon and earns from qualifying purchases.


20 thoughts on “EELS / The Complete Dreamworks Albums / 8LP vinyl box

  1. @Presley well, to question authenticity in white middle class teenage riot is legitimate for nearly all pop culture phenomena. I cant see why to emphesize the Eels. To slip of the edge of the real is to me a holy privilege of every artist. Anyway…
    … This is what I waitet for. Nevertheless I will wait for the prices at Amazon .de and .it. For Euro paying customer the .us and prices vary a only a few euros (on a high level).

  2. Hey Paul, If you are new to the catalog, could I recommend “Blinking Lights and Other Revelations” ? It was critically acclaimed and culminates with the masterpiece “Things the Grandchildren should know” – Folks of my generation would freely describe the double album as Fabgear
    Yours in RSG

    1. The use of “Things The Grandchildren Should Know” at the end of the great Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives is heart-breaking especially the verse dealing with his relationship with his father that the film explores.

  3. Never trusted this E character. It all followed too hot on the heel of Cobain’s suicide and the whole “I’m so miserable I want to die” loud-quiet grunge schtick had run its course by 1994. Bandwagonning.

      1. That may be so (real life heartache) but the art he spins with it sounds false to my ears. I can’t buy his bruised American whiny Hollywood damaged kid stab at authenticity. It’s every teenager who discovered Sylvia Plath and decided to pour their heart into affected hate. The Eels slip off the edge of the real. You only have to listen to that horrid first album and everything that’s wrong with the 90s rears up before you, and you’re like “no, please, let’s never return there.”

  4. Unsurprisingly ordered this within seconds. Only have the reissue of BF and, natch, and original of ‘Souljacker’ on vinyl. This costs the same as I paid for the Blinking Light vinyl box so it’s a steal.

    Whachoo mean, one born every minute? :-)

  5. With Matthew on this one – Cannot say enough nice things about E and the Eels but have long since owned the catalog and have no interest in vinyl.

  6. Loving the look of this. I don’t have any of these albums on any format. Oddly, I bought the Novocaine single but never got the album and then they dropped of my radar until the Blinking Lights double when I started to buy each new album…

    6 albums at under £20 each? It’s about the going rate for new vinyl. This is very much on my Christmas list!

  7. Hmmm. Nothing really here for fans like me who already have all these albums, except the fact that they’re on vinyl. Don’t think I will be bothering, especially not for over £100.

    1. Hey, Matthew, many audiophiles love vinyl. I detest listening to compressed music. So considering that vinyl of some of these records (for example: “Electric Shock Blues” which goes for $800 on ebay and discogs) is now affordable to fans and in the format I prefer, paying $142.97 from Bull Moose (which includes FREE shipping), means I’m paying just over $17 bucks per record. Great deal for some great music. And the bloodsuckers on eBay can sit with their vinyl copies released in other countries, and cry for a bit.

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