No more extra charges for SDE shop customers in the EU
We’ve signed up to IOSS

We are pleased to announce that, going forward, any music fans in the European Union who order items from the SDE shop will no longer have to pay any import VAT or associated ‘handling charges’ on their order, so long as the order value (not including shipping) is less than €150.
This change has come about because we have signed up to the IOSS scheme (International One Stop Shop) which tells customs at the point the goods enter your country that the VAT has been paid (this info is also sent electronically). The package will have an IOSS logo on it (or our IOSS number) and no extra charges should be incurred. It should also speed up the process of getting your order to your front door.
We’ve been working in the background for the last few months to bring this initiative to fruition and we’re delighted that our friends and customers in Europe will no longer incur these extra charges. The only thing to bear in mind is that if the ‘consignment’ value is more than €150 (value of goods before shipping) then the charges will be levied, as before.
The SDE shop opened in 2016 as way to bring interesting and exclusive product to SDE readers directly. The first example of this was the SDE-curated Sam Brown box set (The A&M Years 1988-1990) which was signed by Sam. In the last 20 months or so, it has been the only place to buy the SDE Surround Series of blu-ray audios with spatial audio and other content.
66 thoughts on “No more extra charges for SDE shop customers in the EU”
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As previously stated. Loads of good stuff I was interested in is sold out or no longer available. Which means I got mixed feelings about this.
Happy that it’s finally there.
And disappointed I missed a great deal of candy for my ears.
Lets look into the future and it might be great deals to be done.
And congrats that you have opened the doors to Europe.
Welcome back SDE !
And that on my birthday nevertheless!
Excellent news as my last purchase cost me an arm in taxes… ! Thanks !
Very good news Paul!
I’m sure this will bring more orders from the other side of the channel!
Good news indeed! Unfortunately everything I want is already sold out, but will keep it in mind for the future items then!
P.S. You need to add “shop” button on more visible place, preferable on top of the page, I always forget where it is :)
Good news for my music collection. Bad news for my wallet. :)
Happy days! Really good news. Thanks Paul from all your fans in the EU.
Gracias Paul. Una gran noticia!!
Thank you Paul and Anne for making this happen!
Félicitations, c’est une très bonne nouvelle. Merci de ne pas nous avoir oubliés !
What a wonderful news !
Great news. I bought the Lexicon of Love SDE Blu-ray and the price nearly doubled due to tax and import duty. I was considering not ordering again but, as this worry is now resolved, I will surely shop again.
This is super fantastic news, thanks Paul!
Hey Paul,
Thank you so much for the good news! Finally I can stop paying twice for my SDE products
This really was a logical step for the customers in the EU,the Burning Shed website recently did the same
No matter what I will keep on supporting artists releasing physical media here on SDE so it’s much appreciated
Have a nice weekend and remember to play your stuff LOUD!
Kind regards,
Thank you Henrik :)
Makes it easier for us to support you. Now I will check it out when you send me the lexicon and Hardcastle now that my holiday is ending .
Excellent news Paul
This is wonderful news, thanks!
Great news! Thank you, Paul.
Hi Paul, can you get that buffoon Sunak to organise another Brexit vote please?
Change the record, what’s done is done. Unfortunately we don’t have a Tardis and neither Tory or Labour have any intention of rewinding…
Thank you – this is fantastic news. Thank you for listening to your customers. I can now order more from SDEShop. I am delighted, my wife less so.
This is a major improvement, thank you!
This is great! On Monday I received my Paul Hardcastle copy and was already wondering why I was not getting a notification to pay for the import taxes. Now I know why!
I heard it was coming, and I’m glad it came to fruition. Particularly after the issues with the recent Oldfield and TFF blurays.
Fantastic. Finally I will be able to order from you. Yay.
That really is good news. All blu rays I’ve ordered in the past year came with additional 13 € import costs.
Let me guess: Switzerland is not a member of IOSS? :-(
(never heard about it before)
As a buyer it is not relevant for you as it only concerns goods that are imported from countries outside the EU (like, e.g., Switzerland) into countries that are members of the EU.
Well done Paul, that’s a feather in your cap. wish people would say “in future” instead of “going forward” though… :-)
Thanks. Is today ‘the future’ though?
Thank you very much. Good news. I bought the TOOM from Bob Dylan. I am still happy to get it from this site. I will take a look at your offers here on this site as soon as possible.
Well done Paul! Another step in professionalizing your service and amazing website. More reason to buy from you now.
Obviously really good news. I’m sure it wasn’t easy to set up, so most appreciated.
Excellent news! Another reason to keep supporting SDE and the SDE shop :-)
Great news! My last order I had to pay taxes + 17,50 Euro customs charges for the Mike Oldfield blu-ray
Thank you for this and the effort to make it happen.
I have several copies of the SDE blu-ray audio series, and the costs were always quite substantial. Looking forward to future titles, Paul. Keep up the good work that you do on these physical releases.
Great news for those international fans out there ?, could I ask please Paul you haven’t by ain’t chance found any of the Ten Years After blu ray down the back of the sofa !, I heard a song on a movie the other day and just my luck it was From that album!.
Good news! Great job. Congratulations. Thank you for considering us, your EU fans. We will always support you to continue with the SDE store, and specially with the incredible 5.1 series.
This is one of the great news ever for us!
Thanks a lot Paul!
I’ll be more happy to order here :)
Yessss! Great news!
Fine. Then I can consider SDE again in the future. Twice I ordered something to Germany. Always with high shipping costs, the exchange rate and then the additional taxes. Last time it was the TFF The Hurting blu-ray, that I absolutely had to have.
Yee-ah ! Thank you Paul !
Paul – this is greatly appreciated – this makes those surround sound blu-rays absolutely irresistible. Bravo
Excellent news, Paul and team. Thanks for making that happen. This will make shopping at SDE even more enjoyable for us EU folks. Thumbs up!
Excellent news. Saves me 15 euro’s for every Blu ray audio.
Thank you so much. Great news it is. For example, I had to pay in Belgium an extra €17,50 (no kidding!!) for “cost for customs formalities” above the €10,83 taxes for The Lexicon of Love SDE Blu-ray. I sometimes had to wait up to 12 days from arrival in Belgium till delivered in mailbox. I’m so glad this unfair practice is over. Now, Let the SDE Blu-rays come.
The same when you’re living in the Netherlands…
Excellent news. Thanks Paul.
Well done Paul. Next job is to convince the UK Govt that purchasing music physically on vinyl and CD provides excellent mental health and well being benefits, and as such should be exempt from VAT!
Well, good luck with that… :))
Great news. Thank you.
Excellent News, Paul! This will save people in the Netherlands €6 service fee per order! And a lot of hassle too. On top of that: faster delivery. A true incentive to order more often. So thanks a lot.
It not only saves people in i guess virtually any EU-country the 6€ service fee but also the British VAT which is of course included in the item prices.
With IOSS now the British VAT will automatically be removed and the VAT of your native country (if you’re inside the EU) added instead.
That will change the initial item price normally for some pence / cent as percentage levels for VAT are set in the different countries and so are not the same everywhere.
The only downside of this system is when you’re buying something that isn’t subject to VAT in the UK (like for instance books) the full amount of your own countries VAT on these products will be added to the original price.
Excellent news. Many thanks for doing this. A lot of work no doubt went into this and is greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much! Since I am usually one of those harmed by customs. :(
Ohh happy day.Thank you so much Paul.You are simply the BEST!!!!!!!!.
Thanks a mill, can’t wait to test it with #13!
Great news!
Thank you
That is truly excellent news, Paul! I have been reluctant to order items after having been stung a couple of times by extra costs on imports which made the purchase costs exorbitant.
Nice one Paul! Thanks for everything you do for music lovers everywhere.
We are very pleased too. Thank you.
That’s great news!!
Brilliant news, really appreciate this. I know how much work this is so thank you!
Very, very good news!
And now please… the next SDE-Bluray please