
Pink Floyd / Wish You Were Here Immersion Box / First pictures

Pink Floyd / Wish You Were Here Immersion Box / First picturesPink Floyd / Wish You Were Here Immersion Box / First picturesThe Wish You Were Here Immersion Box from Pink Floyd is released in one week on Monday 7th November (8th Nov for US).

But we don’t want you to have to wait that long to take a look… so you will find our exclusive photo gallery below with useful comments at the bottom of each picture.

Simply click on a thumbnail for full-size image, then click left and right arrows to navigate through 20 high-res images. Click on the centre of an image when you’re done. Feel free to post any questions about the box by posting a comment – a full review is coming very soon!

Pre-order this box: from the UK from the US

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23 thoughts on “Pink Floyd / Wish You Were Here Immersion Box / First pictures

  1. To fellow fan ‘Andrea’: go to, click cast 129;
    After you hear that I’d be stunned if any ITF tour fan was not so moved, to then reward the guy that works so diligently to fill the empty space(s) that Floyd members/PFML – et al, etc., whomsoever – still drag their feet (trotters?!) to supply to all loyal fans, who ‘oh by the way’ indeed!!! have now patiently awaited 30+ years!!!!!! – with ‘official’ properly (education?) directed revenue generating versions!
    So ‘something’ does incontrovertibly exist; it would just take a bit of effort/bloody care on behlaf of .. well, who?
    Or seek out trib band ‘Wish you were here’ who list on their site that they once released (now sadly OOP) a faithful rendition of the Stateside ITF tours.
    It’s all there – just need to faithfully seek it out.
    Pity some ‘others’ are not so proud/dedicated/grateful (well, you add the most relevant adjective for current dearth of material …) to do the same after all these bloody years!!!!
    Sorry; I do so much love the music of the combo of the Pink Floyd, but as to the approach of the members of said combo to their undoubted musical legacy (check how poster here, J.Skaggs, waxes lyrical on the SACD version of WYWH she was privileged to be invited to hear), well ….

    1. @Bofsensai
      Thanks again, as I said in another post, for the link.
      I’m not much of a web searcher, so I wasn’t aware of it.
      I can honestly say that it was quite interesting and rewarding to ‘immerge’ in some of those podcasts. Cheers :-)

  2. I picked up the box today… could have done yesterday, but then again I had a date and did not want to drag along such a nice gem.
    Now listening to the bonus tracks CD and they sound amazing compared to the unoffical recordings I already had.

  3. Thanks for the pictures! I’m really looking forward to this set – having never heard any of WYWH in quad/surround – even though I’m still giving the TDSOTM set a lot of plays. The two completely different versions in that set are great – I wish there were more live or alternative versions here. That said, stereo, quad & 5.1 plus a disc’s worth of bonuses isn’t exactly skimping…

    1. Really haunting. It basically sounds like the beginning of Shine On You Crazy Diamond but has this weird resonating sound like church organ coming through a leslie speaker. Only two minutes long but cool to have!

  4. Thanks! :-) I’ll certainly go for the Experience on this one, while I think I’ll get the Immersion-The Wall, featuring the live set I never bought before.

    What I’d really, really, REALLY LOVE is an extended version of Animals, because that’s the best Pink Floyd EVER, in my opinion.
    I’d really like to know if those ’77 “In the Flesh” tour soundboard recordings do actually exist, for instance… I’m a bit out of topic here, I realize…

    1. I did ask Andy Jackson that question and he didn’t know… I get the impression that they do exist, but obviously don’t know for sure… By the way – also off-topic – do you get an email when I reply to one of your comments?

    2. Same name, same opinions on marbles, scarves, Immersion boxes to buy and dream of, Animals album and live performances…
      That’s really odd, Andrea!
      Sorry if I went off topic, Paul.

      1. Yeah, INCREDIBLE, isn’t it?
        Could it be, just making a wild guess here, that here we go AGAIN with another scarf, other marbles, etc etc?
        Sorry for the OT.
        Mine is my real name, at least ;-)

  5. Let’s hope there’s something consistent and interesting here music-wise, beside the usual set of gimmicks, coasters, scarfs, stickers, cards, marbles, etc.

    1. I’ve been listening to it – You’ve Got To Be Crazy is amazing and you get to hear Roger singing Have A Cigar which is really interesting.

      You do get a CD less in this set but the bonus disc is 66 minutes long, so about 50% more than the live DSOTM

      Whether to buy or not with this set is a much easier decision than DSOTM. Do you want 5.1 surround or not and can you live without the tour films. If two ‘nos’ then buy the experience…

  6. Hi Paul,

    Just don’t loose those marbles, best to store them in the attic with the other toys ;)

    (I may be Dutch but some English saying I know what it means.)

  7. The I on the spine of the Wish You Were Here Immersion box seems to be the legs from “The Diver” image rather than a cigar…….

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