More 3-for-2 music bargains in Germany
Amazon Germany is back with it’s 3-for-2 deal on music! I know some of you were disappointed when the last deal ended somewhat prematurely, so thanks to price-matching local competitor Media Markt, SDE readers globally can benefit.
This link is good for box sets and deluxe editions over €50. All the usual suspects are present and correct, and Bowie fans should be pleased that Who Can I Be Now? is finally included in this deal (it wasn’t previously) in both CD and vinyl editions. That means you can buy three David Bowie boxes for the price of two. Check out the usual SDE suggestions below…
Pink Floyd / The Early Years 1965-1972 box set
Not in the 3-for-2 deal, but worth highlighting that this is only £245 or €279
The Jam / Setting Sons super deluxe edition
Very cheap AND in the deal!
Bob Marley / Live! 3LP vinyl edition
David Bowie / Who Can I Be Now [1974-1976] 12CD box
13LP vinyl box also in the deal
David Bowie / Five Years 12CD box
David Bowie / A New Career In A New Town 12CD box
13LP vinyl box also in the deal
Bob Dylan / 1965-1966: The Cutting Edge 6CD super deluxe
The Smiths / The Queen Is Dead 5LP vinyl box
INXS / Kick 30 3CD+blu-ray
David Gilmour / Live in Pompeii 2CD+2 x blu-ray box
Queen / News of the World super deluxe
Eagles / Hotel California super deluxe
Steven Wilson / To The Bone 2LP vinyl
Sweet / Sensational Sweet 9CD box set
The Who / Maximum As & Bs 5CD box set
The Jimi Hendrix Experience 8LP vinyl box
Bob Dylan / Trouble No More 9CD super deluxe
R.E.M. / Automatic For The People super deluxe
Elton John / Diamonds 3CD box set
Kraftwerk / 3-D: The Catalogue (English Version) 8LP vinyl box
The Doors / The Singles 20 x 7″ vinyl box set
The Beatles / Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band super deluxe
OMD / The Punishment of Luxury super deluxe
The Rolling Stones / Their Satanic Majesties Request 2xSACD+2LP box
The Verve / Urban Hymns 6-disc super deluxe
Johnny Cash / Cash Unearthed 5CD box
Debbie Gibson / We Could Be Together 13CD Anthology
Black Sabbath / The End box set
Stone Temple Pilots / Core super deluxe
a-ha / MTV Unplugged: Summer Solstice fanbox
INXS / Kick 45RPM 2LP half-speed
Nirvana 45RPM double vinyl
ABBA / The Album 45RPM 2LP half-speed
Brian Eno / Before and After Science 45RPM 2LP half-speed
Falco / Falco 60 2LP coloured vinyl
Propaganda / A Secret Wish 2010 2CD deluxe
Frankie Goes To Hollywood / SexMix 2CD
Art of Noise / Influence 2CD
65 thoughts on “More 3-for-2 music bargains in Germany”
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2 minutes before the final gong i got the
Rammstein live in paris vinyl box set
Ryan adams heartbreaker vinyl box set
Bob Dylan bootleg series 1-3 vinyl box set
130 euros only, thanks to amazon germany !
Paul usually doesn’t put Deal Alerts on here but I think there are quite a bit of American readers so I’ve put a few sales on here. I hope others will follow. Even though prices are generally lower in the USA, we still love to see Deal Alerts. has the Ramones “Leave Home” SDE box for $33 on sale. Lowest price I have seen.
Being in the UK I would buy things from the US if our customs system wasn’t so random, the real killer is parcelforce who hold your goods for ransom, not only wanting payment for import taxes if they are not pre-paid but then charge a “handling” fee on top for their time. I haven’t bought anything from the States for a long time but I have a feeling last time it was £12 on top of the actual customs fee and I think it has just gone up even more since August.
One question from anyone in the UK who has bought from Am.US, does it actually come from the US or is it like anything I’ve bought from Am DE, IT, ES, FR and actually come from the UK anyway? I guess it must come from the US.
Hi Chris,
Items bought from Amazon USA come from the USA.
Another thing of note for you – all Amazon US orders you now have to pay the VAT up front now – so no more randomness with Fees or post office/parcelforce charges. Please bear in mind though, this rule DOES NOT apply for Amazon Canada, you will get caught for VAT and those nasty post office charges for that region.
Hope that helps you.
Thanks Alan, helpful to know.
It wouldn’t matter so much if Am.UK actually had some decent deals. It is by far the most resistant of the European Amazon’s to giving a discount
Germany and Italy lead the way, by some distance.
While the promotion in Germany is still going on, although, it seems one or the other article disappeared from being included.
For people in the UK, has a few deals as well:
The Farm – The Complete Studio Recordings 7CD set is currently available for 12.99 UKP
The Sound – Shock Of Daylight /… 1984-1987 5CD set is currently available for 11.99 UKP
For those still interested in the Pink Floyd Early Years box set, JPC still have it at Euro 279
Roel, thanks for mentioning that JPC also have this on offer.
Unbelievably I was checking my emails and JPC were offering me a one-time use 20% off discount code!
All going well, I’ve just ordered the Early Years box for £211.11 delivered to the UK.
Merry Christmas to me :-)
Pink Floyd box back up to regular price.
Only briefly.
Looks like they’re now price-matching JPC at €279!
For $310.09, I just bought the very deluxe box set, Pink Floyd The Early Years 1965 – 1972. I call that a bargain! Thank you, Paul!
The Floyd box is priced better than recently, but still..
During the Black Friday offers I got the 6 individual volumes for EUR 116, shipping included.
In my view, EUR 279 for the same plus one exclusive volume, the 7 inch singles (and lots of paper) is still not a deal breaker.
Now I do wish I had the chance to obtain the 7th volume which is exclusive to the box but… The deal on the 6 individual volumes was too good to miss. And I don’t have the storage space, and don’t need the 7 inch singles… So… I’m going to manage my OCD for the time being :)
Iwas sure it was supposed to be a limited edition. How limited is limited these days…….?
I felt quite ill when I saw the price of the Floyd box cos of I’m one of the silly buggers who payed full wack for it last year… Gggrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
I’m one of the silly buggers who passed it up when it was £125 for about an hour, six months ago. I didn’t miss it, I saw it there, put in in my basket, deleted it and thought nah…… In the words of the greatest philosopher ever born – D’oh.
Yeah, I know. But isn’t that a delicious concern?
Thanks Paul
I’ve bought 6 of the individual book-style PF Early Years sets from the Italy and Germany deals. But looking at the description for the big box set it appears that there is a 7th that I’ve overlooked. Can anyone confirm this, or is the 7th exclusive to the big set? If there is a 7th I’ll need to figure out which one it is that I’m missing. Thanks in advance.
It’s exclusive to the big box.
Got the Floyd Box!!!
Nice! Now you just need to work out where you’re going to store it.. :)
I have placed a few orders on and to be honest the packing is sketchy at best, however even though they claim on their site they only pay €4.80 for you to return damaged product they will refund the full postage costs. They also divulged to me that they will pay the return postage up to 70% of the value of the original order, i assume if it goes over that they will refund in full or replace without return.
Guys, have you checked on the price for the “The Early Years” by Pink Floyd??! I think that there is a considerable discount, but please Paul, check it out if it’s worth it!!! Please!!
Just checked the 3 for 2 promotion message on each item is still up……16.00GMT 06.12.17
I wonder if it is still live?
I assumed it finished last night.
Got myself almost everything i wanted for X-mas (and slightly more ;-)) ), so i’m gonna wait now patiently for The Joshua Tree SDE 30, Automatic For The People SDE and News Of The World SDE to come down to a reasonable price, because these are the three where i still couldn’t justify buying them to myself, even at 3-for-2, although regarding TJT, it’s got something to do with me already owning the SDE 20 of it.
Oh, and while i’m at it: I really, really, really would like Domino or whoever else own the rights to it to re-release the Triffids-10-CD-box from several years ago. Deleting my pre-order for that at a price of EUR 50 was the most stupid thing i did in my life so far, at least SDE-wise.
So, still some wishes left for 2018 it seems ;-))
As to the Triffids I read pias owns the rights now. I already have almost everything you can imagine by the Triffids, but a SDE of Love of Will (David McComb’s solo album) would be very welcome, as is an issue of Costar recordings.
I got in at last minute and bought Pompeii, Gary Moore Blues & Beyond (no posts about that Paul?) and Rush’s Sector 1 box. The latter is the “free” one.
For anyone wondering, the 3 for 2 promotion seems to be still on – so should likely finish around 11pm UK time today. New ‘last minute’ offers on will start on Thursday 7th Dec.
For those who don’t have this yet…
Simple Minds – Big Music (Deluxe Edition) 2CD+DVD is currently available for 12.12 EUR (approx 10.70 UKP) on and part of the 3 for 2 deal
Slightly closer to home Asda supermarket will be selling 3 selected CDs, books and DVDs for £20 from Monday 4 December. Apologies if this is off-topic folks…
Just had a ZTT fest
Act – Love & Hate 2CD
The Art of the 12″no.1 – 2CD
The Art of the 12″no.2 – 2CD
The Art of the 12″no.3 – 2CD
Propaganda – A Secret Wish – 2CD
Art of Noise – Who’s Afraid of – CD + DVD
All for £44 delivered from Am.De. I got Who’s Afraid of instead of influence as I wanted the videos and it was £11, like the others instead of £18 for influence.
In the usual in, out, shake it all about deletion game I did have Liverpool – 2CD, Sex Mix 2CD and Frankie said 2CD but decided enough was enough. So if you like the ZTT roster that is a decent selection of music for what is just over £7 each.
Hi Chris,
funny enough i bought almost all of these (expect the Act one) and a few more ZTT-recordings for about GBP 8 each from directly or via one of its Marketplace-sellers in January this year. No special offers back then.
One observation about the way that calculates the least expensive in this offer. It seems that if you put e.g. 6 items in the basket then amazon puts them in an order from the most expensive to the cheapest and gives discount for each 3rd in a row, so in the 6 items example it will not give a discount of the 2 cheapest but the 3rd and 6th ones (starting counting from the most expensive). I assume this is better for the customer side but happy to hear any thoughts :)..
You’re absolutely right.
I just placed an order and got the 3 for 2 deal, went to place another order and it gave no discount, have I missed it or is it limited to one order?
Also, again for the USA based folks, the Smiths SDE of “The Queen Is Dead” is on sale on $22. By far lowest I have seen.
Thank you. Bagged.
For USA based readers, lowered the R.E.M. “Automatic For The People” SDE Box to $66. By far the lowest price I have seen for this set.
For your inspiration – I’ve bought these triplets (trying to find 3 items of similar price range to achieve maximum discount)
The Complete Stax/Volt Soul Singles 1968-1971 46.99
Chrome – Box II – 1983-1995 51.99
Cerrone – Classic Albums Boxset (3LP+3CD) [Vinyl LP] 56.99
Richard H. Kirk – #7489 (Collected Works 1974-1989/8CD Box) 39.99
The Complete Stax/Volt Singles,Vol.3 (Limited Edition) 41.99
Brainticket – Vintage Anthology 1971-1980 39.99
Cash,Johnny – Unearthed 72.99
Disco Giants 79.99
The Brain Box: Cerebral Sounds of Brain Records 1972-1979 (Ltd) 95.99
Mark Reeder Five Point One (2CD+DVD) 18.99
New Order Presents BE Music (3CD) 18.22
Durutti Column – Live in Japan 1984-1985 18.99
Namlook – The Dark Side of the Moog-Vol.9-11 26.49
Namlook – The Dark Side of the Moog-Vol.5-8 26.49
DAF – Das Ist Daf (Ltd.5cd Boxset) 26.99
Some of these items fluctuate heavily in price – Disco Giants e.g. climbed to 129.– today and I had Regis – Manbait for around 11.– on my wantlist which almost doubled today…
Some items have been “repriced” for the 3×2 bargain. For example Kinks’ mono box went from 150€ to 200€ just before the black friday period..
Ausmonty, I think you can buy only one each 3×2, last time they did it I tried to buy the same items three times and it was forbidden.
If you buy the new Bowie boxset, will you get the replacement for Heroes though when (if) it becomes available?
the offer is back again paul!
I agree that the price of some items I had in my ” Saved for later” that are included in the promo, have increased in price. Also you are now only allowed to buy 1 copy of each title?
Going on what Marc has just said, there is plenty to pick up aside from “the usual suspects”. The big box SDEs.
I just did a search for “Complete studio albums” and picked for little more than £17 each
Madonna Complete
ZZ Top Complete
Donald Fagen – Cheap Xmas
Phil Collins Complete (gatefold version)
Mike Oldfield 92 – 03
Joni Mitchell complete
That is a lot of music to pick from on cold winter nights and really it’s peanuts at less than £2 an album.
Others that just missed the cut were the Eagles – because it was too cheap – seriously I was trying to hit the 26EUR mark and it was only 19 EUR and Simon and Garfunkel because it was over 40EUR. Keeping all choices within a few Euros made it a great saving.
The Tim Buckley box set was about 28 Euros the last time I looked.
Hi Chris,
how about combining the Eagles-set with e.g. The Sire Years by The Ramones (EUR 20) and Head Out Of Dreams (Complete Recordings 1973-1988) by The Hollies (EUR 19) or The Jimi Hendrix Experience-4CD-box (EUR 17)?
Yeah Klaus, I have no idea how many times I have been searching for a close match. Having two that you really want and trying to find a third thing that doesn’t screw up the bargain by being too cheap or too expensive.
It runs till 5. Dec.
There are also some great LPs to buy. For ex. Aretha Franklin with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra or Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings (soul of a woman). May I will buy this two plus the Phil Collins Box Set.
I got Pepper’s + Career In a New Town + That’s The Way It Is!
Thanks for the heads-up on the deal returning, Paul.
All three Bowie boxsets purchased!
My experience is that Amazon Italy is on the averige cheaper when it comes to box sets than Amazon Germany, UK or France. So be careful what you choose when it comes to this deal.
I think you have to do a lot of comparison to get the best deals. Seemed like many sets were discounted for the previous 3 for 2 but not this time. I was looking at some and even with the 3 for 2 it might still be cheaper to buy them elsewhere (e.g. XTC’s CD+Blu-ray albums may be cheaper to import from Amazon UK than via the 3 for 2 sale).
Finally got the three Bowie sets, 85 bucks a piece shipped! Thanks Paul!
Funnily enough I had a couple of box sets in my shopping cart (Kraftwerk and The Who), when I went back this morning to check their price had risen by about a third. Hmmm …
Pity none of the King Crimson mammoth box sets (except Thrak) is included in the deal….
I know what I`m going to do next year;
Buy no box sets.
Save the money I would have spent.
Yes you got it, Black Friday, the biggest spree I have ever had.
Based on the countdown on their offer seems to run until Monday, Dec. 4th at 23:59 German time (UK one hour later).
I do not have any clue, though, based on the experience of last week (which earned a lot of my money) how long is going to match this.
UK time is one hour earlier than German time….
That’s true, so you can shop one hour longer than the time i gave, meaning Tuesday, Dec. 5th, 0:59 UK time. Hope that’s more clear.
Okay, sorry, did my maths now. Of course it’s Monday 22:59 in the UK when the deal ends. Sorry again ;-)
Regarding “the deal ended prematurely”:
Since they had massive price reductions for the actual Black Friday, I think it was only logical that the offer ended on Thursday already.
I got in late last night and saw someone’s post on a separate thread and nabbed.
Jam – Setting Sons SDE
Kraftwerk – 3-D Catalogue English 8CD
Madness – Full House 4 LP
David Gilmour – Live in Pompeii 2CD + 2BD
Simple Minds – Once upon a time SDE
Simple minds – New Gold Dream SDE
All came in at £28.70 each delivered.
From Amazon UK that lot is £267.64 as part of this deal on Am.De it came in at £172.22.
Right, that’s bloody IT.
I tried searching for the Jam set and got the message:
Your search “jam” was automatically translated into “marmelade.”