
More Music Box Set Deals in the UK

You may have been alerted to the spectacularly discounted Roxy Music super deluxe, but there are other great deals in the UK right now for music box sets, with significant discounts on physical packages featuring the music of Queen, Cream, The Beatles, Elvis, The Verve and more. See the selection, below…

Cream / Fresh Cream 3CD+blu-ray super deluxe – £24.98

Albums, outtakes, stereo, mono, hi-res audio

The Beatles / Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band super deluxe – £79.99

In the words of SDE “a dream box set”…

Queen / News of the World super deluxe box set – £79.99

Rush / A Farewell To Kings 8-disc super deluxe box set – £104.99

Includes three CDs, a blu-ray audio (with a new 5.1 remix by Steven Wilson) and four vinyl LPs.

The Verve / A Northern Soul 3CD super deluxe box set – £18.99

Human League / A Very British Synthesizer Group 3CD+DVD – £44.99

And finally… the best deal of all: Roxy Music

Roxy Music 3CD+DVD Super Deluxe Edition – £54.99 helps fans around the world discover physical music and discuss releases. To keep the site free, SDE participates in various affiliate programs, including Amazon and earns from qualifying purchases.


38 thoughts on “More Music Box Set Deals in the UK

  1. Dear Chris, I dare to compare Polnareff to Roxy Music because Michel was the cool, crazy and androgyne guy (french version) at the beginning of the seventies. He truly made wonderful music. If you do not like his more conventional hits of the Sixties (listen to Love Me Please Love Me, La Poupée Qui Fait Non or the great Âme Câline respectively), I recommend „Polnareff´s“ (1971) or his eponymous LP from 1974. Maybe your problem is that he is singing in French mainly (at least Polnareff recorded much of his music in London), but I am from Germany and love his music anyway. Saw him in Strasbourg two years ago, this was really really amazing concert which still sends shivers down my spine….

  2. Received Roxy Music today. Very nice box and wonderful music of course, but i agree with Mike and Paul: it is still far too expensive. Guess they will offer it for about €40 within the next months. Compare this offer to Michel Polnareff‘s latest box: offers 23 (!) CDs (his complete works) for about €80….

    1. Are you really saying that you want to compare Roxy Music with Michel Polnareff? I have to admit I have never heard of Michel Polnareff…. and there maybe is part of the problem.
      A 23 CD (could be 50CDs or a 100) set of someone I have never heard of versus a much smaller set of someone I have……maybe that is my problem, I should know more.

      1. I think the main point you should take away from all this is – You really should have heard of Michel Polnareff! He’s an exceptional unique artist – as has already been stated “polnareff’s” is a good place to start, or my personal favourite (and a slightly older release than that) “Le Bal Des Laze” … look up “Michel Polnareff – Les grands sentiments humains” (from that album) on youtube and check how experimental and interesting his music is too.
        If you went out in the street and asked 20 people to compare Taylor Swift with Roxy Music – you’d probably get a similar response to the one you just made about Polnareff, doesn’t mean those people would be justified in their views, does it?

  3. i want that Who box at that price, but out of stock and i just bought an oppo 203 and the new Who came First and Filmore Live show cd from uk , so i can wait

  4. Hello everyone, I have a pre-order for the signed ben folds brick box set but after thinking about it I am going to cancel it. If someone wanted it and is interested in it maybe we can agree on a time so that I can cancel it and you could re-order it immediately. I’ll check this board again later tonight

  5. Tried to purchase Fresh Cream but won’t ship to USA!! What a deal!! :-(

    Queen NOTW still way to expensive!!

    Bought Roxy from for $68 including shipping :-)

    Cancelled my order from Amazon UK for Sgt. Peppers Bix set as I ordered it from for under $80 including shipping!! :-)

  6. @Colin A tip…..You can always tell the autorip version you get by clicking on the mp3 link where it states ” Includes FREE MP3 version of this album” – it is not always the same as the disc you are buying – s0metimes it is even better…but sometimes not as good!!

    1. True, but as far as i know only working for the conventional website because the mobile site doesn’t give the AutoRip-link.

  7. I just cancelled most of my preorders because of upcoming trips, and the prices fluctuate anyway…the only big ones coming are the Ben Folds “Brick” (cuz of the signed print and it just looks really good) and Def Leppard’s box Volume 1…the Roxy can wait…and I had the Who and got rid of it…I cancelled the new Suede cuz I need to see more…

  8. Got the Queen. I’m hoping that NEWS OF THE WORLD will drop further. And when are the prices going to go down for Elton John vinyls and some of the Steven Wilson Tulls and Yeses.
    I’ve got to save money for Dub Sandwich, too!

    1. You talking the multi-disc Yes and Tull releases? They’re NEVER going to change very much, if anything they’ll go the other way. I know box set prices fluctuate at times, but those titles have not done that, and won’t. In fact, many of the Tull’s are OOP now.

  9. Still waiiting for the Deluxe George Harrison box set whcih is now three months behind release. Now annoyed as I got my Roxy Music box set from Canada, why is it so cheap now, wouldnt be because it was over priced in the first place. Any news on SW For Your Pleasure release or is that another 5 years wait.

  10. Is that the all singing Queen? Didn’t that launch at an eye watering price given content? Anyhow 6 discs £19.99 snapped it up before too late half expecting it to be gone TBF…

  11. Any idea if the Amazon auto rip for Sgt Pepper is just the original 13 tracks or all the audio tracks from the Box Set? Has anyone ordered it from Amazon? Which auto rip do you get? Thanks.

  12. Thanks Paul, been waiting for a realistic price on the Queen CD set. Now just waiting for a decent reduction on that News 40th box…

    1. Keepa an eye on the other Amazon sites! Queen NOTW 40th box has usually been cheapest on Amazon Spain for the past few months – it’s currently around £67 there, though it briefly dipped as low as £53. Until today it was £65 on Amazon France.

  13. I grabbed the Human League box set at my local store for approx €42 about 4 weeks ago. It was on sale. At that price (or even £45) , it’s indeed a very nice box set.

  14. Grabbed the Queen – looked before but felt it was a bit pricey for me but at this well worth a punt – Thanks for the heads up Paul

  15. The Human League box set is cheaper at – available for 39.99 Euro which comes to GBP 35.20 plus shipping. For buyers in Europe (incl. UK ) regular amazon shipping fees should be 6.– Euro (GBP 5.28) but pls doublecheck this, I’m not sure if this heavy item would cost a surcharge.

  16. The Who ‘Maximum A & B’s’ is back down to £25 as well, although out of stock at present, and given that I’ve been waiting months for my Black Sabbath and Dylan Mono Vinyl Boxes, and tickling 6 weeks for my Hendrix ‘Seattle’, I won’t plunge myself.

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