
This Week’s Box Set and Reissue Deals

FRANCE: Neneh Cherry Raw Like Sushi 3CD deluxe edition – €21

With less than two weeks to the release date, this French deal is a fantastic price. It equates to around £18. The same set is £45 in the UK!!

FRANCE: Jimi Hendrix / Electric Ladyland 3CD+blu-ray – €27 DEAL OVER!

2018 Bernie Grundman remaster with early demos, Live at the Hollywood Bowl and a 5.1 mix on the blu-ray! Tremendous price.

Prince / 1999 5CD+DVD box set

FRANCE: Prince 1999 5CD+DVD box – €55 €60

Already apparently out-of-print in the USA, get this while you can when it’s both cheap and available!

FRANCE: David Bowie / Spying Through A Keyhole vinyl box – €19 €30

UK: Ash / ’94-’04 sevenvinyl box – £25 £37

In truth, this was always a bit of a flawed product (20 singles pressed over the A and B-sides of ten vinyl records) but at this price all that is forgiven!

USA: Prince / Originals 2LP purple vinyl + CD deluxe – $24

Excellent price in the US for the deluxe book set with the vinyl records and the CD. This is about £20. UK price right now is £35 by way of comparison.

USA: Pink Floyd / The Later Years$293

Cheapest price to date in the US for the recent Later Years box set. Fear not UK fans, it’s also down to a £276 in the UK which, while not quite as good as the US price, is still the best it has been in Blighty!

UK: REM / Automatic For The People 3CD+Blu-ray – £33

UK: Simple Minds Rejuventation 2001-2014 7CD+DVD box – £43

UK: Mike OldfieldTubular Bells  – £9.99

180g ‘Back to black’ vinyl LP

UK: Siouxsie & The Banshees / Tinderbox vinyl LP – £9.99

GERMANY: Iron Maiden / Number of the Beast CD – €17 €30

Collectors box with figurine and patch

GERMANY: Bryan Ferry / Bitter-Sweet deluxeCD – €7.99  €12.99 helps fans around the world discover physical music and discuss releases. To keep the site free, SDE participates in various affiliate programs, including Amazon and earns from qualifying purchases.


119 thoughts on “This Week’s Box Set and Reissue Deals

  1. Amazon Japan seem to have a few copies of the Origins of Muse box back in stock for a decent price (110 quid or so). Well, decent compared to prices elsewhere now!

  2. My Electric Ladyland arrived, the pages in the book are all upside down! Out of stock now so can’t get a replacement. I guess for the price I paid for it I can live with having to do a headstand to read the liner notes…

  3. The Prince “Originals” vinyl set arrived yesterday. The packaging is gorgeous and the sound is amazing. This is how these sets should be presented.
    Thanks for the heads up on this now over deal.

  4. Has anyone received there bananarama coloured vinyls yet and did they come with cd editions with bonus tracks please let me know cheers

    1. The Bananarama coloured vinyls were never released with bonus tracks . It’s just a standard cd copy of the original release that comes with each coloured vinyl.

  5. Just a quick word on that Prince box. I received my Prince 1999 SDE from France. If you don’t like this box, you have no idea what musicianship is. That box blows me away. And when you finally get thru all the unreleased stuff (no hidden hits but all very high quality stuff), you get the live stuff that will blow you away even more. I’m not at all into live stuff and almost always snub the live discs in the SDE’s but this blew me away. The quality of that performance is so evident. I am greatly looking forward to the next SDE Prince box.

  6. Thanks for the Neneh Cherry link Paul, it’s still at time of writing £44.99 on UK Amazon ,a ridiculous price though’ je suis tres jolie’ paying under 22 quid from the French Amazon site.
    Merci beaucoup.

  7. Thanks! Although Electric Ladyland is my least favourite Hendrix album (funny that, I know many who think it’s his masterstroke…), I’ve got to give it another chance at that price, if only for the live disc!

      1. The Strokes were the three coloured vinyls being released in early feb. The three Banana albums were guilty pleasures and would have grabbed ‘Wow’ as well but price had gone up

  8. Hi

    Please dont laugh for me asking such a stupid question probably. I buy vinyl from overseas on Discogs , cdlp etc but living in the uk , how do you buy off amazon fr if you don’t speak/understand french ?
    I know this is a daft question, so please excuse . I just want the Neneh and the finally reduced set of all Bananarama coloured vinyls

        1. Cheers. I’ve ordered the CDs from FNAC too. Just the right side of my £15 (inc postage) I was willing to pay. I have the original album and all the singles in multiple formats from it so I don’t think that’s too miserly of me.

          And if FNAC don’t honour it I’ll be able to live without it.

      1. „Votre colis est en route“ FNAC kept it’s word. They deliver. 12,99€ for the coffret limitée well plus delivery, 16,95 total. Pretty good deal !

  9. Whilst looking at the PSB vinyl reissues on, noticed that the Bananarama coloured vinyls released last year are all 10 Euros or so bar “Please Yourself”, which remains full price.

  10. That’s it. I’ve just bought my first “I blame Paul 100%” purchase.
    The police cd box set at £15. I was in Sainsbury’s at the media section and suddenly remembered reading on this site that they will stock said box. Two seconds later I had the box in my hands, two minutes later it was mine.

    Ta Paul, A great price for a set of cds that I’ll enjoy listening to.

    In terms of value for money this major band box set resets the bar from overpriced and full of unnecessary stuff (think marbles) to great priced and full of music.

    I wonder what people think the best price, value box set is. It needn’t be simply cheap, I feel that the Genesis boxes were great value. Sadly at the time I didn’t have the money.. thus I await the next Genesis boxes with hope.

    1. It is sold out in the USA. Stock at the various Amazons in Europe seems to be ok for now but on the official Prince website it is sold out as well. It probably sold better than expected and I would imagine they will do a second print but that is speculation. For now I would grab a copy if you can.

      1. Like everyone reading this I buy too many box sets when the deal alerts come up, but this is one where you shouldn’t wait for a deal, it’s still £55 which is a bargain on Amazon UK, until you give it a listen you won’t realise how great this box set is, it’s absolutely fab.

  11. Just a word of warning on the prince – I ordered this on the last deal from US and they have sent me three incorrect items – 2 versions of the single lp and 1 version of the plain double black lp – Only managed to finally sort last night

    I eventually ordered from the UK just for peace of mind

  12. However dear PF seems the newly announced Allman Brothers 10 LP box at a gut wrenching €530 is the epitomy of gouging by media providers. Disgusting.

  13. Grabbed the Iron Maiden, although it was actually cheaper by a couple of Euro for me to buy on Amazon UK (with UK Prime membership vs. additional shipping cost to be added by Amazon DE, shipped to Ireland)

  14. I keep wondering whether Floyd will split up the Later Years box into separate sets like they did with the Early Years but there’s so little in it it probably wouldn’t be worth it for them (unless the box doesn’t sell as expected and they need to get rid of excess stock :) )

    1. I wish they would split out the long box with the CDs in it and tweak the artwork to remove references to the DVDs / Blurays and sell it for about £50. I would buy it in a shot.
      As someone only interested in the CDs the box would have to come down to the £150 mark to get me interested and that would still be steep. I mean, you can buy all the individual Early Years sets for about £125 on Amazon UK and for that you get 10 CDs.

    2. The split of The Early Years was announced at the same time (or close to it) so fans knew the options in advance. So I doubt there will be a break up of the set any time soon.
      And, there is so little content here in comparison, it’s hardly worth splitting it.

        1. I know, but a ‘box set’ as mentioned by Wim above suggests alternate takes/mixes/live cuts etc. This will be in the ‘Middle Years’ box set, as will the 5.1

          1. You are stating these things as if they are facts, which can be confusing to people (as if they’ve missed an announcement, or something). We don’t know if there will be a Middle Years box set (even if you think it’s likely) and even if there is one, we don’t know what will be in it. Fine to speculate, but please make it clear you are speculating. This goes for everyone!

          2. @Polar:
            Are you inventing fake releases?
            Do you know – with proof – that there is a “Middle Years”?
            Stop dreaming and wake up!

  15. I truly believe that the beautifully done 20 cd & 1 10″ vinyl box of Edith Piaf for 28€ gives me a lot more listening pleasure than this later PF schnickschnack.

    1. Is Edith Piaf the record they keep playing on American horror story asylum,or is that somebody else,catchy that one although if they play it four times every episode its gonna be.

  16. I bought the 1-CD highlights for £10.62, and I still think I paid too much and it’s too much later years for my own taste.

    But if the mega box drops under £50, I might be tempted… because I do think there’s about £50 worth of live material in there

    1. Yeah, I think it’s safe to say £50 is the same as saying you’re never going to own it. ;)

      That said – same likely applies to me. I think £150 is where the price needs to be, and it’s not going there any time soon either. In a year or 18 months from now, maybe….. I can wait. And wait. And wait….

    1. Yes that is true. So if you live in the USA like me, this box comes out to $320, NOT $293.
      When you look at Paul’s price comparison widget, you have to keep in mind that if you are a USA resident, the prices will be higher because taxes are NOT included and European prices will be lower because VAT IS included but Amazon takes that out when they ship to outside the EU.

      1. Long gone are the days when a US citizen could purchase almost anything on the internet with reckless abandon and no fear of paying sales tax.
        Actually not too long gone it was only last year we started paying sales tax by force.
        Those of you that claim they always paid tax are lying.
        That was probably the main reason people bought online.
        Think of how many businesses went under because of your actions!
        If it wasn’t for the free shipping with Prime I’d probably stay away from Amazon.
        Speaking of Amazon US, the Nenah Cherry is only $43.06 cd/$68.58 vinyl.
        And the Prince SDE is kinda available here. Amazon Global Store UK is the seller.
        This is very dodgy as regular Amazon has set itself up a third party seller account. Their claim is so they can offer more worldwide merchandise, but they already did. Just other people were selling it. And Amazon wasn’t happy with a cut, they wanted the entire sale. Amazon Global Store UK seems to be immune to the $3.99 shipping of most every seller by charging more for shipping. This is why I stay away from them.
        Also, they don’t offer Prime. A legit Amazon that doesn’t offer Prime shipping. This could be a problem in future as well as making them look bad and more greedy. There is no auto rip either. Not that I bother with it, but I want what I paid for.
        Couple years ago I bought a box set from Amazon Warehouse. Same deal, no auto rip, but free shipping.
        Argued with them for days for my auto rip that I don’t use, but paid for. In the end they told me Amazon Warehouse was a separate entity. Sure, one they set up, gets their merch from Amazon, and uses Amazon facilities for storage, processing and shipping.
        Only thing I choose to do is not buy from them as long as they hide behind a wall of lies.

        He he, went on a little long. I know this site sometimes posts links to product. Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes I buy them.

        1. Regarding sales taxes in the US, it still differs from state to state. The US government wants to make it so that everyone in every state pays the sales tax no matter where they are and where they are ordering from. Also some states have already gone ahead and made that the case.

          Where I live in New York state, you still only have to pay sales tax to companies that “do business” in NY, that is that have a physical presence in the state. So that is a yes to businesses like Amazon that have physical presences in many states, including NY. Unfortunately many companies, including all the major record companies, have a presence in NY

          But I buy stuff from independent stores and indie labels that have no presence in NY all the time and pay no sales tax at all. So it really depends on where you live and what your local state laws are, at least if/until the Feds force the tax scam on everybody.

  17. Bought the box for 250€.Then took the DVDs out of it and sold it for 120€ on ebay. Makes a price of 130€ for the box. And this is what it is worth (for me).

  18. Ugh, bit on the Amazon UK deal and paid about $30 more. Oh well, no way to know how low it will go. Missed out on Early Years by waiting too long and now it is prohibitively expensive.

      1. Frans, I you are living in the Netherlands or Belgium you can contact They bought the Guns n’ Roses box for me, have it shipped to their premises for only $ 30 and will then ship it to me in Belgium. Of course they charged a percentage but it is a lot cheaper in comparison with the $ 343 shipping costs if you order directly from the G n’R website. Hope this is of use to you.

  19. I am endlessly waiting for a(nother) price dip on the Floyd ‘Early Years’ box – the Later Years stuff is beyond dull. c.£250 for the Early Years set and I’ll play.

  20. That is about what I paid for the Floyd set feom a different seller on preorder…then I sold off the 5 dvds and got enough to get the Sgt Peppers box… so I feel better about my 300 dollars with that.

  21. I converted this to CAN and with taxes and import fees it comes to $434. NOT!
    I can buy it direct from for $436 all in. Still NOT!
    I have been buying from the UK and Europe for years and many times it was cheaper all inclusive, but not anymore.

  22. Hmmmm……almost tempting!!!! But I think I’ll wait a bit longer as I think there’s a much bigger drop in price coming!! If I got the Early Years from Amazon.UK for about $150 delivered to the USA…. I figure that this would go for less

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