Bonus audio stream included on the xPropaganda The Heart Is Strange blu-ray
More blu-rays now available

When we announced the SDE-exclusive blu-ray audio of xPropaganda’s forthcoming album The Heart Is Strange, we confirmed two audio streams: a Stephen Lipson Dolby Atmos mix and a PCM Stereo version. I am now pleased to confirm that the blu-ray will also feature a DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 mix!
Although the Dolby Atmos mix will fold down extremely well to 5.1 on receivers/amps that don’t feature Dolby Atmos decoding, having a dedicated 5.1 mix is definitely a very good thing and like the Atmos mix this has been creaated by Stephen Lipson. It is also exclusive to this physical blu-ray audio.
The reason this wasn’t mentioned at the time the blu-ray was announced was simply because we weren’t sure if Stephen Lipson was going to have time to do it. Thankfully, he did!
While this is great news for those who managed to pre-order the blu-ray, I’m aware plenty missed out since this was limited to just 1000 copies worldwide and many of you have been messaging me asking if we could make some more available. This hasn’t quite gone into production yet, so I have spoken to the powers that be at ZTT and UMC and have negotiated an extra 500 units. Let me stress this is not a second pressing, we are simply going to make an extra 500 to satisfying demand so that people don’t have to spend silly money on eBay listings like this one. This is still a highly limited product and this extra quantity will be despatched on or around the release date of 20 May 2022, just like the original 1000. We will endeavour to get yours to you as close to the day of release as possible (although that’s not a guarantee).
These are available exclusively via the SDE shop using this link or the buttons below – while stocks last! After Tears For Fears feedback, all postage is tracked, so expect to pay a little more for that service. In the spirit of fairness, these are limited to a maximum of two units per order (orders for more than two will be cancelled) and apologies but we cannot combine orders, so if you have placed a previous order it will be sent separately.
The Heart Is Strange is released on 20 May 2022. SDE currently has a competition running for you to win a ticket to a special xPropaganda playback event, in London, at the end of next week.
72 thoughts on “Bonus audio stream included on the xPropaganda The Heart Is Strange blu-ray”
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Now listened twice to the Blu-ray DTS 5.1. Excellent album. Excellent surround mix and the stereo is superb as well. Only slight issue that others have observed is track 4, ‘Only Human’, on the DTS 5.1 is a few dBs quieter that the rest of the album but apart from that superb.
Mine came today… chuffed :)
For anyone who missed the SDE blu this is the next best thing and a decent price too;*/*/The-Heart-Is-Strange-Limited-with-Bonus-Tracks-Signed-CD/7E6Y0000000
Paul, is there any difference whether you fold down Atmos vs 5.1 down to 2.0? I’ve done the latter but I suspect that Atmos is encoded differently. Any experience with this? Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
Thanks for facilitating the new mix.
When I listened to the TFF blu-ray, the 5.1 folded down better to stereo. At least it seemed that way because the Atmos was really quite quiet in comparison. But I was also listening on a rather beaten up laptop (connected to stereo speakers), so not optimal in any way.
I understand the difficult position for you between the many messages i’m sure you have received about getting more stock for people that have missed out and sticking to the original number allocated but I must say that people bought the item with the believe that it was limited to 1000 with no chance of more stock being acquired. I know it’s annoying missing out on an item but seriously how many of you looked at it unsure of buying it but didn’t, then as soon as it sold out wanted it. Please correct me if i’m wrong but I think the item was up for over 2 days for sale, plenty of time for anyone who really wanted it to get it. I don’t like sites selling limited editions of items only for it to increase in numbers and devaluing the item which happens far too frequently and I don’t mean for instant resale value upon release, i refer to the keepsake value and maybe after a long period you decide to sell it.
I think you need to be careful stating a certain number only for it to change after, it can be a slippery slope and would like for this not to be a frequent occurance. It’s a hard task, you don’t want to limit to say 3000 but have a hard time selling them, its a judgement call but i feel once its made it should be stuck to.
I was very disappointed to have missed the Tears for Fears version, but I fully understand that it was my fault (I actually could have bought it when in stock but kept putting it off). Afterwards I didn’t contact asking for more to be printed and just accepted I missed it, and I know on this occasion it’s before printing but it’s still the same in terms of increasing the limited edition number.
I think Alko is correct but might have expressed it in the wrong way. I am 100% sure Paul is doing this to help the many people who missed it and for no self benefit of selling more copies.
I hope my post has been respectful and informative, I love the site and the hard work you put in but just feel a legitimate reason exists to feel aggrieved about this.
You think alko is correct? And you think Paul is correct?! Make your mind up man!!!
I never said i think Paul is correct, I think his intentions are good but I clearly disagree with the increase as I have already stated. I don’t think Alko used the best terminology, but I feel his sentiment is correct. If you advertise something as being sold at a limited quantity which in this case was 1000, it should remain that way.
What’s the problem if there are 1000 or 1500 items made, eventhough it first said 1000. It’s still limited, it will still sell out quickly and will still be expensive on ebay in the futire. You, like Alko, speak of devaluating the item. I buy mine items for the music, the content, to support an artist even etc, but not for a re-sell value on ebay or the like.
i can’t check sites like SDE but once a week (and I’m lucky if I get that opportunity sometimes). two days just isnt enough time for people who really want something like this but arent aware it was for sale.
I sort of get where you are coming from but how would you have felt if the TFF had some more pressed, probably the same feeling to ones who missed out on xPropaganda the first time but ordered when the numbers were increased. Don’t get more stock pressed and those who missed out are unhappy, get more stock pressed and the buyers of the initial stock get annoyed – you just can’t win sometimes Paul!
Paul, I ordered the Propagande blu ray. Thanks formaking more available, as I missed out the first time. I believe you are an ‘honest’ guy who like to ‘help’ others with their music taste and expand their collections and that you’re not in this business to make as much profit as possible. Therefore I can only applaud you for making more units available, eventhough I have no understanding how this works in the music business and what risks you have to take for more units. And those who complain because of the value of the item decreases, as the more units are available, sod them. It’s for the music and not to have a as high as possible price on ebay. So thank you for making this (and Tff) available again
I managed to secure one of the original 1000 and am happy there are more so the music can be enjoyed by others. I get the same amount of enjoyment out of my discs if there are 1000; 1500 or 100,000 pressed. I’m happy you were able to secure a copy.
Hello Paul. Just want to say cheers mate for all of your efforts in regarding the TTF and xPropganda releases. Its brilliant too see the reaction from music fans in regards to the album’s. I was lucky enough to get a copy of the TTF(which is brilliant!!!!) and have pre-ordered the xPropganda aBlu-Rays. And with the question of being able to release more copies of the TFF album’s, I have absolutely no qualms about. The more people who get to hear the album the Atmos/5.1 mixes the better for everyone. All the best mate.
Did Bob Dylan lose credibility when he made a advert for lingerie??????
No he didn’t,,it just made him cooler!!!
Your street cred is safe with us Paul,, supply and demand ,and at the end of the day you weren’t going to fulfill the profiteering guys order any way!!
Good idea that adding dts and of course the pcm track.
It’s so funny reading the comments below. The only one who seems to be complaining is the person who bought multiple copies to stick on e-bay.
I personally didn’t miss out first time round but have no issues with more copies being produced. I didn’t purchase this because it’s limited but because I enjoy listening to surround music. As it was limited, I knew I needed to purchase early.
For those of us who want ‘music in our hands’ it’s essential these Dolby Atmos mixes are issued as stand alone blu-rays and not just for streaming only services. A couple of recent Atmos mixes have been issued on expensive box sets, let’s hope these can have a stand alone release even at £22 which is double the price of a standard CD.
When I ordered mine, I was really happy I would own something that was really limited. I never get lucky with this kind of stuff.
Now I see 500 more units will become available. I see it as 500 more folks that can share in the joy I felt!!
and 2000 or 2500 is still limited in my book :-)
Exactly. Share the happiness! I ordered first time around, but did not order anymore as I don’t need anymore, let others be happy too!
Great that you can address demand pre production. Maybe going forward pre-orders well in advance a good idea to ascertain demand before going to print, but pretty sure you’re on to this.
I however can’t understand why people are getting so excited about a band (or part of a band) who last released an album nearly 40 years ago, and have just released a couple of average singles! Each to their own but I do think alot, especially newbies, are getting caught in the hype around formats and limited numbers, but in the end, of course the music is king.
I like the past but also probably discover at least 2-3 quality releases a week, primarliy by new(ish) bands. This year weve had excllent albums by, Soda Blonde(elegant electro pop), Lo Moon (for Talk Talk/TFF fans), Modern Studies, Nilufer Yanya, to name but a few. There are great new sounds out there, you just wont find them in the top 40.
I really like both singles and the album is fantastic. It is new music at the end of the day and they are a ‘new’ band of sorts but of course this has a lineage back to the glory days of ZTT in the mid-1980s which unsurprisingly is appealing to many SDE readers.
Thanks Paul! I wasn’t quite sold on this release when you initially announced it but this last single got my attention… (My wife’s German and sometimes given to didactic pronouncements. What can I say?)
Plus, truth told, if my TFF purchase was motivated by a sudden nostalgia for the band and gratitude for SDE’s role in my late-life fandom, this time around I’m just impressed as I watch you parry all these BS complaints, whether from disingenuous scalpers or litigious, hyperliteral types with too much time on their hands… Keep up the great work–
Good news. Not fan enough of the band to buy it but happy for those who missed out and wanted it.
One suggestion could be to reverse the process : instead of pressing 1,000 copies (or commiting to press 1000) and then selling them (could be risky), why not make a kind of pre-sale to gauge interest during a short period (2 weeks or one month) and then adjust the commitment to the number of copies pre-sold during that period. That way you’re guaranteed not to lose money and customers can’t complain item was sold out in 2 days if they had a full month to “pre-order” it with a guarantee they would get one copy. It’s similar to crowfunding which is a current practice for musicians, artists, etc.
The problem with limited editions like this one is maybe 5000 people would have bought it if it was limited to 5000. Obviously you can’t take a risk and press 5000 copies out of the blue but with customers cooperation (willingness to buy a product 6 or maybe up to 9 months in advance), it may be feasable ?
Obviously I’m not an expert and I don’t know how deals work with record companies and record plants but I’d be interested to know if it can be done and if others readers would be willing to pre-order an item without knowing the final number of units produced.
There would, I suspect, still be people complaining that they missed out on the pre-sale.
You’d add a number of X to those who definitely preordered, so that there would be a number of copies still available after release date. X could be, let’s say, 500.
The question that needs to be asked is, did anybody buy this solely because it was limited to 1,000 copies, and if they did would they have refused to buy it had the number been 1,500? Seeing as the TFF set was limited to 2,000 and it still sold out in a day, then I suspect the answer is a resounding “no” and any criticism is down to the person being arsey and nothing more.
To be honest this is Paul’s website if people are getting upset because there is demand for a product and he makes more available then all power to him and glad for those who like the artist. I got the TFF release and I personally Couldn’t give a hoot if he makes another 2,000 or 3,000 if there’s a demand then what’s the problem. There is a lot more stuff in this World to be upset about and I don’t think Blu-ray Discs are one of them.
You carry on Paul, and good on you for satisfying demand. If it stops people selling them for £60 I think we all would want that – apart from the Scalpers that is!.
Chuffed to bits that the print run has been increased. I missed out on the first announcement so this news is most welcome. Order placed.
I am happy for those who failed to buy, but thus you have lost your credibility. If you say “it will not be reprinted” and then reprint it works like this.
It isn’t being ‘reprinted’.
Time and time again we see posts from people who have not read the article but just want to post their thoughts without the requisite knowledge. “It’s in the article” must be imprinted on your brain Paul. Glad for people who have got a second chance. It’s an increased print run. *Not* a reprint. Repeat after me…….
You like to joke with words, but “1.000 copies only” was not written by me. I have well read the article, it is you who do not accept criticism
I was interested to see how many people would not be happy. So far it’s only you.
I think music should be available for everybody, so this extended number of copies is not only welcome, I think it should be the norm.
Why keep whatever music out of reach of anyone on the grounds that “it was limited”. Music should be limited to all the people who want to own a copy of it, at an affordable price.
Thank you a lot Paul for listening to all the people who cried for an extended number of copies.
Dear Paul, I have followed your site since its creation and I really appreciate what you have done to date. I thought criticisms were also accepted; if you are, as you are, a collector, you know very well that quantities make up the price. If the problem is to avoid speculation, just limit the number of copies you can buy, if instead you just want to sell more copies, do as you just did. In any case, whether they are 1,000 or 1,500 or 3,000, not being numbered, it makes no difference
Your criticism was published so your voice has been heard. You think I have “lost credibility”. Fine. You are entitled to that opinion and you are lucky that I’m fair enough to let it be published. I can see how many copies of the blu-ray you ordered, so really isn’t the truth that you are feeling upset that you are not going to make as much money out of re-selling them?
First off Paul, thanks for this & TFF as well. I am making assumptions here & not asking for confirmation or denial…it is your business. I assume that SDE is not a mega conglomerate with huge turnover , reserves, profits etc. I also assume that there is knowledge of readership, visits & interests upon which a risk is taken investing in a product that could conceivably cost the business & Paul dearly. Thus a compromise number of units is arrived at, cost vs probable sales, that would be why it is 1,000 units & also why 3,000 would possibly be fatal, with lead times money out vs money in all contributing. We could all criticise but it isn’t our money or livelihood being invested. So once again, thanks for this.
I see this as making a medium many readers have commented on available on certain albums. I think it’s fair to suggest the number of units is about estimating the size of the market for blu ray and trying to prove there is a market to the record companies. I never took this as limited for a collectors item. I hope the interest here will generate more of these releases and in time I am sure Paul will get a better handle on the level of demand and initial order numbers. I think your comments/criticism is harsh in this case.
What a strange outlook. You’re happy for the consumer, but not for the provider of the product who has invested time, energy and money into something that would otherwise be unavailable. if it was all about so called ‘credibility’, then there would be no trade anywhere in the world. If I was Paul and the demand, which at the start is only a guestimate, had exceeded expectations, I’d print away, satisfy demand, make money and then take the cheap shots of ‘lost credibility’.
I have sympathy for people who say there aren’t enough copies.
I don’t have sympathy for those who say there are now too many.
C’mon, readjust yourself.
So glad you’re sticking it to scalpers by issuing 500 more copies.
So I presume one of our readers has decided to on sell his/her pre-order from SDE on ebay for about 140% profit. Not illegal by any stretch but where are your morals? To each his own.
Shame you can’t cancel the order Paul.
Blood records have done exactly that, cancelled pre-orders of their titles that appear for sale on ebay.
Then put them back up for sale. Orders are traced through email.
Below is the response to one irate scalpers whinge after cancellation.
“the point is that as a retailer we legally couldn’t & wouldn’t want to tell you what to do with a product you received. I would hope that you’d enjoy & cherish the record but you’re absolutely right that isn’t in my business to dictate to customers what they do with a product. But we are talking about here is selling a record that is on pre-order from us at double the price before you’re in possession of it. This is very different. This is in violation of both our terms of service & ebay’s terms of service.
I wish everybody would do the same. Alert the stores of resellers on ebay. Match up the email addresses & bingo.
I was told of a very clever person, listing his rsd trophies on ebay via his mobile at the checkout, before he’d bought the items. The owner just smiled and refused to sell them to him.
But how can you really tell? You can’t see ebay sellers’ emails addresses so how can you match them up with customers who pre-ordered from the orginal retailer?
You can see their actual addresses?
I din’t think so. On eBay you see the country and city where it’s shipped from.
Obviously if it’s NY, LA, London or Paris or another big city, you can’t match it to a customer but if the ebay seller is from a small/medium city or suburb then you can do it. For example, if the seller is from Macclesfield and you only have one customer from that city who bought the limited edition then it’s quite easy to see it’s the same person.
When it’s a pre-order, the seller has the right to cancel the order. If it’s a club with membership subscription then the buyer’s subscription can be terminated. It’s what Jack White’s Third Man Records do with resellers for Vault Membership. If they see a Vault exclusive product on Ebay then they terminate the membership of the ebay seller. Check TRM’s Vault FAQ and you’ll find a paragraph about their policy on flippers.
That’s kind of what I meant.
Fair comment but I think retailers begin to work out who the regular flippers are. A retailer in Edinburgh cancels orders from eBay resellers so I’m assuming they have a list of suspects they’ve drawn up over time. Not easy though
And a shame I can give this comment just the 1 thumbs up.
Good news !! And what about TFF Blu-ray can you negociate more extra units ?
Thinking about what we can do to help those that missed out on TFF…
Another good news. Thanks for your answer. I’m looking for the Atmos Mix at least. Hope you can do something
Excellent news. Any chance of getting the instrumentals onto the blu-ray even if it is PCM stereo? That would make it a complete all in one package.
No, I asked! :)
Dang, there goes the karaoke! :-)
Awesome news. I’ve always preferred DTS audio.
Ordered, thanks Paul. I’m one of those who missed out the 1st time. Yes yes yes, I dare to admit it… :-/
Like this “Beauty is Truth” track. Reminds me of Krafwerk at times
Great work again Paul….I’ve just ordered it quickly before it sells out
This release just keeps getting better all the time. Bravo Paul…. Bravo….
Thank you
Great move Paul to add the 5.1 mix and an additional 500 copies. Any change the TFF will get additional copies too?
Thanks. We are thinking about what we can do for people who’ve missed out on TFF…
Great news for those who missed out the first time. And also great news we are getting an additional mix on blu ray. Paul working hard for his readers.
Excellent news, Paul.
Btw, if you can convince the powers-that-be to release a 5.1 blu-ray for the Go West debut (there’s no hi-res component, surround or otherwise in the recently announced boxed-set) I will die a happy man.
I’d gladly settle for a Blu-ray of DD’s Future Past release. NR is dabbling with 3D audio already, so why not do a 5.1?
This is absolutely brilliant news, Paul!
Thanks for caring!