Coloured vinyl of David Bowie’s Space Oddity album available at Paul Smith

David Bowie‘s 1969 single ‘Space Oddity’ was issued exactly 50 years ago today. To mark the occasion a special coloured vinyl edition of David Bowie – David’s 1969 album that was later reissued as ‘Space Oddity’ – is being made available only via Paul Smith stores.
The album is being pressed on a blue and yellow patterned vinyl with 3,000 copies are being made available worldwide.This patterned finish is created by hand, so each vinyl record is a unique “one-off piece of art”.
These can be purchased via ‘selected’ Paul Smith stores, although, happily, you can also order online (limited to one per customer). This is the UK link, for example. The price is £25 plus shipping and these go on sale today!
Additionally, a small-scale exhibition of limited edition photographic prints by Vernon Dewhurst and Ray Stevenson will take place at No. 9 Albemarle Street from July 11th to August 6th.
Side 1
1. Space Oddity
2. Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed
3. Letter to Hermione
4. Cygnet Committee
Side 2
1. Janine
2. An Occasional Dream
3. Wild Eyed Boy from Freecloud
4. God Knows I’m Good
5. Memory of a Free Festival
54 thoughts on “Coloured vinyl of David Bowie’s Space Oddity album available at Paul Smith”
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Unless you have to have every version of everything (practically impossible in this day and age) – My advice would be to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, open your eyes and see if you have better luck getting the next one… or the one after that, or the one after that…
For those curious but wishing to keep theirs sealed, this is the same faulty master as contained in the Five Years boxed set. So pretty to look at, but flawed audio.
What was wrong with the master used in Five Years?
Towards the end at the end of the final word of Space Oddity, there is a strange buzz on the word ‘moon’. That one doesn’t leap out, but once you’ve heard it there’s no going back.
The same sound crops up in Cygnet Committee at the end of the “the dawn chorus for someone emse to hear.” That one’s a lot more obvious.
But what should have led to the lp being replaced of the cut in Memory Of A Free Festival.
“Resting on our hands, it was God’s land” becomes “Resting on our hands, it was Godland.”
I’m assuming most people thank that’s quibbling, it’s just an S, that’s all.
Imagine the uproar if Sgt Pepper had the same edit in A Day In The Life. “Four thousand hole in Blackburn, Lancashire.”
Just another of so many examples of shoddy work with the Bowie catalogue and no attempt being made to rectify clear errors.
Parlophone are well aware but don’t care.
The expensive BOWPROMO box with the channels reversed and playing at the wrong speed. We are just supposed to shrug our shoulders and never play it.
It’s a shame that there’s a real lack of care being taken.
Play the nice expensive RSD BOWIE NOW reproduction.
High quality everything that matters, except the music which seems to matter, not so much.
Side one, track 5, Neuköln.
Those with an original copy will know that this track fades in.
This is to compensate that on the album it crossfades out of Moss Garden.
On the RSD faithful reproduction?
It just cuts in, at the cue point on the cd.
It’s literally the cd track dropped onto vinyl and nobody listened to it and said “hold on, that starts abruptly, let’s fade it in.”
No apology acknowledging the error, no recall.
These are simple errors.
Not complaints about heavy handed remastering and loudness etc.
Just mistakes that should have been noticed with even a basic QA.
And if spotted after the event, should be acknowledged.
But maybe i’m alone in expecting that, and these records are intended just for looking at and not for playing.
Art is subjective, I really like the design and would have bought this if I’d found out early enough. Now £150+ on discogs!
I don’t think the estate are making much out of this, 3000 @£25 is only £75k retail, I don’t begrudge them this as I’d have been pleased to own it. Shame so many bought to sell on. Limited to one per person so not much more could be done to stop it.
I wonder if this was announced with 1 days notice to avoid flippers?
How would that work ? Those who wish to make a profit are perfectly entitled to do that,didn’t Bowie spend his life making a profit from record sales and tours ?
Has anyone seen Tony Visconti’s thoughts on the Bowie doll on twitter?
He doesn’t hold back!
Blue and yellow…the sleeve is blue and green? Surely a version of the iconic PS stripes would have been more apt.
It won’t silence the critics, but I just took delivery of my copy (ordered yesterday), and it looks *stunning*. I already had it on vinyl in the Five Years box, but am gonna upgrade my box by replacing the black vinyl with this one. One of my favourite Bowie albums, to boot.
Compared to Spying Through A Keyhole and The Clareville Grove Demos, this was a positive bargain. Only downside is that the front cover has a Paul Smith sticker attached in the bottom right hand corner.
Ebay scalpers 1 – Genuine Bowie fans 0
I think the score is probably –
Ebay Scalpers: 2,500 – Genuine Bowie Fans: 500
If I ever bring out an album it’s gonna be called “Limited Edition” (after I open a pub called “The Gym”)
… And today another news, a Barbie Bowie has been released!
I thought that was a joke…until I Googled it. Sheesh more Bowie vinyl!
Bought the big super deluxe lp box sets…
And before, i had the original lp, bought the japaneese 78 lp edition, bought the Ryko cd edition with extra tracks, bought the 2cd deluxe edition…
Love this album so much, listened to it hundreds of time but this time i will pass !
DOZENS of copies already on E-Bay …. At ridiculous mark ups
Serious Bowie lovers don’t stand a chance … It’s outrageous !!!!
NOTE TO PAUL :- I saw this post first thing Paul, I’d love to know what time you posted it??
Who on earth or what on earth is Paul Smith?
The ever more surreal routes music lovers have to undertake for the privilege of making very rich people even richer circus goes on and on ……
Surprised people don’t knowvwho he is, but probably a European thing..
Paul Smith is a British fashion designer – The Next Day LP was also released as a limited edition – Red vinyl by Paul Smith
Another pointless release that sells out the day it is announced. Actually even quicker than that. Bull shit.
I’m starting to see messages online that this is already sold out. I guess that guarantees more of this nonsense. I assume people are getting them for the investment…
Never mind, for all those who missed out why not go for the DB inspired Barbie?
Now, if that was life sized, i`d be all over that!! ( literally.. Phnaaaar)…
“Why is Paul Smith releasing this?”
“The new release is the latest chapter in an on-going partnership between Paul Smith and David Bowie, which has continued after the artist’s sad passing in 2016. Friends for many years, David and Paul collaborated on projects including creating a special red vinyl version of David Bowie’s album The Next Day in 2013 and a series of special edition T-shirts for David Bowie’s final album, ★ (Blackstar) in 2016.”
I tried to think of something constructive to write, but all I can come up with is..
It’s hideous and I’d rather give £25 to charity than own that thing.
It’s butt ugly… is that really the best Paul Smith can do? And it has nothing to do with the sleeve art.
Do we know where David liked to buy burgers? Or coffee? Or his groceries? Maybe Asda and Burger King will be doing exclusive vinyl of some of his old music soon – hand-ketchup-splattered vinyl. Fantastic.
Managed to buy from UK site with UKP30 for postage to Australia then saw click and collect and they happen to have a store in my home town of Melbourne. Ordered, they removed VAT so paid 20 quid, no postage and can collect from store in town. All up I paid AU$39 and the Melbourne Paul Smith store is selling it for AU$45. Win / win for me for once.
how the hell did you manage to do that?
i’ve looked at the Australian Paul Smith website and can see no mention of vinyl being offered for sale. maybe a visit to the actual shop perhaps?
The estate is really milking the Bowie fans dry. And I’m sure they barely scratched the surface.
All gone so hopefully everyone who wanted a copy managed to get in quick. Got mine around 9.15am
Ordered !
Thank you Paul .
I saw your Twitter post earlier this morning.
That cash cow must be a herd by now
Ordered, I love it! ;)
£25? For a single LP? Surely it should come in a box and cost £90??????
It’s funny you should say that because most PS products are hideously expensive. For instance his leather football for £135.00.
Already “notify me when this product is in stock” = sold out at
Product is sold out
They ship to selected countries, no worldwide.
Great LP – love the coloured effect – ordered – thanks Paul! Now how may copies of this album do I have now… :-)
Brilliant! Thank you for the heads up.
Paul Smith a clothes designer. Postage is from £5 or you can click and collect from the stores listed on the webpage. A very nice collector release.
Psul Smith. Nice.
Their / his tie in (no ounce intended) with REM was interesting too.
Shouldn’t ‘Space’ vinyl be…
This represents a black hole, the place where the budget of Bowie fans seems to go nowadays
Who/what is Paul Smith?
Exactly what I was thinking
Glad I was not the only one
He is a very famous British men’s fashion designer. I think he was a friend of Bowie’s for a long time.
Cheers. Still available via that link as of 9.33am. :)
Is there any other online outlet that has got a few still stocked in? This is about as easy as getting a bloody Glasto ticket these days alas I’m never go na bother to go cos it’s all the greed of the plastic flexi brigade that snap em up each damn year its announced just to make a killing off regular average fans. I think Eavis should bloody well stop it but he’s a businessman these days not a farmer!! He probs makes more at the annual event or is it bi-annual anymore I don’t even care than he does with 5 bloody years of crop growth!!! You see where I’m coming from these albums will get touted around even now for 120 to 150 quid and they are not genuine fans of Bowie at all just fly by nights!! Enough said gripe over!!