Kate Bush’s Hounds Of Love to be reissued later this year
“Special presentations of vinyl and CD”

Kate Bush’s 1985 album Hounds Of Love will be reissued on CD and vinyl later this year, it has been announced.
The album spawned the hit single ‘Running Up That Hill’ which reached number three back in 1985 and then hit number one in the UK last year thanks to its inclusion in Netflix’s Stranger Things. The album spawned three other top 40 UK singles in ‘Cloudbusting’, ‘Hounds of Love’ and ‘The Big Sky’.
Side 2 is home to the conceptual The Ninth Wave which was performed live on stage in its entirety during Kate’s Hammersmith Odeon residency in 2014 and, from Kate’s back catalogue, only the 1986 hits compilation The Whole Story has sold more copies in the UK than Hounds Of Love.

Hounds Of Love remains the only Kate Bush studio album that has been expanded into any kind of ‘deluxe’ edition when in 1997 EMI issued a new CD edition as part of its Centenary celebrations with a modest six extra tracks.
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This Hounds Of Love reissue news was actually a footnote in an announcement posted on Kate’s website about the fact that she is moving her albums from Warner Music Group to independent music company The state51 Conspiracy. Here’s the list of albums that are impacted:
The Dreaming
Hounds of Love
The Sensual World
The Red Shoes
Directors Cut
50 Words For Snow
The Kick Inside (USA only)
Lionheart (USA only)
Never For Ever (USA only)
Kate also shows off new logos for her ‘Fish People’ label at the same time.
There is no detail about Hounds Of Love as yet. The exact wording is “We’ll be re-releasing the Hounds of Love album in special presentations of vinyl and CD later in the year. We’ll keep you posted”.
What would you like to see on a Hounds Of Love reissue? Leave a comment.
124 thoughts on “Kate Bush’s Hounds Of Love to be reissued later this year”
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A DTS HDMaster 5.1 , Atmos remix by Steven Wilson will be great !!!! with a nice boxset like the Jethro Tull Reissues , CD + BD Audio , Booklet , Picture ….. we can dream
Yes Atmos remix by Steven Wilson
Yes, exactly what I wish for, but I’m not holding my breath!
Even though Steven has made it clear he wants to do HoL, and Kate would obviously retain full control over any release, I’ll be amazed if she’s gone for it. If only, eh?
The “Special Presentation” will be a sticker on the package that says, “Featured in NETFLIX’s hit series STRANGER THINGS”.
It won’t even have any extra tracks or artwork.
(I HOPE I’m wrong!)
I’d be hoping for a 5.1 mix at least, or even better, a Blu Ray Atmos mix – and hopefully a similar treatment for ‘The Dreaming’ and ‘The Sensual World’ – to name but two of my other fave albums by KB………AND, affordable like the recent Tears For Fears releases (rather than megabucks Super Ultra Plutonium Mega Deluxe box sets, yes, there’s a market for that too, but come on……give music lovers without bottomless pockets a chance as well…..)
Weren’t her albums remastered a few years ago ?
Back in 1990, she released the This Woman‘s Work box set and people started the same talk about how it feels to them as a sign that she has retired and nothing else is to be expected from her anymore. Same after the long gap between The Red Shoes and Aerial. After that, as the years went on, Aerial was considered her final masterpiece. Everybody was dead sure, she would never ever play live again. And now, after switching labels and going through the effort of revamping her website, people are still believing that she has retired. Because of the remaster box sets. If we took that as a sign of retirement, we should probably have written off Macca ages ago. Anyhow …
I really wish for a 5.1 treatment for HOL preferably on SACD (like Pink Floyd) but with the Stranger Things Mixes as Bonus Tracks. For that, a blu ray would probably be the better format. But please, do not forget the high res stereo track on either. For Vinyl, I would go for a blood red swirl edition. Let‘s see:)
PS. Apart from the fact that I would love to see all of her albums in 5.1 or Dolby Atmos spatial audio at least (especially the dense TRS) The Dreaming and Aerial are the next obvious choices for me! Come on, dear Kate, HOL is out there in gazillions of versions. It is fantastic, but those two are right up there if not better, in case of TD. Don‘t sell yourself short ;)
Love (Not just to her, but to all of you on here)
How about mono version? Wouldn’t that be nice? Like Phil Spector use to say: BACK TO MONO!
I’d give up on hoping for a blu-ray/DVD of Before The Dawn guys. She filmed it as everyone knows but clearly she didn’t like what she saw (for those who were there you can maybe guess why). As for this new reissue I’m hoping for SEPARATE cd & vinyl deluxe editions with a book and remastered videos with, as many have said, The Big Sky album version restored and of course all the various edits. Brilliant as it is, its not my favourite of hers (The Kick Inside and Lionheart have it beat) but it is her most famous and acclaimed so maybe its time to make a real fuss of it, especially with the shot in the arm it got last year.
The more I look at those 2 boxsets from a few years back the more they look like a retirement package so I’m not holding my breath about this one.
I’m not a KB fan but am mildly curious (I wasn’t there!) as to what it could be that she “didn’t like”…
I’m guessing the film isn’t as impressive a spectacle, visually, as Kate expected it to be. Most concert films look bland and can be a bit boring to view; and certainly don’t represent the experience of being at a concert, where it’s immersive and all the senses are heightened. Kate’s concerts were an overwhelming emotional outpouring of love, and that’s just the audiences reactions ( I went to three of them), but I doubt the Blu-ray would do this justice.
As a fan, I’d love for the concert film to come out!
I can see them going to town with a big £250 box set including everything we want and a bunch of stuff we dont. For me its her finest work that was on my walkman on the train to and from london for about a year so I have listened to it conciously and subconciously (whilst asleep) and whilst the original mixes are perfection I am happy and ready to be introduced to different versions. It is in my top 3 albums of all time, along with chas n daves jambouree bag number 2 and Shaddap You Face by Joe Dolce, waiting for SDE’s of those as well ;-)
Guys … it’s going to be the original album but with a Stranger Things image on the cover, like a TV tie-in edition of a novel. Don’t get your hopes up
do you have internal information confirming that?
(not asking you to name your source – just wanting to know if this is speculation or not)
Also if this is indeed the case then why exactly they couldn’t have done it back last June – when it would surely have shifted far more units – is beyond me.
I’d love to get the complete version: all single versions (7” and 12”), all B-sides, any existing outtakes, radio and TV recordings, a DVD with the videos and any available TV presentations. And a new interview with Kate talking about the album would be a treat, but I don’t think it’d ever happen. Then again, who knows? Stranger Things (wink) have happened…
I’d be in with a grin if they remixed the album in 2-channel and put it on an SACD rather than a Blu-ray disc. I’ve never seen the point. My SACD player sounds 50 percent better than any Blu-ray player I’ve ever heard.
I would love a 5.1 mix myself.
Aren’t the airy synths of Running Up That Hill just begging for surround sound?
I hope it will include remastered Blu
ray music videos of the singles from Hounds of Love. A nice collectors box would be very nice too!
A collection of all the singles together with the music videos would be great too.
Oh and maybe a new album too!
I hope “special presentation” means live hounds are included.
This will not improve Kate
s chances of getting in the Rock Hall.. . just for the younger crowd which already des not own it, or even knew of it’s existence.
I think the Marillion EMI boxsets have it correct with an LP version and a CD version, with blu-ray.
Obviously this means people buy what they can play, and the CD boxsets being around £30 helps ;-)
As far as content is concerned, I agree with the earlier tracklisting in this thread, and would hope the LP is a double with b-sides and extras on record two, and a new remix (or remaster) of the original album on record one. I don’t think a multi-album LP boxset would be too appealing due to the lack of unreleased material ….
Before The Dawn blu-ray is a must (Kate, if you are reading this, haha), but unlikely. I am not interested in vinyl. A stack of extras on CD and anything else she can find and I will likely buy it.
The obvious option is a 2CD version with the original album version of The Big Sky restored and and additional disc of b-sides and 12″ mixes.
The dream? Blu-ray with the album in hi rez and 5.1 and the videos that were released on video/laserdisc as ‘The Hair Of The Hound’
As much as I love Kate I am struggling to see the point of this release, unless it has a number of tracks we are all missing. But many of us invested in the Other Sides set – which was something worth buying. It seems there’s reluctance from Kate to release Before the Dawn on Blu-Ray (I don’t understand why when it was filmed). But that’s what the thousands of fans (like me) who could not go to that show are waiting on! I’ll make my mind up when more details come out but seems an easy pass
Well ,finally i agree with Alastair. Even if i am a regular reader (an addict) of the SDE site and if i like being informed of all the reissues ,releases and deluxe editions and boxes sets i am not going to buy it at any price . And i had practicaly everything in my collection those last years : David Bowie Station to station box set (the ultimate fan experience one) Achtung Baby Uber deluxe box set, U2 360 box set, Porcupine Tree the Incident deluxe box, Peter Gabriel So deluxe (with SO DNA cd..) Pink Floyd Echoes compilation on vinyl, all King Crimson deluxe boxes set …and more RSD vinyl releases ..
The fact i that turning 60 i decided to get space in my collection so i sold them on public second hand events (called vide grenier in France) for 40 or 50 euros the boxes set and 10 euros the vinyls. People are happy to get these items in perfect conditions for 1/3 price and i am happy to talk with them about music. It’s like being a recordstore seller for one day.
Don’t panic i still got my White album Abbey Road and Get Back lp deluxe sets, In Absentia 3cd/BR deluxe (and waiting for Deadwing reissue) and Steven Wilson HCE and To the Bone deluxe sets.
Not thrilled by the KB announce, the mini cd box set i got were a miss in my opinion .
I am 58 and these last couple of years I have gone through a similar process. I have just about sold or donated most of my box sets and only kept the Beatles (including John and Paul solo) and the few Elton boxes I have. I have also let go of about 600 plus CD albums the same way. One of the main reasons for offloading the box sets was as a completist, I got tired of dreading how much the next instalment would be. I still have that fear for any future Macca Archive(s) but I just can’t let the Archive boxes go. Suppose if you ‘love love’ something it’s more difficult, but that realisation after an elongated clearing out of stuff means you can at least filter harder in the future.
Please restore Big Sky. I’ll take another version of this album. I don’t mind paying Kate for her work. She doesn’t perform live. This is her income.
This is gonna be enormous! ‘Hounds Of Love’ will receive that 6CD/Bluray (with Atmos 7:1/Hi Rez Stereo) S.D.E. and a 12LP S.D.E. we’ve all been waiting for. The state51 Conspiracy have also prom………’kin hell the alarm clock just went off!!!!!!!!!
Wish I could be enthused about this, but Kate’s track record does not allow for optimism. She seems entirely disinterested in what her fans want. Perhaps someone could introduce her to Robert Fripp, who could counsel her on how to do a proper presentation of such an important album.
D’you know what, I’m getting worried about myself. It’s not so long ago I would have been excited by this news. But now, even although this is one of my all time favourite albums, I don’t think I’m interested any more at the prospect of “special presentations” whatever they may turn out to be. I am quite happy with the original master and the remastered editions, along with the extras included on The Other Sides. I don’t know what would tempt me, but I would guess it will be expensive in any case, and I’m done being fleeced. The recent Revolver and Beach Boys boxes would have been must buys for me previously, but they are, and have remained, far too expensive, and don’t have enough new audio content. I have also not bought the Bowie box which does have great content, but is also pricey. I’m much more excited now in catching up on all the releases from the golden age of CDs that I missed, and seeing what Atmos blurays Paul releases.
There will be a good term for what you’re feeling – ‘disappointment fatigue’? ‘worn out with apathy’?, or just ‘fed up’? Whatever the right term is, it isn’t your fault. The problem lays at the door of a music industry that loves the glow of streaming income flows, and has made it more restrictive (atmos) and more expensive to enjoy physical releases. It’s no wonder that SDE gets great support for the new Atmos Pure Music Blue-ray discs, as it is giving something back to physical music purchasers that otherwise wouldn’t happen.
It’s called the inflation blues
“corporate greed” in reality…..very little is actual “inflation”
A proper Conversation Piece style SDE would of course be a lovely thing. But I’d prioritise a Blu-Ray release of Before The Dawn over this, no contest.
It would also be nice to have a proper new anthology that includes the extended period since The Whole Story. Kate’s evidently about as keen on compilations as she is on touring; who knows how many approaches for releasing a new money-spinning ‘best of’ she’s knocked back over the years. While I do admire that stance, I also think a properly curated compilation would be very timely right now: a helpful starting place for a new generation of fans and a nice summary of her artistic journey to date. As many others have observed, The Whole Story is anything but, almost four decades on…
Well said. Totally agree!
Despair? I can live with despair. It’s the hope that kills you.
Of the first 5 albums, although it is the biggest seller and a truly great album, IMHO it isn’t the best of the bunch and probably has the least potential “in era” material to play with (along with The Dreaming, probably). Although I have the potentially fatal hope, as we all do, if I were to stumble across a genie I would be wishing for the emptying of The Kick Inside vaults first. Paradoxically, I am far more likely to stumble across a genie than to get my wish granted.
I’d pay $100 for a CD album + CD of demos + Blu-ray with an Atmos/5.1 mix of each of Kate’s albums. I’d even buy it if they put the LP in it! The Kick Inside would be glorious in multi-channel because the instrumentation is impeccable.
Agree that the special presentation blurb does sound more visual than audio.
On my wish list otherwise would be for it to include the TOTEM Remix of RUTH from Stranger Things.
However it didn’t feature on the show’s soundtrack album (it did have the original) and hasn’t been released officially.
The show used several versions of RUTH at different points and the remix was a corker so well worth including here.
This whole ‘special presentation’ release of HoL might just be a belated reaction to the Stranger Things exposure, a very belated one indeed. Obviously, including that mix, would be a huge selling point for fans – but as it’s been pointed out already, selling product isn’t high on Kate’s list of interests.
Whatever a special presentation will turn out to be, a lot of people who will be soooooo disappointed. “Why did they left out this or that? Why is my favourite, although not very interesting, mix not included?”. I guess this will only see the light of day, if Kate is satisfied with the final product or even in the mood to release anything in the form of a special presentation. So probably never. Even if x-million fans can´t wait to own SDEs of the whole (!) back catalogue.
special presentation of vinyl = many different colours
Hmm. Light touch paper and stand well back! The new company obviously knows this announcement will stirr up much debate and speculation. I would think the work has already been done, as to announce it now, for release later in the year wouldn’t give them enough time to produce something worthwhile from scratch, especially if it’s involving a vinyl issue with the current pressing backlog issues. Just so long as it isn’t as disappointing as the DSOTM 50th box set.
It would be nice to have a high quality, glossy hardback book with pictures from the cover shoot along with details of hand written notes from the early developments of the album, a bit of background story from Kate herself and from others, studio shots etc. This could then incorporate either the vinyl edition or the CD edition. This new development may possibly only see the original issue albums increase in value on the back of yet another round of re issues?
As a bit of a joke, perhaps Roger Waters could re work the album, to really pee David Gilmour off, as Kate was his protégé, but Stranger Things have happened……..
Atmos mix on BD, of course.
When i read this headline, I really had to think for a minute if it was April 1st
Kate spent ages in the studio crafting this lp,so before she arrived at the final mixes and versions she was happy with it is logical to assume she recorded plenty of alternative versions .Does she destroy her outtakes/ unsatisfying versions or does she keep them? Nobody knows.But if most of the audio of her mammoth studio sessions does still exist why are they still being held onto if she aint ever going release any of these outtakes in an expanded edition of the lp?Like most really creative clever artists Kate probably wrongly assumes her outakes aren’t any good.I am guessing they are a lot better and more interesting than she assumes!
Releasing outtakes poses a problem because some of the unreleased ideas could potentially be used as the basis of, or part of a future song.
Im interested in only super deluxe box of this KB best album of here career.
Why not add just the ‘The Ninth Wave’ component of the ‘Before The Dawn’ concert on DVD as part of the Special Presentation, please, Kate and Co :-)
I noticed several comments include DVD wish/request. I’m genuinely curious, why DVD and not Blu-ray? I get that older video would most likely be SD vs. HD, but those can go on a Blu-ray too, right? I’m amazed DVDs continue to somehow remain relevant.
One reason is a lot of people still haven’t got a blu ray player let alone a 4K one. Also with streaming there is now even less reason to upgrade their players. I’ve got a 4K player and for the life of me can’t even think of a 4K music release and decent blu concerts are few and far between. Depeche Mode and U2 for example constantly favour DVD over blu. Yes both have released blu’s but not many.
I imagine the root cause is it’s not profitable to release on formats that won’t earn them big bucks…
See this question quite often and I am one of those people who never bought a blu-ray player. I got peed off having finally gone from vinyl to CD, and from VHS to DVD, only to then have a new must have format, i.e. blu-ray. I decided I did not need to update my film collection AGAIN. And it hasn’t stopped, now it’s 4K, etc. etc. I have since got a blu-ray drive so I can rip the occasional BR I get with a box set. But as Trapdoor says, streaming is here and I personally just don’t see the point in getting a BR player and re-buying all associated films to play on it.
It’s far more expensive and time consuming to prepare and create material for Blu-Ray. So you’d have to really want to do it for it’s own ends as you wouldn’t be doing it for a huge financial boost. Also, unless the raw material is in HD or above all you would stand to gain is a slight, potential audio boost. There is the advantage of the ability to put a whole SDE on a single Blu-Ray but again, apart from the above issues who would pay the going rate of maybe £70+ for a 3 / 4 CD set plus Book + DVD if all that was offered was a single Blu-Ray and Book? Yes, it would technically be a better product but who would buy it?
It does call in to question the few, high quality outliers like the Marillion SDEs. Picking up a very good 4CD and Blu-ray for under £30 does make a mockery of very poor SDEs (to me) like the Older SDE for which they still want £120+ and I ignored even as it breeched sub-£85.
DVDs appeared in 1996 and Blu-rays in 2006. So we’ve had Blu-rays for 17 years and DVDs for 27. The players and TVs to display Blu-ray resolution have become cheaper over time. While I can understand the reluctance to adopt 4K Blu-ray (despite prices coming down), it baffles me that consumers have not adopted Blu-ray when the players will typically play DVDs, upgrade DVD video, and provide better video and sound quality. Even some gaming platforms can also play Blu-rays. It can’t be just cost.
The only music Blu-ray plus book set I can think of is the Kraftwerk 3-D Catalogue which was 4 Blu-rays plus a thick heavy picture book with no text for around £100 at the time. Granted producing a Blu-ray costs more but as you point out that Marillion are doing it relatively cheaply, and in addition others produce Blu-ray audio discs for £20-£25, so it can be done affordably.
While I have not figured out how to rip Blu-rays for in-house streaming, I appreciate CD+Blu-ray sets and Blu-ray Audio discs like the SDE Surround Series. Putting Blu-rays in boxed sets gets tricky. Many just want the Blu-ray so adding more things to a boxed set suppresses sales. But as you write, a Blu-ray with everything sold separately would depress boxed set sales with the Blu-ray. CD+Blu-ray Boxed sets should offer a reward for those buying the boxed set that can’t be acquired in a standalone Blu-ray (unique material on the CDs?).
My biggest beef is with boxed sets which bury a Blu-ray with CDs plus vinyl plus tat (Rush- AFtK, Hemispheres, and MP, DSoTM). I am very consciously trying not to buy music media I can’t play or don’t want (i.e. vinyl) just to get digital and hi-res and multi-channel music.
I would sign for an Atmos version of the album
What I really want is a dvd box with all the promo videos, TV presentations, concert footage, etc…
I know it’s probably impossible because of rights issues, but I wish they could include her live version of RUTH with Dave Gilmour, which would be period authentic.
He’s too busy squabbling with Waters for that fella!
To me Special Presentation sounds more visual than aural. I’m not holding my breath on this one.
Here’s what I’d like
CD1: Hounds Of Love Remastered
CD2: Hounds Of Love Original 1985 CD
CD3: Bonus material
01 Running Up That Hill (Extended Version)
02 Cloudbusting (The Organon Remix)
03 Hounds Of Love (Alternative)
04 The Big Sky (Meteorological Mix)
05 Experiment IV (12″ Version)
06 Under The Ivy
07 Burning Bridge
08 My Lagan Love
09 The Handsome Cabin Boy
10 Jig Of Life
11 Not This Time
12 Wuthering Heights (New Vocal)
13 The Big Sky (Special Single Mix)
14 Experiment IV
15 Running Up That Hill (Instrumental)
CD4: Demos
BD: 5.1 Mix
Music videos
Electronic press kit for The Whole Story
Don’t forget the excellent Video Mix of ‘Cloudbisting’ … otherwise a fine collection.
But really I don’t need two times the same album on CD in one set, having the 85, 97 and current remaster (with only the 97 not being in higher standards), I’d take the current master without a 7″ version replacement but a high-res stereo and 5.1 on blu-ray
There’s also a slightly extended mix of Hounds of Love from a US promo
Don’t forget this alternate version of Hounds of Love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0V6R91P0J4
If ever there was a time where a website’s comments forum could make a real impact on upcoming physical media reissues, it would be now. Whether it’s Paul or anyone else able to reach Thestate51 Conspiracy along with the new Fish People label and present them with this list of comments, and make sure they actually read them and take them to heart in service of their future customers, that would be great and thanks in advance!
How does news of this re-release in a special presentation, of one of the great albums from my favourite artist, manage to leave me with no sense of excitement? It’s quite unlike Kate to say something’s happening without then announcing the details. At least I can only be impressed if it turns out to be a brilliant release.
I’d much prefer a new album with wonderful new music.
Anyone interested in the ‘new logo’ Fish People jigsaw?
I’d buy the jigsaw. :) I’m not really a fan of KB, but I think the new logo is great!
Well Andy, you’re in luck: https://katebush.shopnylonmerch.com/shop/categories/accessories
I’d prefer the fish people black apron… ;-)
What really looks cool though is the black ‘Red Shoes’-sleeve mug.
I haven’t checked yet but i fear that shipping, VAT and import duties will make this too expensive to order.
Of course all the extended remixes (Gunter listed them below) and a 5.1 or Atmos mix but Kate has never reissued anything to great satisfaction so I would encourage people not to get too excited or carried away.
Paul, if you had secured a SDE blu-ray of this…you couldn’t possibly comment could you?
There needs to be unreleased content for me to buy again though please do not mix cd with vinyl.
One day ‘The Whole Story’ will be just that (that album urgently need updating)
I suspect this will be a big non-event.
Although it might be nice if the instrumental version of RUTH finally gets released on a digital format, which would then leave Dreamtime out on its own as the one officially-released track that has never been on CD.
Oh, and please put the correct version of The Big Sky back!
Happy for a Blu-Ray Atmos for this. Not bothered about Steven Wilson, there are plenty of other capable people about to do this stuff
The “Before the Dawn” 2014 show actually included all tracks from Hounds of Love, except “Mother Stands for Comfort”. So in that respect it would make sense to include BtD.
This is not the case because Kate didn’t perform The Big Sky during Before The Dawn.
That’s correct! Maybe I had in mind the long thundery ending of “King of the Mountain” (which was egued to The Ninth Wave).
2-LP 45rpm
Gatefold sleeve (has been done on two? audiophile LP issues though)
video: “The Ninth Wave” part of the “Before the Dawn” 2014 show (was filmed)
the 4 promo videos + And Dream of Sheep (2016)
All official additional material fits on one CD, the B-sides, the extended versions, Big Sky 7″, even versions of Experiment IV, the two alt versions on 2018 Other Sides + RUTH 2012.
I don’t need to hear Running up that Hill 2012 again… and it isn’t from that period of the other audio tracks
What would I like about a Hounds of Love reissue? Make it a 2-disc. The first would be the original album AS RELEASED ORIGINALLY. No substitution of tracks. The second can have the singles etc.
Well I have to say I’m quite excited by this announcement. Much to hope for. I’d love to hear work in progress versions of The Ninth Wave
Huh, genuinely didn’t know there had already been an extended reissue! Hopefully this will be something tempting. I can’t help thinking it has been a VERY long time since 50WFS!
Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)
Hounds Of Love
The Big Sky (*)
Mothers Stand For Comfort
And Dream Of Sheep
Under Ice
Waking The Witch
Watching You Without Me
Jig Of Life
Hello Earth
The Morning Fog
Under The Ivy
Burning Bridge
My Lagan Love
The Handsome Cabin Boy
Not This Time
Experiment IV
(*) the original album version please
Running Up That Hill (Extended)
Cloudbusting (Organon remix)
(Alternative) Hounds of Love
The Big Sky (Metereological Mix)
Running Up That Hill (Instrumental)
Cloudbusting (Video Mix)
The Big Sky (Special Single mix)
Wuthering Heights (New Vocal)
Experiment IV (Extended)
Running Up That Hill
Hounds Of Love
The Big Sky
Experiment IV
And all that on Blu-ray, along with Atmos mixes of all.
Can you quickly get a job with Kate so you can make sure this happens? Thanks, that would be great.
It would be nice to have a video (even a collage) for ‘Mother…’ to have the full album visualised, albeit in different versions.
Also the 12″ promo mix of Hounds Of Love would be nice along with the DVD of the Hair Of The Hound.but we all know it will be another big disappointment as always.sorry to burst your bubble guys.just wait and see.
Harrumph! I bought it on vinyl from HMV about an hour ago and I’ve just seen this! Time to cancel a sale…
Original album packaged with the Before the Dawn live Bluray! Come on Kate, now’s your chance!! Ok ok I’ve now woken up. Sorry.
Far be it from me to crank up expectations, but in Stranger Things the streaming soundtrack didn’t just have a stereo mix of Running Up That Hill, Just saying …,
Well the new Fish People logo is certainly less repulsive that the current one so it will no longer be a con to buying her reissues.
Hi Shane,
How does the change of a logo make it ‘no longer a con’? The new logo is still different to the original releases.
Under The Ivy home demo pls
Atmos mix with extra content will be a part of SDE blue ray audio all mixes in high res
Surround mix on physical media – plain and simple. I’m sure Steven Wilson must be itching to do her entire catalog…
And Kate’s people said “No” to Steven Wilson. This latest music biz “Deal” is a big nothing. I’ve got the old EMI 8-CD set “This Woman’s Work”. It’s more than enough Kate Bush music for me.
If the release has a Steven Wilson mixed atmos/5.1/hi-res stereo blu-ray I can die a happy man! It won’t of course but we can all dream.
I’m dreaming of a “Divine Symmetry” -like boxset for this album. How the songs started, modestly, as demos, and the créative process behind all tracks.
People talk about the fans already ‘ having all this’. Long term fans doubtless do, but this release is presumably prompted by the success of Runing up that Hill. That prompted interest in Bush from a whole bunch of new fans who probably don’t have the album.
A proper multi disc super deluxe reissue with all of the songs and mixes from the era will do. (And anything unreleased in any form!) But certainly not a mixed format box with vinyl and CD clumped together! A DVD or Blu-ray of promos included too would be nice. We shall see though…
Well, are they gonna do it right this time…..? Single and 12” extended tracks included. And the album in spatial audio? one can hope….
Yep, Atmos/5.1/high Res versions would be cool, including the 12″ versions and how about a couple of new remixes.
I have the 1997 cd which was quite good. In terms of track selection the new 2023 version should be a reissue of the 1997 with more material, maybe both the 7″/12″ mixes of Experiment IV as well Cloudbusting (12″). The 2018 reissues were all supposedly “remastered” but to me they just sounded like regular cd reissues. I’m hoping the new 2023 version will sound better.
The 2018 remasters definitely improved the earlier albums (TKI through Dreaming) but the amount of improvement was less on the later works as they presumably couldn’t be improved much.
Would love to be able to purchase hi-res (96/24 or 192/24) versions and can only dream of a lossless spatial audio release program of all her albums.
Doesn’t mean they weren’t remastered. When the original CD versions were issued, what we now refer to as high-resolution audio wasn’t part of the landscape. These days, for archival purposes the minimum resolution is 96 kHz/24 bit.
Either way, remastering doesn’t have to be all about maximizing loudness and pumping up the EQ to create an over-saturated master. Such a master might sound good at first, but the eventual result will be listening fatigue. To put it in a different context, someone might hear you better if you shouted, but a conversation consisting of nothing but yelling would quickly become tiresome, sending observers (and probably the participants also) from the room in search of relief.
A proper remaster should be about preserving and presenting the quality and fidelity of the original master (or restoring the original master, as is sometimes the case).
Don’t sweat. It’s gonna be the same 6 tracks from the 1997 reissue.
I don’t think this will be anything exciting, given that The Other Sides had tracks missing (including Hounds-era b-side, Not This Time) and last year’s Running Up That Hill CD only included the main b-side and not the instrumental version that remains unreleased on CD.
As others have said, might be little more than a picture disc.
She also said on the website something about having an ongoing positive relationship with Warner Music Group (who do, of course, own the rights to her first three albums via Parlophone). Seems odd to move distribution from a major to a small label, unless Warners distribute that as well.
Given Kate’s past record on reissues, I’m not getting my hopes up for this at all. Certainly not expecting a big box with loads of outtakes, demos, alternate mixes etc. And if ever an album deserves a hardback book with loads of photographs, it is Hounds of Love. It will, however, most likely be a vanilla reissue on the new company/label and Kate’s picture on the front cover will be replaced by someone wearing a stupid big fish head. I wish I was joking. If I’m wrong, I’ll be delighted.
I don’t think that even Kate would use the words “special presentations” for what amounted to a vanilla reissue.
Sorry if I sound a bit cynical but this lp is deemed her most popular and been reissued tons of times with no new content,just the usual few bits from the 12in/7in releases of the time. So I fear this will be just another recycling of what her fans already have.I have seen no evidence or info that suggests Kate is going to offer anything from her or the labels archive that is unreleased and brand new to us.I hope I am wrong because with Kate actually being hands on involved almost anything could be possible, even demos,re-recordings/ imaginings,live performances, an amazing deluxe book,literally anything Kate feels inspired to offer us etc..So much is possible,but I fear she will disappoint and all we will get is the same content in new packaging!
“Special presentations” of the album can mean many things but I’m afraid the content can only disappoint for the most avid collectors. There were five B-sides and four 12″ versions at the time, and if Kate is particularly generous she may include the instrumental version of ‘Running Up That Hill’ which until now hasn’t been released on CD, but that’s about it. I can’t see that she will release any demos or unreleased tracks from that time.
As for the vinyl version: maybe some coloured vinyl and/or picture discs?
I hope I am wrong but I am not holding my breath to be honest.
I could be happy if the original version of the album was included. Put the remixes, single versions, etc. on another disc.
I have the last CD edition…the six bonus are “ok”… but a Dolby Atmos mix on bluray will be better!
15 different coloured vinyls and a picture disc. No extra tracks. Marbles. Scarf. DVD of the videos with mono sound. (Not really but just want to stop building any sort of expectation and avoid total disappointment with what ends up getting released)
‘Special presentation’ sounds horribly like ‘picture disc’ Please say it ain’t so Kate.
I’ve been beaten to it……do you 5.1 mix thing.
Steven Wilson 5.1 & Atmos mixes please!
Are you going to get that on both vinyl and CD?
Special presentations of vinyl and CD… and SDE exclusive hand signed and numbered blu-ray audio disc! (fingers crossed).
That is exciting, keep us updated please guv’.
Hi Dave,
This is great news. Maybe we will get a Hounds Of Love Atmos mix. I am really hoping for a disc or two of alternate takes, alternate vocals, maybe a song or two that didn’t make any release.
Lets hope the price is not padded out with a disc of instrumentals and other artist takes on Kate’s music. A lovely photo shoot book of the cover with the beautiful Kate and her puppies.
The new logo looks great and can’t wait to look at all the intricate parts.
She has never disappointed.
I wish a blu-ray release of the 2014 tour was on the shelf(my Xmas wish). I am in America and tried so hard for tickets but just missed out. Still kicking myself.
Thanks Dave, all the notices have put me in the poor house but like Jerry said –
Smile, Smile Smile : )
Who’s Dave? The scary character from The League of Gentlemen?
Would love a box of all the 12” singles, and an expanded version of the 1997 album. A gathering of all that eras output would be welcome as there were tracks left out of the Remastered sets.
Maybe a SDE Surround Mix on BluRay too… can you work your magic, Paul? :)
Sure, I guess, dependent on content and presentation. The HMV recycled vinyl doesn’t feel like it was that long ago.
I honestly wish they’d give us a The Whole Story reissue instead though.
This has to be the time for everyone to think of all the practical formats, and lay all those suggestions out. Could it stretch to a 3CD plus DVD box / vinyl equivalent? All depends if demos are a part of the idea. Otherwise, 2 CD’s at best?