New song from Peter Gabriel!
‘Panopticom’ is the first track from i/o

Peter Gabriel has revealed the first new song from his forthcoming album i/o. Written and produced by Gabriel, ‘Panopticom’ was recorded at Real World Studios in Wiltshire and The Beehive in London.
“The first song is based on an idea I have been working on to initiate the creation of an infinitely expandable accessible data globe: The Panopticom,’ says Gabriel. ‘We are beginning to connect a like-minded group of people who might be able to bring this to life, to allow the world to see itself better and understand more of what’s really going on”.
‘Panopticom’ features long-time collaborators Tony Levin, David Rhodes and Manu Katché, with “electronics” from Brian Eno. Additional backing vocals are from Ríoghnach Connolly of The Breath.

The song has been released on the first full moon of 2023 and the lunar phases will guide the release plan in 2023, with a new song revealed each full moon!
‘Some of what I’m writing about this time is the idea that we seem incredibly capable of destroying the planet that gave us birth and that unless we find ways to reconnect ourselves to nature and to the natural world we are going to lose a lot. A simple way of thinking about where we fit in to all of this is looking up at the sky… and the moon has always drawn me to it.’
‘Panopticom’ comew with a specific piece of artwork by David Spriggs, and each new release of music will come with a specific piece of art, “we’ve been looking at the work of many hundreds of artists”, says Gabriel. “It was the theme of surveillance that connected me with the work of David Spriggs because he’d done a piece relating to that. David does this amazing stuff using many layers of transparencies so you get these strange creations with a real intensity to them. Part of what he does is imagine what art might look like a few years in the future and then try and create accordingly and I think he’s done that very successfully in this particular piece”.
Further details on the release plans for the full album will follow but, for now, what do you think of the new song? Leave a comment below.
Full credits for Panopticom
Words and Music Peter Gabriel
Produced by Peter Gabriel
Published by Real World Music Ltd. / Sony Music Publishing
Engineered by Oli Jacobs and Katie May.
Pre-production engineering by Richard Chappell
Assistant engineering by Faye Dolle
Mixed by Mark ‘Spike’ Stent
Mastered by Matt Colton at Metropolis
Recorded at Real World Studios, Bath and The Beehive, London
Cover Image: Red Gravity by David Spriggs
Drums: Manu Katché
Rhythm Programming: Peter Gabriel, Oli Jacobs, Richard Chappell
Bass: Tony Levin
Electric Guitar: David Rhodes
Acoustic Guitar: Katie May
Synths: Peter Gabriel
Additional Synths: Oli Jacobs
Bells and Haunting Synths: Brian Eno
Backing Vocals: Peter Gabriel, David Rhodes, Ríoghnach Connolly
Lead Vocals: Peter Gabriel
69 thoughts on “New song from Peter Gabriel!”
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Great to see that PG is still kicking out new stuff. Quite amazing in fact, when you think of it. He’s not dwelling in nostalgia like so many other artists even younger than him, but creating new music. Respect, Peter! You’re a magnificent artist in your genre. And the new stuff isn’t bad by any means. I am liking these two new songs after having listened to them a few times.
But, then some critical notes. He is writing cutting edge music, but I feel it is somewhat disappointingly technology driven. It’s crafted in such hi-end musical design, that the message of the songs becomes secondary, which is a pity. Peter had an avant-garde edginess to his songs in the early years, and seeing him during the So-tour may have been the greatest concert experience of my life. After that, only a few of his songs have reached the same plateau. The edge kind of wore off, understandably, with age (and the big time). I feel hesitant about going to see this tour, and will probably rather keep that precious memory.Nevertheless, love you Peter, much. Thanks for all those songs! (Wrote this after hearing also the second song from I/O, The Court).
Hello, a new mix was announced in a HD Tracks’ email, dark side mix, but then says unavailable in your country when I click on it. Bandcamp doesn’t have it listed and I have not heard back from them on my original email asking for clarification of how often the subscription would yield new stuff…. Does anyone know what is going on?
Peter enough of this ‘new moon stuff’ just release the album.
Sounds good. Digging the ethereal vibe. First album of new music in 21 years though, with a 10 year gap between the previous two. I guess Pete looks at it like quality over quantity? Glad to see a new album though. Didn’t think we’d ever see another. Good stuff.
Hope SDE can get an Atmos mix of the album!
I second that. We know the Atmos mix exists; please make it a bluray!
Worth mentioning is Peter’s dropped a mail letting fans know via Bandcamp the Full Moon Club is up and running again.
You can download the above remix and several live albums which isn’t bad even if you only stay for one month as it’s only 3 sovs per month. A few artists are trying this subscription approach The New Division being a personal fave if you like sublime synthpop…
Had a moment of my geekdoms colliding when I semi-misread the song title and thought he was doing a Doctor Who themed track about Gallifrey.
Then I stopped being silly.
Regardless, dig the song.
Really enjoying this up-tempo track and that he still has the high end of his vocal range. Great to have new music from him.
A solid song. But, like most artists of Peter’s age, he’s not at his best vocally – and I truly get that.
However, it’s brilliant that he’s back making music! He still has something to say and he doesn’t need to be a tenor to do that. With all the junk that our streaming charts are riddled with, it’s a welcome return for the Steam man.
I recently found a first pressing of ‘Us’ on vinyl in pristine condition. I naturally bought it! No doubt the songs for the new ‘album’ will be drip fed and there will be nothing to look forward to once it’s here. No bother, I have plenty of his greats to enjoy instead.
I’m surprised, I really was expecting a painting by numbers mediocre track and got this gem instead.
This sounds infinitely better than anything on UP which I found a major disappointment as loved US.
Apart from the odd soundtrack track here and there and the superb cover of “In The Sun” I lost interest in the 20 years hiatus from a studio album proper Peter seemed hellbent on.
But if this is anything to go by we are in for a treat as it sure as Hell isn’t an obvious single contender.
Is it just me or when the songs goes full tempo does it remind of a synth driven Killing Joke track albeit with slightly less venom…
Don’t like this new song at all. Bitter disappointment. Not excited in the slightest about the album.
Right. Car, Scratch, Melt, Security , Plays Live and So are great.
I’d extend that list to include ‘Us’, my personal favourite. ‘Up’ although my least favourite, I do enjoy moments of it and the ‘Growing Up Live’ shows were excellent. Maybe after hearing ‘I/O’ I’ll change my opinion, but based on this “Panopticon”, it just sounds like a re-write of ‘The Veil’ which didn’t do anything for me either. Maybe the full album version in the context of the other songs it’ll work better? I had just hoped after 20 years this come back single would’ve really kicked!
He is back!! I hope I can see him live in 2023, never had the pleasure. Tony Levin, Brian Eno and Manu Katché!!!
A concept that reminds me of Pete Townsend’s “Lifehouse Project” that had echos of the internet but decades earlierPanopticom sounds a bit silly but lets hope the musics great, it has been far to long since his last album. I often wonder why such creative people can bear to not be making music for so long.
The new song is very decent as is the concept that he has talked about. Gabriel has been one of the most consistent artists throughout my lifetime (I was 12 when I heard Genesis Live in early 1974) and you have to keep expectations at a reasonable level given he has been doing this for 55 years. Panopticom has certainly lived up to those expectations – it’s catchy and a bit dark at the same time – Sort of what I expect from him. Looking forward to the new album.
Great track, indeed. I’m glad PG still has the urge to deliver us exceptional songs.
There are few as big a Gabriel fans as me and I already have my tickets to Manchester in June. That will be the 14th time I have seen him live and I will never tire of his performances as he is a cut above most rock musicians, at least in my eyes. I adore most of his work even if unlike everybody else I feel So does not represent the pinnacle of his achievements and I actually find Sledgehammer mildly irritating. In fact I think his best four albums are Us, Up, III and IV. My favourite Gabriel song is Wallflower and I still listen to at least one of his albums every week. When I heard about a new album I was both excited and trepidatious… it’s been 20 years or so since his last original studio album and my questions were would his voice and creativity have gone the same way as so many other ‘rock Gods’? The sad state of Phil Collins also played on my mind probably as they were at one time in the same band of course. Well… I needn’t have worried. The sound, the production and that voice… they’re all still there and in the full moon clip on his website he looks a youthful 70 plus year old and sounds like he always did. Maybe he is that Godlike that age won’t catch up with him ;-) Anyway Panopticon is a great start… let’s hope the album and tour are as wonderful as I hope they will be. Thank you PG, and thank you Paul for the chance to comment so glowingly :-)
Been a fan since ‘74 as an 11 year old. ‘77 saw me start my Gabriel solo journey.
Wish that the Flotsam and Jetsam would see a physical release.
Anyway my daughter’s spiritual father has finally released something new and it’s great. Sounds really fresh.
Ticket for Birmingham was purchased via the fan allocation presale. Boo hoo for no physical ticket though.
Looking forward to the box set with prints of all the artwork? I’ve got the SMB box set with retained embossed card shipping box.
Love it. Never seen him live, so hoping to this time. Judging by this track, I’m really looking forward to the album.
Definitely worth giving US a retry – there are some really great tracks on it. I can see why you would say it is overlong but honestly it does repay repeated listening.
As for UP, I couldn’t bear it at the time. In fact it has taken to early this year when a friend said I should give it another go but try it on headphones and that really made the difference. Yes it is more reflective and ‘down’ (in contrast to the title) but it has some really strong tracks and sonically it is amazing (IMHO).
So do give them another go and give them time to sink in would be my gentle advice :-)
3 and 4 are still my favourites though :-)
This song is fantastic. It’s pure Peter Gabriel. He uses his whole vocal spectrum, from the slowest tempo to the fastest. He has kept his historical line-up and rightly so. But he also recalled the famous electronic wizard Brian Eno. This promises to be a great show for the future.
Although I am a big Genesis fan, I had decided not to take my seat when I saw the first concerts of their last tour, which made Phil Collins look so pathetic.
When the PG tour was announced, I was afraid that he would also reach the age limit. But I thought that the release of a new album could only be beneficial.
Panopticom makes us feel good about this.
Now I’m very excited about the concert at Paris Bercy. It might be his last tour, I hope there will be some surprise guests like Kate Bush or Brian Eno… I’m dreaming…
Strong, unwarranted words about Phil Collins. A very ill man who wanted to say goodbye to the fans with his bandmates. It was never pathetic and their last night was very emotional and, as always, the instrumental passages were gorgeous.
Kate Bush guest spot is not dreaming its delusional.
What a sad, horrid thing to say about Phil Collins. Our time does eventually come – but a few of us are lucky enough to leave a legacy behind. Of all the great music and joy Phil has provided over the years! Shame on you.
Sounds great – any PG is better than no PG
Sounds like a lot of folks are way down with Gabriel. Count me in. I got snagged in ’82 when I couldn’t find another concert for my girlfriend’s birthday. I walked out of the show a full-tilt convert and haven’t missed a release or a nearby performance since. The outsider/adventurer/misfit/mystic character found in the songs of PG’s first four albums was intriguing, chilling, irresistible, and forward.
Those attributes were set aside with So and Us in favor of jaunty, globalized soul and love ’em and divorce ’em pleas. All fine for their moments, plus it was nice to see Gabriel selling records. And sure, he recovered some of his more intense tone in the now-20-years-gone Up. Enough of his movie songs and covers that popped up here and there have been winners. It’s been worth staying onboard as he dropped decades of hints about i/o.
Now that it’s trickling in, I can’t quite gush over “Panopticom.” The song is nice enough, the melody sticks around for an encore in your head and all that. Each play, it digs in just a bit more, fighting past the fatiguing, shiny sound. But you have to question it’s utility.
Gabriel talks about Panopticom in his recent messages as another of his big partnered concepts… Like his amusement park (that was never built), or The Elders or WITNESS, or the Ovo show. Only this notion seems less tangible. So, is this new song about something the listener might relate to, or more of a promo for his latest vision? Are we supposed to find space for ourselves in this one, or instead just become curious about ‘this Panopticom thing’ and wonder what we can do to make PG’s ether into a solid?
The best part of listening today was knowing something else is coming in a month.
it does sound “bright”…so maybe the album version will be more muffled?…or subdued might be a better word…or moody, whatever…lol…i do like it…i like the chord changes and background bits and bobs…difficult to get all the words on first listen, but then i’m older, so need to see them written down…lol
Very good stuff. Seems well produced. My old ears can hear the separate instruments which I can’t say for the majority of modern music which is produced appallingly, compressed or just lacking any dynamics.
Nice return from Peter Gabriel. I love this new song after I have been listening it 2 times. Let’s see the other songs of the new album.
excellent track ! rythm , bass, drums ..and the voice is still here !
I waa a underwhelmed by it.
When can we expect the SDE Surround Series announcement?
It’s ok, but then I’ve been underwhelmed with PG since after 1986. PG3, PG4 (‘Security’), and ‘So’ were perfection, so anything after pales in comparison for me. Except the song during the credits of Wall-E. Absolutely LOVE that one!
This isn’t bad, but am I the only one who has detected a more-than-passing resemblance between the “Panopticom” chorus and the “lie-la-lie…’ bit in Simon & Garfunkel’s “The Boxer”?
I quote Lucy in Peanuts: THAT’S IT!!! It is this little piece of song lost in my memory that I was looking for. WOW! Really good song anyway…
It’s a “Yes” from me. In fact I was pleasantly surprised and if the Album continues in this vein, I’ll be buying.
Yup, I like this, and I’ve been pretty underwhelmed by most of the stuff he’s trickled out since Up. Fingers crossed for I/O and the live show.
VERY good song. Won’t make my all-time top 20 PG songs, but I would expect it to make my 2023 year-end list. I do hope it doesn’t take a whole year to get the entire album a song at a time, though. Looking forward to an announcement of a U.S. tour!
It’s only the singles that tie in with the whole lunar cycle thankfully and I’d guess the album release will coincide with the spring tour.
This is a specific mix so might not be the actual album version.
It has been 20 years since a “new” album of PG songs, so I suppose we can wait (a bit) longer…….
However, I do not like this piecemeal release….reminds me of the get back/let it be release schedule that kept announcing new variants all the time without giving you the whole kit and kaboodle you actually want.
Give me the i/o album and I will buy it on cd, 2cd, lp, coloured lp, boxset and with poster bag…….but I don’t like this water torture of a song a month….and a different mix at that…and mp3 only.
PG has likened himself to work at the speed of tectonic drift, but man …,the new album has gotta be complete….and there is a tour in a few months… here comes a slow flow of remixed songs from the album….and then the tour…….and then we are all killed by the earthquake that came before the i/o album.
The version on Bandcamp (which is only £1.20 inc VAT) is 24/48 lossless, in ALAC, FLAC etc.
Love it – PG can do no wrong in my eyes. Genius.
Eyes? I listen with my ears!
No denying his continued talent. Though I feel the release cycle reeks of the #Occult!? or maybe that’s the idea?
I hope this ends up being a good album, I’m not the biggest fan of when a forthcoming musical project seems complicated.
I was hiding behind the couch with my fingers over my eyes waiting for the horror of the Cybermen, like I was 10 years old AND like I was for the Abba songs when they first dropped. And exactly like those scary moments there was genuinely nothing to fear. It’s really, really good. Much better than I’d hoped for and rather like the Abba tracks you could imagine this was still peak PG and it’s 1986 all over again, bravo PG. A-
Need to hear this a couple more times before I can form an opinion, but it’s not bad on first hearing. The origins of this new album go back as far as 1995 believe it or not, so we have no idea how long ago these vocals were laid down.
I’m pretty excited now. Like others, after so much time since Gabriel’s last album I was a tad apprehensive, but this is fantastic and surprising.
And Brian Eno is involved!
Re the ‘Panopticom’ concept, the information given so far is vague at best, but knowing who Gabriel is (and Eno as well), I can’t help but feel this is less ‘Big Brother’ but more something to counter it. With the avalanche of misinformation and the damage it is doing in the world, might this be something they’ve come up with to try and bring actual truth/reality and connect people, without the middleman of corporate-designed algorithms etc? I’m intrigued about this, you never know, they might be onto something here.
“Once we’ve made sense of our world
We wanna go f— up everybody else’s, because his or her truth doesn’t match mine
But this is the problem – truth is individual calculation
Which means because we all have different perspectives, there isn’t one singular truth, is there?”
(Steven Wilson, To The Bone)
And who watches the watchers?
Your intent is right but your thinking is all wrong. You worry about misinformation and its damage (although who decides honestly?) then also complain about corporate algorithms, but in this world misinformation is always defined and managed jointly by big government and big tech and their algorithms. There is no possible alternative sadly.
Nice to have a new PG track. It sounds like the last few albums and that’s not a bad thing. The release schedule is a bit odd but as I look at Peter as an album artist. Perhaps it will help to get better acquainted with the new songs.
I like it very much! Like Craig Hedges I was apprehensive before playing – it’s been a long time since his last album!But Peter (and his band) still seems to be on top form. Just wondering how many lunar orbit releases will have to occur before we get the album released? If there’s too many single releases then we won’t have the album in time for the tour I imagine but hoping he will release the full album soon.
I’m not a great fan of those month by month (or moon phase doh!) releases for a new album. I feel by the time the album proper arrives you’re kind of sick of what you’ve heard and although you may still have some new tracks to listen to (cos you ran out of moon phases or whatever ) it lessens the “new album” listening experience. Last time I felt this was with Marina and the Diamonds Froot (am I the only Gabriel and Diamandis fan!?) Not keen at first listen and the concept appears over “wa**y).
Now, can someone just sort my year with new Bush and deluxe The Visitors. (Two more extremes of my eclectic tastes!)
I heard it on Ken Bruce and googled it as I assumed it was off PG 1, 2 or 3 as I don’t have them. I was amazed, it’s verily brilliant and an amazing return to form.
Yes. A return to “form.”
Mike – perhaps you can be forgiven for not having PG1 or PG2, but PG3 (Melted Face) is very likely his best album.
Great to have PG back ~ on first listen I like this track very much and I look forward to the new album. Bandcamp has the full credits for ‘Panopticom’ always reassuring to have Tony Levin on Bass.
I was going to wait for the next lunar eclipse, before the stars aligned for me to buy a cd and give it a listen. But then, I’ve had the pleasure of sitting and waiting and waiting and still waiting for a medical meeting, and have given in and had a listen.
It’s very nice and I’m sure a full album will be excellent, but I could do without the one song every full moon madness. I’m guessing the cd will commence its lunar orbit in 2024 before reaching earth in 2025.
Welcome back Peter.
So, that means Paul and SDE have plenty of time to reach out to PG and SW for this album to be part of the (unique 5.1 and ATMOS) SDE SURROUND SERIES!
I was really anxious before pressing play (Don’t forget the first track from UP was The Barry Williams show :() But any doubts disappeared in seconds.
How does he still sounds like he did 40 years ago???
Love the acoustic guitar and the drums, the bass is a bit buried but it’s immediately recognisable as a PG track. Quite a few negative comments on YouTube, what is wrong with people???
I Love it, Welcome Back Peter!
It’s called free speech, Craig.
I don’t think Craig is complaining about the right to express your opinion, but rather surprise at the negativity. There is a difference!
Agree. It’s quite good and instantly recognisable as a PG song.
So, Paul: Any chance of “So” getting the 5.1 SDE SURROUND SERIES treatment?
It’s easy to sound like 40 years ago if he recorded this 1983!
Well I really like this! Listened to it twice and it has wetted my appetite for the album and seeing him in Glasgow :-)
Song is OK but not sure I agree with the concept behind it. Sounds a bit Big Brother.
My guess is he intends to be anti-BB but ultimately any work done in that space ends up becoming BB. No way to avoid it.
Everyone’s favourite conspiracy theorist, David Icke, says that the lizard people want us to all be connected to a singular point of information that they control and we’re not to deviate from (well, won’t be able to deviate from because we’ll all be microchipped!). Panopticom sounds like an awfully similar concept.
“Don’t think for yourself, do what the Panopticom tells you”