
Paul McCartney to mix it up again?


A limited run of mystery ‘white label’ 12-inch pressings featuring two remixes of Paul McCartneys Band On The Run album closer Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five have appeared on a legitimate website, prompting speculation that the ex-Beatle might be preparing a remix album or similar project…

Vinyl Factory’s Phonica Records today listed the record without crediting it to McCartney (instead putting ‘Unknown Artist’ by the product) although the ‘detail’ text was a little less coy:

“Anthem alert! Mysterious edits of Paul McCartney and his post-Beatles band Wings classic ‘Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five’. UK Exclusive. Limited to 300 copies worldwide”

The two tracks are Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five (Remix) and Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five (Club Mix) and you can hear short previews of both on the site. They clearly utilise stems from the original multi-track, meaning that this can only have been created with McCartney’s cooperation.

The question is why has Paul snuck this out into the marketplace? He issued a few similar vinyl records prior to his 2005 remix project Twin Freaks (an album yet to receive an official CD release) so perhaps a similar remix-fest is on the way? On the other hand, before the Wingspan project in 2001, Paul put out some promo remixes of Silly Love Songs, so it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that he’s pausing the album-centric Archive Collection Series, and will issue some kind of broader multi-disc post-Beatles rarities/anthology.

This mysterious tweet from Paul McCartney today is likely to be connected to the appearance of this ‘white label’.

Let us know what you think might be about to happen (if anything!) by leaving a comment. In the meantime move quickly if you wish to grab one of only three hundred of these records by visiting the Phonica Records website.

Paul McCartney performs Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five in 2010 helps fans around the world discover physical music and discuss releases. To keep the site free, SDE participates in various affiliate programs, including Amazon and earns from qualifying purchases.


46 thoughts on “Paul McCartney to mix it up again?

  1. Sorry — missed this upon original publishing –but just wanted to put out there that I recently bought a ‘boot’ containing no less than 10 ‘Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five’ remixes –although I haven’t A-B’d them to discern the differences…..


  2. Absolutely BUZZIN’ that my copy arrived today from Phonica Records. Thanks to them for honoring my order and to Paul S & all at SDE for the initial heads up!

    1. Well done, glad you got a copy. Not sure how good the pressing is, since mine is a bit noisy, but these are a fantastic Macca rarity of course. Incidentally PM retweeted a tweet about this white label, so if there was any doubt about its authenticity, they’ve been put to bed.

  3. I paid for DHL and they sent it parcel force. Tried to hide the fact by not sending a tracking number but I rang them up and asked for it at which point they told me.

    It did turn up today and a quick cursory listen made me think both sides were the same! Will have to listen again later!

    It is very poorly pressed but I do like it!

    (Wish you were here immersion turned up as well, amazingly!)

  4. Just received my “Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five” 12″. Not one of his better remixes IMHO but I’m glad to have it anyway!
    BTW The pressing’s really poor – clicks and pops all over the place …

  5. That is impressive Mark! :)

    I had The wall immersion edition cancelled by Amazon uk :( and looks like same will happen with wish you were here immersion edition from Amazon Italy :( I’m destined never to own any of those sets which makes me sad.

    However, back to on topic my Macca white label shipped today but considering I paid £9 for delivery I’m not impressed to not even get a tracking number!

    Hopefully will arrive tomorrow.

  6. Got a delivery email from Deejay today as well. Speaking of Amazon debacles, I pre-ordered The Go-Betweens vinyl box set in January 2015 from Soon after it went ‘out of stock’ and I thought that I was out of luck. Very surprised to get an email 3 weeks ago to say it was shipping and I received it a week later. Delighted but must be a record!

  7. Yoko Ono has had a go at being a dance-foor diva so why not Sir Paul? Coming Up and Goodbye Tonight were pretty good back in the day too…

    1. McCartney has a long history of this kind of thing. He certainly doesn’t need to justify it. Let’s face it 1979’s Check My Machine more or less IS Gorillaz

  8. I’d love another Twin freaks type release.
    I love Twin Freaks – really really nice set of mixes…
    I would recommend this to any McCartney fan (it’s great playing spot the track as various snippets from different tracks are often interwoven).

      1. Not heard that, but there was some superb mixing going on before he came on in Liverpool last year. Morse Moose and the Grey Goose is one of my favourite Wings tracks. Bring on London Town SDE!

  9. Anyone’s shipped yet? When shipping costs more than the actual vinyl I kind of expect it to happen quickly. Hope they are, indeed, legitimate!

    Just get a bit nervous after recent Amazon debacles I’ve been subjected to (items allegedly in stock then staying at “shipping soon” for months before they admit they never had them). Hope that’s not what’s going to happen here!

  10. Usually artists introduce themselves to a ‘new’ label with a Greatest Hits or some other compilation. Paul didn’t do that when he moved from EMI/Parlophone to Hear Now/Universal. There isn’t a current hits or best of compilation available for the casual collector or someone wanting an introduction to his post-Beatles works.

    It’s now 15 years since Wingspan – Hits & History. A new compilation is long overdue.

    I think it would be great if he could add a few rarities (and vinyl only stuff) on CD for the first time.

  11. has it in stock. For the record, it being on Phonica Records doesnt’ make it legit as they do have bootlegs and edits up there, that being said it does seem like the multi track was used for the remix.

  12. Since 2011, on the year that McCartney releases a new album, he ‘ll release just one Archive release:

    2011-McCartney & McCartney II
    2012-Ram / Kisses On The Bottom
    2013-Wings Over America / New
    2014-Venus And Mars & Speed Of Sound
    2015-Tug Of War & Pipes Of Peace
    2016-Flowers In The Dirt / ???

    Could be a new studio album, a remix album, a Fireman album, a new Wings documentary, an anthology of unreleased and rare Wings/solo work, a new hits package or just coincidence!

  13. Awesome heads up Paul. Have grabbed one. Came to £15 with shipping but well worth it I reckon. Less than I paid for Say Say Say last year! From the short snippet on the website it sounds fantastic.

    Wonder what’s in the works?

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