Paul Young / No Parlez limited edition signed coloured vinyl pressing

Paul Young‘s classic debut No Parlez is to be reissued as a limited edition coloured vinyl pressing in October, with SIGNED copies exclusively available via the SDE shop.
The chart-topping album includes the UK number one ‘Wherever I Lay My Hat (That’s My Home)’ and two other massive singles in the shape of ‘Come Back And Stay’ and ‘Love Of The Common People’.
The record was a massive success with its addictive and hypnotic album cuts like the title track and ‘Ku Ku Kurama’ and there’s some fine and very distinctive backing vocals from Maz Roberts and Kim Leslie aka ‘The Fabulous Wealthy Tarts’! The backing band were called The Royal Family in the early period and included bass player Pino Palladino.
As far as I can tell there’s never been a coloured vinyl pressing of No Parlez, so this purple marbled vinyl is a first and only a few hundred will be signed by Paul especially for SDE, so you’ll have a real rarity on your hands. These are also individually numbered.
No Parlez is reissued on coloured vinyl on 25 October 2019. Signed copies only available via SDE using this link or the button below.
1. Come Back And Stay
2. Love Will Tear Us Apart
3. Wherever I Lay My Hat (That’s My Home)
4. Ku Ku Kurama
5. No Parlez
1. Love Of The Common People
2. Oh Women
3. Iron Out The Rough Spots
4. Broken Man
5. Tender Trap
6. Sex
45 thoughts on “Paul Young / No Parlez limited edition signed coloured vinyl pressing”
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How many songs on the album, some listings say 9 others say 11
The SDE track listing is accurate.
Ordered! Absolute no-brainer – great album – takes me back to great memories. Thanks both Pauls!
If it had included the bonus 12″ which came with the original release I might have bothered with this. But as it is, meh!
Ordered one for the wife’s birthday in October, shame he can’t personalize the signing, or can he ?? That would get me in the good books for sure !
Thank you Dirk and Bryan for this information. We hopefully can rely on Paul Sinclair to relay information regarding the true length of these songs on this vinyl version. A “correct UK” version in red would be a must buy for sure.
This reissue will sit proudly next to my Japanese copy, my US copy and the British limited double pack. Why? Because it’s a fantastic album and thoroughly deserves this careful issue from MOV. I’m so excited to have this (finally!) on a coloured vinyl version, after all these years, I doubted it would ever happen. And here it is! Not just that, but you’ve arranged for Paul to sign some for us. Now, I’m REALLY excited!
This is an individual’s delight and I recognise that it won’t be for everyone, but I was actually deflated reading some of the comments in this thread, actually, bordering between ungrateful to semi-rude. No matter Paul, just know that some of us are absolutely thrilled and ARE grateful that you’ve secured a signing session. THANK YOU!
BTW. If you want an original vinyl pressing with the ‘correct’ versions, then simply direct yourself to a British pressing.
Thanks Bryan!
Thank you Paul
When the 25 anniversary CD version was released in 2008 it was claimed in the booklet that this was the original vinyl album on CD. I pointed out that the versions of Come Back & Stay, Love of the Common People and Love Will Tear Us Apart in an Amazon review were shorter, the first two ones single versions and LWTUA lacked the minute intro before the actual song started.
This started a major conversation (before SDE became the main hub for such discussions). It turned out that there were several versions going about with a discussion of them taken together here – . The discussion on this link might not even cover all the versions. What is for example interesting is that I have two vinyl versions showing the timing being longer versions but yet having the single versions on the vinyl itself!
Hence, what I would think being of interest is knowing which versions are being included on this release. If it is Come Back & Stay (4.57), Love Will Tear Us Apart (5.01) and Love of the Common People (5.52), then this is a worthwhile purchase. If not, I think I will pass.
Greetings from Germany.
I spent a lot of time researching this topic. As a fan of the first hour this has occupied me at the latest since the re-release of “No Parlez” in 2008. Some versions on this press are ridiculously wrong (Love of the Common People with 4:00 min never existed before), that was quickly clear … but that didn’t solve the mystery of so many complaints about some titles. I think I’ve found the solution by now. I bought the record twice in the eighties (the first one had a few scratches too many) and I always wondered that e.g. “Come back and Stay” with a running time of 4:57 or “Love will tear us apart” with a running time of 5:01 was indicated on the label, but actually only the single versions were on it. 2 years ago I ordered a third vinyl version from a second hand record store on the internet … and it’s hard to believe … it was an original UK pressing … and the printed times and the actual lengths of the tracks matched. That means the actual “album versions” were obviously only in the UK, the rest of the world got the single versions on vinyl, and they didn’t bother to adjust the runtimes on the label. So the Wikipedia article is not correct either, there were already several vinyl versions in the eighties. I’m curious which versions are on this limited edition.
Ordered two, sure hope Pauls signs the front cover in silver ink (hint ), purple vinyl looks nice too!
For this cover, a black pen is a must! Anything other than black would be such a shame.
Ordered – no brainer for me, as it’s one of my favourite albums. I’ll even cheerfully defend the cover of Love Will Tear Us Apart!
Hopefully in between signatures, Paul, you’ll be able to ask Mr Young about his thoughts on the album 36 years on and the recent tour, where he played it in full…although intriguingly, he didn’t do in sequence!
Probably to pace the set. Like when The Stones for Sticky Fingers in full they left the big hit until the end (Brown Sugar)
One of the best albums of the 80’s easily! I won’t buy this as I don’t have a record player but the 2 disc reissue from a few years back is brilliant & did justice to the album. Also fantastic live!
@Rolf Apart from the fact it used the wrong versions for some of the album tracks!
Excited to be seeing Paul Young next month live – he is support act for Cher’s UK Tour!!!
Indeed. He’s coming round here on his day off to sign these!!
Paul (as in *you* Paul..ha!)
Please tell the other Paul I thoroughly enjoyed his performance at Rewind, Henley. He was one of the main reasons I booked tickets for the whole weekend.
As with many others here, I concur that Paul Young was one of my favourite artists of the eighties. Both No Parlez and The Secret of Association were played to death in my poster clad bedroom when I was an easily influenced teen.
Cannot wait to receive my copy!
“These are also individually numbered”
Does that simply mean that the signed copies are a subset of the 2000 numbered copies produced MOV in the pressing run, or does that mean that they are additionally numbered to indicate the number of signed copies?
Many thanks!
No, they are a subset.
Anyone else remember the ‘wall of No Parlez’ at the Notting Hill Record & Tape exchange in the 90s?
That was the early 2000’s, I worked there at the time, we had SO many copies of No Parlez on LP that covering an entire wall with them seemed like a good idea…
Cheers for that. That’s one of my all-time favourite record shop memories. The
MOV reissues are always of a top quality…& therefore the charity bins can retain their secondhand memories for others. I’ll be definitely buying this copy…as nothing beats the smell of brand new or the promise of a great sound from Music On Vinyl.
A lot of groans & opinions were exhaled when MOV reissued Alison Moyet’s Alf…and that was a worthy addition to my collection. And in a rarity …the standard company reissues of Alison’s vinyl were of a high quality too (score!).
So whilst the critical keyboard warriors will always be at the ready to share their negativity….for others these brand new reissues are a joy to collect & enjoy. Bring them on!
Wow, I never had this album and this is the PERFECT time to get it ! I cancelled the signed CD singles box as I wouldn’t be playing those discs a lot but this album on coloured vinyl AND the COVER being signed… WOW !!! Signed album covers are so much better than signed CD’s or just an added signed print so I now ordered this immediately…. awesome Paul (that means both Paul Young as well as Paul Sinclair :-) )!!!!
Wish some of these title were picked up by Abbey’s half-speed series. I’ll pass ’till then.
Some of these responses. The manners are quite poor to say the least. I’m sure their parents taught them better.
Have several copies of differing formats so one more won’t hurt. Plus my cousin originally owned the LP back in 84 so that is how I got into his music. Got Q-Tips and Streetband much later.
Little anecdote: My cousin’s girlfriend at the time was in a hardware store in London back in 84 and there spotted Paul Young perusing the hammers that were on display. She screamed at the top of her voice Oh my God it’s Paul Young. Apparently Mr. Young dropped the hammer and rather sheepishly made for the exit in quite a hurry.
Also released on 27 sept :Paul Young & The Royal Family – Live at Rockpalast 1985 (DVD + CD)
Great! Thanks for the link
I cannot describe how uncool it was to own this album in the 1980s – despite the obviously excellent hit singles and the leading vocal on Band Aid. I got a free copy of the CD in the Daily Mail some years ago – and listened to it in my car and was completely blown away. It is a fantastic record and Paul Young is one of the great blue eyed soul singers. This looks like a great deal for his fans, Paul.
This version likely blows away the 1980s pressings which would have been so flimsy that they resembled flexi discs.
I think if, aside from the signature, the sole USP is the colour then I am struggling to see what the wide appeal of this reissue is going to be. I am not being negative; I own it and really like it. As someone has alluded to, this is one of those albums (e.g. Frampton Comes Alive) that almost every 80s music buyer has owned at some point and can be be found in just about every charity shop in the country. I’ll admit I still have my finger poised for a signed one for collectibility reasons, but unless they are issuing the unsigned ones in low numbers I can see it being heavily discounted in the near future.
You haven’t said who is reissuing this but presume it isn’t MOV, who have added extra stuff to the likes of the recent Big Country and Haircut 100 releases. A second disc of extras/remixes would have made this a legitimate no-brainer. It will always be a great album and should be fondly remembered.
Paul, I take it PY is signing the sleeves rather than a print? This will be a deal breaker!
Also, did the Haircut 100 albums go into the mail on Wednesday or Thursday? I got the dispatch email on Wednesday and half expected it today if sent Second Class. Cheers
If you got the email on Wed that’s when it shipped. Sorry it’s not with you yet…
Back in the day when this was first released I popped into hmv Luton on the day of release to pick up a copy. I was amazed to find a copy in the racks signed. When I took it up to the counter the assistant told me that Paul had been earlier as he was excited to see his record released and had asked if he could sign a few copies. Also Paul worked at my grandads garage as a petrol attendant, my grandad used to see him and his band (street band?) when they used to fill up their van on the way to a gig, you’ll never make a living from it! The Luton boy did good!
This would be pretty cool but can’t justify the $63CAN price tag to get it here. Good thing I already have the signed litho that came with Mr Sinclair’s excellently curated CD boxset last year.
Yeah… it’s £13.50 to Canada. We’re a small business at the end of the day and can’t negotiate massive discounted rates. On the plus side shopping with SDE supports the whole SDE ecosystem which keeps this site – like the NHS – ‘free at the point of use’ :) and with more or less no ads.
Great for fans etc. Shame they couldn’t have squeezed the cd/cassette only track “behind your smile” onto this reissue or had it as a bonus 7” etc. Still nice thought :)
Yes, or the bonus Iron Out The Rough Spot 12-inch that came with early copies of No Parlez.
Oh, go on, then!
You can count me in for a signed “The Secret of Association” if/when it happens as well ;)
Music on Vinyl and his reissues of 80s albums that can be found in stores in perfect condition and even sealed starting £1. Pathetic!!
You can’t get signed copies for £1 as far as I’m aware, so it is of interest to Paul Young fans, I’d have thought.
Ok Toni I have £1 to spare can you please direct me to a shop near Glasgow where I can pick up a sealed copy of this album thanks.i hope I can also pick up a sealed copy of pelican west for a nugget when I get their,
One of my all time favourites and actually just replaced my stolen vinyl with a second hand one that was bad quality so this will do nicely!