Pet Shop Boys confirm reissues in Graham Norton interview
The Pet Shop Boys joined Graham Norton on his BBC Radio 2 show on Saturday morning and revealed some more information about Parlophone’s reissue plans for this year…
About halfway through the interview Graham Norton said “Amanda in Cambridge wants to know what’s the latest news on the plans to reissue all your earlier albums?”
To which Neil Tennant answered: “Well, they’re all mastered. Ages ago with EMI we did the first six albums with extra CDs, with bonus tracks and things. And we’ve done the following five albums, so all of our EMI albums – we’re not there anymore – are going to be reissued with bonus CDs. But they’re now Warner Brothers. Parlophone is now Warner Brothers and Warners catalogue department is still discussing it, but I think the idea is that three of them are going to come out this autumn, and then the rest of them early next year.”
This is a little confusing. Neil appears to be confirming that the ‘following five albums’ (Nightlife, Release, Fundamental, Yes and Elysium) will be reissued for the first time and the earlier albums will be re-reissued. On the PSB website, in their new year message to fans the band said that they were “looking forward to … celebrating the 30th anniversary of the release of the first PSB album” in 2016″ and sensible money should still be on Please being a multi-format reissue with a box set as part of that offering.
You can listen to the interview here (27 minutes in). The new album SUPER is out on 1 April 2016.
CD Edition
- • UK Pre-order: SUPER
- • USA Pre-order: SUPER
- • CANADA Pre-order: SUPER
- • GERMANY Pre-order: SUPER
- • SPAIN: Pre-order: SUPER
- • FRANCE Pre-order: SUPER
- • ITALY Pre-order: SUPER
Vinyl LP
- • UK Pre-order SUPER
- • USA Pre-order SUPER
- • CANADA Pre-order SUPER
- • GERMANY Pre-order SUPER
- • SPAIN Pre-order SUPER
- • FRANCE Pre-order SUPER
- • ITALY Pre-order: SUPER
1. Happiness
2. The Pop Kids
3. Twenty-something
4. Groovy
5. The Dictator Decides
6. Pazzo!
7. Inner Sanctum
8. Undertow
9. Sad Robot World
10. Say It To Me
11. Burn
12. Into Thin Air
56 thoughts on “Pet Shop Boys confirm reissues in Graham Norton interview”
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What about a reissue of It Couldn’t Happen Here on Bluray or some HD downloadable format?
More confirmation in the PSB 2017 New Year’s greeting: “We also expect to be announcing full details of a new batch of reissued and remastered albums with accompanying Further Listening albums.”
Does anyone know when psb is going to release the reissues they talked about i live in the US and still not seeing any of the 5 cds albums they talked about releasing in the fall well fall is almost over?
I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a re-release of Please along the route of Duran Duran’s Rio: A plain reissue of the Further Listening version, but this time without the extensive photo booklet that came with reissue. Probably the same track listing.
But if something more extensive comes out, I’ll get it!
I’d love to see 2CD “Further Listening” versions of Nightlife, Release, Fundamental and Yes, so long as they follow the pattern of the earlier sets by including all the b-sides and all of the remixes done by PSB themselves.
The tricky thing, though, is that all four of those albums were released in 2CD special editions already. It might be tough to create new Further Listening sets without repeating tons of tracks from those original bonus discs.
All the b-sides from those albums are on Format so why would you want them released again ?
I know everyone is commenting about the first 5 already done (further listening) but I am so hoping ‘something’ happens with them having only recently rediscovered PSB I have missed out on the further listening series (without paying silly money)
I’m liking pop kids (cd and digital remix ep) and pre ordered SUPER…. Can’t wait to hear what happens with PLEASE esp if it matches negative1’s listing!
The chance’s of it matching negative’s listing is less than zero.
There’s plenty of material not on the current Further Listening set.
I would wager each album would be a multidisc set of
CD 1 : Studio record remaster
CD 2+3 : remixes, b-sides, alternate versions
DVD : TV appearances (Please), It Couldn’t Happen Here (Actually), Associated Live Shows (the other albums were all ‘toured’ and filmed)
I’d throw in the Italian mix and the Ian Levine remixes of Paninaro.
Would be good to hear some properly mastered mixes of the original Bobby Orlando tracks (2 divided by 0; opportunities; it’s a sin; I want a lover; rent; I get excited; later tonight; etc). You can listen to them on you tube but the quality isn’t great.
Happy 30th birthday today, Please!
I wouldn’t include ‘Paninaro’, those would be for disco expanded, along with:
7″ version (4:40)
Italian Remix (aka 12″ mix) (8:38)
Ian Levine Mix (9:54)
Ian Levine Instrumental (6:28)
4 tracks
in the night
7″ version (4:51)
Arthur Baker Remix (4:26)
Arthur Baker Remix Edit (aka Promo Edit, aka 7″ Edit) (3:39)
Extended Mix (6:28)
“1995 Version” (4:18)
Arthur Baker Dub 1 (6:05)
Arthur Baker Dub 2 (5:55)
7 tracks
4 7 = 11 tracks
30 35 = 65min = 1hr5min
here’s my calculations for a hypothetical ‘please’ box set:
west end girls
Album version (4:45)
7″ Mix (3:59)
10″ Mix (7:02)
Disco Mix (9:03)
Shep Pettibone Mastermix (8:12)
Shep’s Dub Mix (9:23)
Dub Mix (aka West End Dub) (9:31)
Dance Mix (aka Extended Dance Version) (6:39)
West End Sunglasses (7:32)
Remix ’86 (5:07)
Remix ’86 Edit (3:26)
Bobby O Original UK 7″ Mix (4:12)
Bobby O Original Extended 12″ Mix (7:57)
Bobby O Remix ’86 Single Version (3:28)
Bobby O Extended Mix (5:06)
Bobby O Edited Version (3:23)
West End Megamix (aka ZYX Megamix, aka Part 1 Megamix) (8:04)
Ultimate Mix (5:40)
18 tracks
110min – 1hr50min
Album version (3:44)
Second 7″ version (3:36)
“Opportunities (reprise)” (0:32)
Version Latina (5:34)
Dub for Money (4:49)
Original 7″ version (aka Short Version) (3:47)
Matrix Mix (aka Different Mix) (3:21)
Whistle Test Mix (3:34)
Demo – 1984 (5:08)
Now That’s What I Call Music 7 (U.K.) edit (3:19)
Full Length Original 7″ Mix (4:36)
Original 12″ Mix (7:00)
Dance Mix (aka Original Dance Mix, aka Double Your Money Mix) (6:48)
Shep Pettibone Mastermix (7:21)
Reprise (4:27)
15 tracks
65min – 1hr5min
love comes quickly
Album version (4:19)
Dance Mix (6:50)
Shep Pettibone Mastermix (7:38)
Shep Pettibone Mastermix – Early Fade (6:08)
Dub Mix (7:03)
5 tracks
Album version (5:07)
7″ Edit Version (aka New Version) (4:04)
Video Mix (5:11)
Suburbia Part Two (2:25)
The Full Horror (8:58)
The Full Horror Video Edit (5:07)
Arthur Baker Club Vocal Mix (7:20)
Arthur Baker Dub Version (7:50)
8 tracks
other tracks
violence Mixes
Album Version (4:29)
Hacienda Version (4:58)
Extended Haçienda Version (aka “12-inch Master”) (7:02)
3 tracks
why don’t we live together Mixes
Album version (4:49)
Original New York Mix (5:14)
2 tracks
a man could get arrested
7″ b-side mix (4:51)
Extended Mix (5:37)
12″ Alternative Mix (aka Alternative Version) (4:19)
12″ b-side mix (4:11)
4 tracks
thats my impression
7″ Version (4:45)
Disco Mix (5:18)
Demo (4:16)
3 tracks
was that what it was
album 5:14
jack the lad
album 4:31
2 tracks
sub totals
18 15 5 8 3 2 4 3 2 = 60 tracks
110 65 30 50 20 10 20 15 10 = 330min = 5hr30min
left off some of the more recent mixes.
John Sayers, what do you think of the Talk Talk remasters?
They should go back to the start and remaster these albums properly as those Further Listening reissues were brickwalled to hell. While there at it maybe they could fix the glitch on Behaviour where the track index between Nervously and The End Of The World is screwed up.
Totally agree.
Are you saying that the “loudness wars” are now over? I can’t imagine any reissues ever having a DR rating any higher than the original cd’s. Those original cd’s sound just fine and don’t need remastering, imho. Let’s face it – remaster = louder. It’s just the way it is.
Hi Neil I have a question for you my name is Todd and I live in the US I have not been hearing anything or saying anything or find anything on PSb re-issues it is really hard to find any pet shop boys CDs not to mention reissues or remasters do you know if they re-issued anything in the UK or the EU because nothing is coming to the US and I want to replace all my old Pet Shop Boys CDs
You`ve got Neil a little bit wrong – the first albums ARE ALREADY issued, so he just confirmed the re-release of the last 3 ones – this is a good news anyway.
Neil confirms that the last five will be re-released, 3 this year (autumn) and 2 early next year. I think that’s what the text above says.
They should authorize Blank & Jones to do a 3-CD-Box with their 80’s 12″ remixes, dub mixes… There are a lot of promo only and Vinyl only mixes:
Love Comes Quickly (full Shep Pettibone Mix)
Suburbia (Arthur Baker Mixes)
Opportunities (Shep Pettibone Mix)
It’s A Sin (Phil Harding Mix)
Always On My Mind (Shep’s Holiday Mix)
Domino Dancing (Base Mix)
Left To My Own Devices (Shep Pettibone Mix)
and so on…
I think you may have all missed the point. I think Neil means by releasing the other 5 as further listening then all 11 will have been reissued in this way. I don’t think he meant that they will re reissue the first 6!
Well we kind of know that Please is going to be re-reissued, so that contradicts what Neil’s saying. I’d like to see Disco reissued too as a standalone.
Do we? Has anything more definite been said than “celebrating the 30th anniversary of the release of the first PSB album”? That could just mean having a glass of champagne on Thursday evening.
It could mean that. But if I was Warners I’d want to reissue a Please box more than an’Release’ 2CD set, wouldn’t you? Deliver some £££ for shareholders!
I don’t know… I do agree with you and it’s something I’d rather see than a Release Further Listening CD too. It’s just that a Please box doesn’t feel very Pet Shop Boys to me.
Would be nice if PSB solicited fan input for future reissues/comps etc. as Erasure did about a year or so ago via an online poll.
I´m still hoping on boxsets
I like ” the pop kids” and can’t wait till super is released! Fantastic news that all the albums will be reissued as remastered 2cd editions. I’ll be buying them all, need to put some cash aside for this. Hope to get a super deluxe edition of Please as well.
Stuart Price did a great job! He made “the Brits medley” and put all his favorites PSB songs in a great remixes tracklist for their concerts. He knows what the PSB sound should be these days. Can’t wait for 1 april!
Great news that there will be further reissues. There are loads of songs that have not been officially released, such as the closer to heaven soundtrack. Some of the material from the reissues was posted on their website years ago. Lets hear it for a comprehensive singles package, and please deluxe set.
Think Pop Kids is fine and is better than most of Electric, i agree. I think Stuart Price is awful, i cannot see the fascination, his production grates on me horrifically.
I love Pop Kids. I think it is a better than anything they have done since the Yes album.
I can’t help feeling that with later albums the bonuses may not be as intriguing considering the number of bonus discs, limited editions and collections that have already covered some of the material, but I’m hopeful they’ll bring out some unreleased gems.
It was rumored that the “Further Listening” editions of Nightlife and Release were ready years and years ago (sometime after PopArt if I recall correctly) but haven’t heard about them in ages. Out of the next batch, I’m mixed in my anticipation – Release and Yes should be interesting, Nightlife perhaps, but Fundamental and Elysium were such low points (in my view) that I can’t imagine unreleased tracks will be up to much.
It seems a bit odd to finish off the 2CD series 15 years later without at least putting the comparable editions of the first 6 back in print, but who knows. That seems like overkill, and probably lowers chances of a Please SDE then (which deserves one).
Fundamental and Elysium are not exactly my favorite albums either, but sometimes, when they start doling out the bonus material that’s locked in the vaults, it turns out there was a BRILLIANT album that just didn’t get released since the best cuts were either relegated to b-sides, over-produced in the final mix, or discarded altogether. If you’ve heard any of the out takes from Madonna’s Rebel Heart session, while I liked the album that came out. there was a much, much better album that could have happened with less second-guessing and maybe a double album approach, instead of trying to blend two moods into a single disc.
I like Pop Kids … seems I’m alone
Not alone. I like it too. It’s not one of my all-time favorite songs ever from them, but it’s definitely something I’d consider a contender if I was putting together a mix of “favorites” by them.
I really hope that the Further series will indeed continue with the last 5 albums. As for The Pop Kids, I love it a 1000 times more than anything on the Electric album.
I think a Please Super Deluxe reissue is now very unlikely. Chris Lowe in the interview seemed dismissive of it being thirty years of Please. He commented along the lines of. ‘its always the thirtieth anniversary of something’.
I got the feeling Neil was being deliberately vague… “still discussing it” etc. Sounds to me like Please will definitely come out in the autumn and if you’re the record label you’d be mad not to do a super deluxe box along with cheaper alternatives.
From the interviews that I’ve read, Chris seems to pretty much be dismissive of everything. Not sure if it’s just his personality or if it’s his schtick.
That old material is sure going to make the recent stuff look bad if “The Pop Kids” is anything to go by. It is, quite simply, of the worst songs by a major recording artist that I’ve ever heard, and I really mean ever.
It is horrible; this is what happens when artists become their own A&R.
I have to agree Jon T , I’ve given The Pop Kids a few weeks to grow on me and it’s just not happening. The same happen with Before I’ve given that 20 years to grow on me. Note to Neil and Chris Stop working with Stuart Price!
The Rent 12″ mix was not included on Further Listening because it was remixed by someone other than the Pet Shop Boys (in that specific case, Francois Kevorkian.)
Their methodology was to only include remixes that had their direct involvement in some way. They were excellent bonus discs in their own right but let’s face it – a lot was left on the table with those reissues! We did get a few unreleased gems though – opportunities, go west.
Thanks for the heads up on this Paul, good to know something is coming this autumn. I had a feeling it would happen late this year so as not to interfere with Super promotion.
What do sde readers think of Pop Kids?? I liked it but it’s not my fave PSB single of recent years. Hoping for an incredible album – less than two weeks to go!
Get ready to be disappointed. I work at an independent music store in the States. We received a promo copy of Super last week. I have been a consistent financial supporter of PSB since 1986. This will be the first album of theirs absent from my considerable collection. Always bummed when I learn Stuart Price is involved with a project but here the blame falls resolutely at the feet of Neil and Chris. THERE ARE NO GOOD SONGS. I dislike every track on this album which is something I’ve never experienced before with PSB. Even my least favorite PSB records are far superior to this. How did this happen? “Really?” might have been a more appropriate title. Sorry guys, and I do hope some of you can find something to embrace on “Super”.
Was hoping for a singles box set with every remix and b-side included on its own cd. The Bananarama box set was perfectly done. Not keen on live material unless it’s a concert dvd/bluray.
Regarding the radio series, the 2 shiws this week are about their EMI albums, next weeks’ are about the PSBs collaborations and the their new album.
The Pop Kids CD single was on sake in HMV for £6.99…
Was hoping for a box set.
The Further Listening cd’s were very comprehensive. I’m not sure what else they could put on a bonus cd if the first bunch of cd’s are going to be re-issued again other than a long lost track from the vault or live material (that I’m not particularly keen on). Of course there have been various remixes of the 80’s songs (especially from “Actually”) but a lot of those were unofficial remixes. I hope they would add those to future reissues and not live material.
The original re-issue campaign left off almost all the remixes that were not done by PSB themselves, so there are still a number of 7″ and 12″ mixes that have yet to make it to official CDs.
As good as the “Further Listening” discs were, the group released humongous amounts of CD singles, with (sometimes) 3 or 4 different CD singles per hit, and some mixes exclusive to 10″ or 12″ vinyl. There is no shortage of released rarities, and then there are demo versions, some previously unheard or previously heard only with poor sound on bootleg vinyl. Unreleased Songs? Perhaps there aren’t that many. Unreleased and/or rare versions or mixes? There’s plenty. They could easily make a 3-CD or 4-CD box for each of their albums. Parlophone owns the group’s first 2 albums, and though they have UK/Europe/Japan licenses on the other albums, the group could eventually take all but the first 2 albums elsewhere if Warner Music doesn’t opt to reissue/expand them.
What will be interesting is to see whether a reissue of Please is complementary to the first ‘Further Listening’ set or tries to repeat some/all of that while adding other stuff (e.g. 10-inch remix of West End Girls, the Sasha Mix from the 1990s, Haçienda version of Violence etc.). You should be able to get ‘everything’ on three CDs I would have thought?
never understood why the 12″ mix of rent wasn’t on the further listening disc or the far better devices disco mix
The Further Listening discs only included remixes which the PSB did themselves (as per the packaging notes). The two mixes you mention above were not done by them. Would be great to get comprehensive reissues with all commercial/promo mixes etc especially those that were only released on vinyl.
BBC Radio 2 also broadcast 2 documentaries this Wednesday and Thursday called Chart. Neil and Chris discuss their first 6 EMI albums and choose their favourite tracks from each.
Thanks for the reminder Rob, I believe the full radio series is 4 episodes with 2 this week and 2 next. Will certainly by doing my best to catch these.
Listening to Norton now, Thanks Paul :-)