Listen to Pink Floyd’s new single for Ukraine

Pink Floyd have surprised everyone by releasing new music in support of the people of Ukraine. The song is called ‘Hey Hey Rise Up’ and is the sees David Gilmour and Nick Mason joined by long time Pink Floyd bass player Guy Pratt and Nitin Sawhney on keyboards and features an extraordinary vocal performance by Andriy Khlyvnyuk of Ukrainian band Boombox.

The track was only recorded on 30 March 2022 and uses Andriy’s vocals taken from his Instagram post of him singing in Kyiv’s Sofiyskaya Square. The song itself ‘The Red Viburnum In The Meadow’ is a rousing Ukrainian protest song written during the first world war which has been taken up across the world over the past month in protest of the invasion of Ukraine. The title of the Pink Floyd track is taken from the last line of the song which translates as ‘Hey Hey Rise up and rejoice’.

Gilmour explains how he came to know Andriy and his band Boombox. “In 2015, I played a show at Koko in London in support of the Belarus Free Theatre, whose members have been imprisoned. Pussy Riot and the Ukrainian band, Boombox, were also on the bill. They were supposed to do their own set, but their singer Andriy had visa problems, so the rest of the band backed me for my set – we played Wish You Were Here for Andriy that night.Recently I read that Andriy had left his American tour with Boombox, had gone back to Ukraine, and joined up with the Territorial Defense. Then I saw this incredible video on Instagram, where he stands in a square in Kyiv with this beautiful gold-domed church and sings in the silence of a city with no traffic or background noise because of the war. It was a powerful moment that made me want to put it to music.”

While writing the music for the track, David managed to speak with Andriy from his hospital bed in Kyiv where he was recovering from a mortar shrapnel injury. “I played him a little bit of the song down the phone line and he gave me his blessing. We both hope to do something together in person in the future.”

Speaking about the track Gilmour says, “I hope it will receive wide support and publicity. We want to raise funds for humanitarian charities, and raise morale. We want express our support for Ukraine and in that way, show that most of the world thinks that it is totally wrong for a superpower to invade the independent democratic country that Ukraine has become.”

The artwork for the track features a painting of the national flower of Ukraine, the sunflower, by the Cuban artist, Yosan Leon. The cover of the single is a direct reference to the woman who was seen around the world giving sunflower seeds to Russian soldiers and telling them to carry them in their pockets so that when they die, sunflowers will grow.

Obviously, there is no physical version of the song (at least for now). But you can buy the download and all proceeds go to Ukranian Humanitarian Relief.

Download/stream the new single


37 thoughts on “Listen to Pink Floyd’s new single for Ukraine

  1. I wholeheartedly approve of this release, and think it is superb.

    It looks like Julian Lennon and his buddy nuno bettencourt have moved forward from their lockdown “karma police” Radiohead cover to perform “imagine “ in support of Ukraine.
    The more I think about it, and watch the video (available on t’interweb) the better it gets….(and I also love nuno/extreme,/population 1/dramagods).
    I wonder if this will receive a “commercial” release in a similar vein to this pink Floyd release ….I hope so!

    Rise up.

  2. This is a fine thing for Dave and Nick to do, and the results are terrific. Even if Roger were invited, everything with him seems incredibly complex. No time to wait to negotiate with him.

    Andriy Khlyvnyuk appears in the video wearing a New York Yankees cap. Savvy move. For better or worse (and it may seem trivial), Americans always take a liking to those out-of-town folks who wear our sports teams’ logos. There are millions of Yankees fans. Let’s hope every damn one of them downloads the single.

    They should get a physical release together, but again, you don’t want to wait on that in situations like this.

    If they want to really make this a winner (and not just something forgotten next week), put together a CD and LP that includes the new song, maybe something from the singer’s band, Boombox, maybe some Ukrainian folk and rock music, and a few live unreleased Floyd, Saucerful, or Gilmour tunes. Give Waters a chance to add his recent re-recording of “The Gunner’s Dream” and turn that sunflower art into an add-on t-shirt.

    By the way, to cut Waters just a little break, his comments (I believe) were made before Bucha. If he doesn’t see that as a reason for an attacked country to beg others for the means to defend its citizens… Well, that’s a perspective I don’t think I could fathom.

    1. I agree with your comment about cutting Waters a break. But I keep wondering to myself, ‘Why do we look to musicians for their opinions on politics, war, etc?’ As if the former-bass-player-in-a-rock-band’s opinions are to be valued over anyone else’s? I guess it’s because he has the media attention. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if Waters stated, “I have no idea how to resolve the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. I don’t want to support sending arms to Ukraine because I’d really like them to negotiate with words, not weapons. On the other hand, since Russia appears to be committing atrocities on top of their general invasion, perhaps supporting Ukraine’s access to weaponry is justified. I have mixed feelings. I’m quite confused. I’m not an expert in the arena of politics and war, so stop looking to me for answers. Nor am I an expert in verbal negotiation – just look at what happened between me and the rest of the boys in Pink Floyd. Now go bug somebody like Holly Johnson for their opinion.”

  3. In the meadow, a red kalyna
    In the meadow, there a red kalyna, has bent down low ,
    For some reason, our glorious Ukraine, has been worried so.
    And we’ll take that red kalyna and we will raise it up,
    And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey – hey, cheer up – and rejoice!
    And we’ll take that red kalyna and we will raise it up,
    And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey – hey, cheer up – and rejoice!

    Do not bend low, Oh red kalyna, You have a white flower.
    Do not worry, glorious Ukraine, You have a free people.
    And we’ll take that red kalyna and will raise it up,
    And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey – hey, cheer up – and rejoice!
    And we’ll take that red kalyna and will raise it up,
    And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey – hey, cheer up – and rejoice!

    Marching forward, our fellow volunteers, into a bloody fray,
    For to free, our brother – Ukrainians, from hostile chains.
    And we, our brother – Ukrainians, we will then liberate,
    And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey – hey, cheer up – and rejoice!
    And we, our brother – Ukrainians, we will then liberate,
    And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey – hey, cheer up – and rejoice!

    Oh in the field, of early spring wheat, there’s a golden furrow,
    Then began, the Ukrainian riflemen to, engage the enemy,
    And we’ll take, that precious, early wheat and will gather it,
    And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey – hey, cheer up – and rejoice!
    And we’ll take, that precious, early wheat and will gather it,
    And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey – hey, cheer up – and rejoice!

    When the stormy winds blow forth from the wide steppes,
    They will glorify, through out Ukraine, the Sich riflemen.
    And we’ll take the glory of the riflemen preserving it,
    And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey – hey, cheer up – and rejoice!
    And we’ll take the glory of the riflemen preserving it,
    And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey – hey, cheer up – and rejoice!

    Слава Украине!

  4. Maybe I am nitpicking but I would have liked it if the youtube had (english) subs, then I could read what the lyrics are all about. And even though I think I do like the song, Nick Mason might have looked a bit more like he liked what he was doing there. Ok sorry, I am nitpicking and will def buy/download this eventhough I would have spend probably more money if it was a cd-single instead of a download.

  5. Well done Gilmour, Mason et al.
    I hope this will inspire Paul McCartney and Universal Music Group to release the 2008 Paul McCartney concert at Independent Square in Kiev, and donate all profits to organisations taking care of the Ukranian refugees. Also, MPL/UMG should remove the “Paul McCartney at Red Square”-DVD (featuring Vladimir Putin) from their catalogue or alternatively also donate all upcoming profits from this DVD to the Ukrainians.
    I honestly don’t understand why the McCartney camp is totally silent regarding a charity release such as suggested.
    Lennon, Harrison and McCartney have all previously made political musical statements (Power to the people, Give peace a chance, Some Time in New York City-LP, Bangla Desh-single/concert/album, Give Ireland Back to the Irish, Freedom).
    So why no action from McCartney now?

    If I ever get out of here, thought of giving it all away, to a registered charity, all I need is a pint a day, if I ever get out of here
    If I Ever Get Out of Here, Band On the Run, 1973

  6. Very impressive. Well done David Gilmour. In addition to raising money for a good cause, it makes you think and wonder how awful it must be to live in war and how courageous Ukrainians are. The draw to support your motherland, for the Boombox singer to give up a safe place and go back to Ukraine, it’s awe-inspiring. My 93 year old parents lived through WW2 in the Netherlands and I have heard many stories from them. That’s the closest I have been to war. I will download this song for sure and will continue to financially support Ukrainians through other ways.

  7. I think this is brilliant because it shows the power of rock’s old farts is undiminished. Pink Floyd is back and the media is all sitting up to pay attention — wonderful. Let’s hope it makes a lot of money. Whatever his own views, Waters is irrelevant to this. It only needed the band name and he has no stake in that. I certainly don’t expect any more PF action afterwards, given Mason’s band is so good and he probably doesn’t want to go back to arena tours.

    Now imagine McCartney and Starr did the same under the Beatles name…

    1. Hmmmm. Pink Floyd aren’t back. This is simply a marketing ploy to extract as much attention and fundraising as possible. It’s really a David Gilmour release, but that wouldn’t have raised as much money. I’m not knocking the idea of maximising charity fundraising and one hopes it does well, but as only two members are on it it should have been released as a Pink or a Floyd single, but as there is already an artist called Pink…..

  8. The problem I have with this – at the risk of coming across like a sanctimonious arse – is that there will inevitably be a lot of people who download the music and then sit back and think they’ve “done something for charity”. So by all means buy the single, but don’t leave it there. Think of the download as nothing more than that, a download of the latest track by a band you like, and then make a proper donation. There are several organisations to choose from.

    1. Yes I kind of agree but for many people at the moment with the cost of living rising by the hour it is hard to make much of a charitable donation. For myself in the past I have purchased many charitable ‘singles’ for a good cause, most get downloaded and then binned never to be seen or heard again. This whole scenario after covid is like the final straw really for many people struggling to pay for food, fuel, tax etc so anything that can be done for the people of Ukraine it is worthwhile.

      1. I might be stating the obvious, but you’re on a website devoted to promoting deluxe CD and vinyl music releases. If there’s a shortage of money at the moment, it doesn’t seem to be affecting the majority of the people who post here. Like I said at the start I don’t want to come across as as an arsehole, and I’m well aware that nobody has an obligation to give to any charity if they don’t want to, but when you’re talking to a group of people – and I include myself in that group – who think nothing of spending a hundred pounds or more on a box of CDs…

        1. Well speaking personally I have had to reduce my spending alarmingly over the last few months, only buying what I know will not be around when better times come along, if they ever do.

    2. That is the problem with the UK let’s be honest, I passed a big issue seller who has been outside my local Waitrose for the last 5 years but now she is Ukrainian all of a sudden. And people are throwing silly money at her. To be fair if she is she may have family over there but also has the latest iPhone and is constantly on it . I passed her today and she hurled abuse at me for ignoring her. Which is ironic as I work in a care home for the genuinely homeless and those with addictions. And no that isn’t an hey I’m a good soul I get paid to do it just getting sick of non-genuine people riffing off those in actual need. And can’t help but feel Gilmour is trying to be relevant when no-one really gives a toss about Floyd or him anymore.

  9. Personally I am glad that this was released under the Pink Floyd name rather than just Gilmour. It will make people listen and if that is enough for them to pay for it all good. There is something about the whole song that sends shivers down my spine, perhaps just knowing context does that but I do actually like it, a powerful heart felt song in any language transcends any barriers, one can just feel it.
    I urge everyone to overcome their phobia about digital music and buy it and help a good cause and raise awareness.
    I never ever believed we would see this kind of atrocity in our modern world ever again, just goes to show how far we have to go yet as human beings. Far too much hate in the world and not enough love.

  10. Just like most of the SDE members, I don’t know what it’s like to live in a war. But my 88-year-old mother does have that experience. Together with her parents and her younger brother, she had to flee in May 1940 when the Nazi’s bombed Rotterdam. All they had were the clothes they were wearing. My mother still remembers how the people were screaming and buildings being destroyed. So she knows what the Ukrainian people are going through.

    Over the years, I’ve read a lot about World War II. I never thought that there would be another war in Europe, with so many victims and refugees.

    That is why – not just because I am a Pink Floyd fan – I’ll be purchasing this download single, to raise money for these Ukrainian refugees. I’ll hope that many SDE members will do the same.

  11. Great guitar work as expected. Not sure if that should be under the Pink Floyd banner . The Endless River for me was the perfect ending of their story. Syd and Richard are not alive any more. Even if big Roger was in , its not Pink Floyd any more. But the song is great and for a good purpose.

  12. It shouldn’t be a case of: ‘Listen to Pink Floyd’s new single for Ukraine’.
    It should be a case of: ‘Buy this single and help save lives’.

    The fact that this doesn’t have a physical release at the moment should not be part of the discussion. People are dying. 10 days ago this music didn’t exist. Now it does and you can purchase it immediately. YOU CAN HELP RIGHT NOW! Buy this single and support the people of Ukraine against the inhumanity of war:


    £1.89 for CD quality
    £2.19 for Hi-Res

    Do what you can for these people and do it now.

      1. Yes, that was my first thought. If the intention is, as David says, “to raise finds and morale … [and] publicity and support,” then having Roger on the track would have achieved those aims up to the stratosphere. It’s not as if there isn’t a ‘this is bigger than the squabbles of two men’ precedent, with Live 8; and if Roger was not invited, as seems likely [unless he had to ‘take someone to the airport’ again], there is a taste of, ‘well, you can’t make peace, what hope is there for this madness.’ It also begats the issue of, OK, you now say that just you and Nick are Pink Floyd, when can we expect a new album?’ I don’t think for an instant there will be one, and I am not hankering for one, I just think DG has opened himself up to now constantly being asked the question.

    1. Roger has already said that, while he condemns the Russian invasion, he would not support any effort to help Ukraine fight back, and so would certainly not contribute to a recording involving a Ukrainian soldier. He only supports negotiations.

      So let’s celebrate what Pink Floyd is today, sans their erstwhile bandmate. I like the song, and I will buy the download.

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