Paul McCartney: The 7″ Singles – unboxed!
One box set to rule them all. Paul McCartney’s audacious (and sold out) 7″ Singles box set, featuring 80 singles from the past 50+ years, gets the full unboxing treatment via SDEtv. All the singles are examined with plenty of analysis and comparisons to previous formats. Make a cup of tea, sit down and enjoy all 52 minutes!
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125 thoughts on “Paul McCartney: The 7″ Singles – unboxed!”
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Noticed that the singles from Back to the Egg and London Town are marked “2022 Remaster”. Does this presage an imminent re-release of these two albums?
Superb video, as ever Paul. I was havering over whether to buy this when it was first announced, given I’ve bought all of the archive releases so far. And having watched it I’m kinda glad I didn’t now, even though it would have been nice to have physical copies of some of the more recent singles. A pity, given the price, that they couldn’t have shelled out a few extra sheckles for some poly inners to protect the vinyl from sleeve damage though.
Finally finished watching the unboxing video. Amazing stuff. Thanks PS! Now one can look at this body of work simply as a (product) collector. Or one can look at this as a McCartney fan who has enjoyed his music through so many years. Or if one is old enough can revisit their lives through McCartney’s music legacy. Thank you to both Pauls’ for this!
How to build your own Paul mc cartney singles box!! Very funny
Hey Paul – check out (22) Things We Said Today #380 – “The McCartney Legacy, Vol. 1, 1969-1973” – YouTube as you get a really nice shout out by Adrian Sinclair ! Well deserved too
The book that two of the participants wrote is AMAZING. I bought it because of hofnerbassman’s link, and it’s probably the best, and most detailed, writing that one can get concerning McCartney. Mark Lewisohn, move over!
Just a couple of points – some of my singles are slightly warped, not enough to affect sound but visually a little disappointing. Also, I felt so lucky to get Listen To What the Man Said as my test pressing, as it is an all time favourite – but now seeing you got it too, I am wondering just how many do feature. Or just a real coincidence.
Assuming they split it evenly (which they may not have) the ‘math’ says that there should be 37 or 38 of each test pressing.
Great video. Detailed. Informative. Extremely well informed.
Everything you’d expect from SDE.
The subject of the video itself?
Sadly, a bloated vanity project depicting a great talent through various stages of decline. Amusingly, the packing crate reminded me of that closing scene to ‘Indiana Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark’. Maybe that’s the appropriate last resting place for this very flawed body of work.
What a good moment it was!
I’m pretty jealous I didn’t get the box. It was far too expensive for me even if it’s worth the price.
Outstanding job Paul!
FWIW, Mull Of Kintyre was definitely released in the US back in 1977, with the same picture sleeve.
At the 8:36 mark, was the song title “Little Woman Love” misspelled on the original single’s label, as it is here on the box-set version (where it appears as “Little Women Love”)?
Wow! Good catch. I looked up images of the single, and none of the pics of the original single had that misspelling!
Hi there, well I am happy as a pig in s**t ! LOL….just located a box for sale on a Los Angeles site at the original USD price. I never thought I would find that. There is a god. I had given up actually, thinking I had missed the boat last week.
Yes, it was expensive, I get the comments, it’s not for everyone, but it’s limited to 3,000 and now selling for up to 2-3 x that initial price on Discogs and other sites. Not interested in selling but sure happy to buy at a price that is now a bargain!
Will I actually play the singles, of course not. It’s purely about the collectability of a handsome boxset with 80 beautifully packaged singles sleeves representing the many countries around the globe that I can enjoy the ownership of etc.
Hope Yoko will do similar for John in a smaller box arrangement. His singles output is deserving of a similar presentation, and I read somewhere that he always preferred the singles format for its ability to instant message the peoples (Instant Karma).
Thanks for the vid Paul, it takes real patience and stamina to review 80 singles in a single (pun intended) setting. Two cups of tea for me!
As an aside – the singles lifted from London Town and Back to the Egg are 2022 remixes – would those who live in hope be thinking the archive editions for these albums are not too far away now? Could Macca sneak those in before Xmas for the hungry fans? LOL.
How “complete” is this ? Did he release more than 80 singles ? Are there a lot of b-sides missing ?
Lots of extra tracks missing from the era of 12″ and CD singles but since it’s not a 12″ or CD singles box set then that’s fair enough. Not many singles missing and I don’t think there’s any that were issued everywhere, just territory-specific things like ‘Off The Ground’ or ‘Biker Like An Icon’. There’s more added (15 I believe) than missing.
Was biker like a icon actually released as a single somewhere????
Yes indeed > https://www.discogs.com/master/248028-Paul-McCartney-Biker-Like-An-Icon
I haven’t had time to watch the video but I will,so is your old favourite freedom included??
You must be devastated??
There’s only one artist I would even consider buying something like this by and that’s Elton John.
Although it’s a very informative video and great to see everything I just dislike the wooden box, it just looks cheap in my opinion.
Paul McCartney has had his day in terms of performing and songwriting and the outrageous cost of his releases do nothing for his credibility these days.
I think McCartney’s credibility will forever be just fine, and he can still write good songs. It was an expensive release but it sold out, no one had to buy it and its all available ‘for free’ on streaming.
Your comment is so funny it made me lol. Isn’t Elton John in the same boat as McCartney in terms of performing and song writing? One seems to forget the Burberry release $375 for 6 albums, isn’t this outrageous.
Elton John!!!
I’ve rarely seen a finer wooden box!
Of course, ‘des gouts on ne discutte pas’, but, for argument’s sake, let’s try to objectify this comparison. I have no fan-like interest in Macca or the Rocket Man, but I have listened to and read about them over the decades past. Macca’s influence on society as a whole, is arguably far more widespread – in content and range – than Dwight’s, although he played a pioneering role for the acceptance of gay people. Musically then, I think Macca is quite a bit more original and diverse, concerning melody, harmony and rhythmically. ‘Credibility’-wise, however, is again more a personal judgment and, as such, tricky. But to me, somebody who, like Reggie, is named in the Pandora-papers loses a lot of that elusive reputation, as you would, if you, as he did also, appear in product commercials. Whatever you ask for the physical product of your own, I consider irrelevant, as, as a fan, you are under no pressure (but your own) to buy anything. Certainly, when you can listen to that music in many other different ways, nowadays. Idem ditto for the price of tickets to your concert: 500+€ for the 2023 Elton John show is not peanuts. I consider that utterly decadent if I would give that amount of money for such effusive entertainment. I’d rather give that to charity (yes, I’m not poor). In all 5 decades that I went to concerts – pop, rock, jazz and classical – I never spent more than 50€ (inflation corrected), ànd I saw and heard all the Greats (most of them early in their careers) … So, Macca wins on all fronts, n’est-ce pas ?
Mr. Ious – And you did all of that without even mentioning Bernie Taupin.
Well, be my guest to compare, Elton might win there … Perhaps because being a non-native speaker, I almost never listen to lyrics, as such (albeit with a few, individual exceptions: f.i. ‘Desolation Row’). For me, the singing is all important: this goes even for Bob Dylan, despite having the most ugly voice, his is the most expressive of all. And so, my preferred vocalist, but Joni comes close …
But not Elton on his own though, without Bernie there is every possibility Elton would be a footnote rather than a chapter. I agree with you Elton has his own special place in musical history but Macca has a unique place in Musical history. And I’m not a particular fan of either.
Precisely. Maybe this is the place to mention a book about the Beatles which has not been translated into English. ‘Het Geluid Van De Beatles’ (dutch for ‘The Sound Of …), written by Ger Tillekens. It was, in origin, his doctoral thesis. Consequently, it was published as a 431 p. book, in 1998. It was quite controversial, as his idea was that it was the choice of specific chords (a.o. flat-sevenths) of the musically analfabetic Beatles and their unorthodox tweaking of basic musical rules, that determined the societal influence they had: i.o.w. it was the sounds themselves that changed society. He goes on to proof this in depth, actually too deep for me, as my musical-technical knowledge is insufficient. But I do agree instinctively as I do remember, as a young teenager, the uncanny excitement generated by the general sound of that series of chart hits, which were everywhere. I have read dozens of Beatle books, and that one was, by far the deepest, even if it only took the pre-Revolver music into account of his thesis. He became and still is a professor now at the University of Groningen, Holland. I’m sure, if the book would have been published in English, it would have been a major contribution to Beatlesology. Interestingly, he has written chapter 6: ‘A flood of flat-sevenths’, in ‘Every Sound There Is : The Beatles’ Revolver and the Transformation of Rock and Roll’, edited by Russell Reising, published in 2017.
Elton John losing reputation appearing in a commercial. .???? …. you clearly have not seen him in that snickers advert……showing us his great sense of humour! A true gem!
Indeed it’s a beautiful vinyl singles box collection, even if it’s impractical. That said, once I missed out on the exclusive Wings ’71-’73 box set (the one with “Wings Over Europe”) due to an ordering snafu, I sort of gave up chasing all the collector’s releases. Still love Macca, and will still get whatever Archives he decides to drop next (“London Town”? “Press To Play”?), but the ship has sailed on the vinyl color variants and whatnot.
Wish he would open to vaults to some more of the mid-80s work he did with Phil Ramone and later with MacManus. “Love Mix” has a Tears For Fears EWTRTW intro vibe and that soaring pop chorus. What other gems lay in the vaults?
Brilliant unboxing video Paul – thanks for taking the time. Best cup of tea I’ve had in a while.
It wound be nice to listen to “Return to Pepperland”, although I’m not sure it was a good idea.
Superb unboxing video, many thanks Paul !
Very frustrated they’ve been now all sold out (I would have able to afford it only just now).
A number of people have found problems in their boxes. 45’s with off center labels reaching into the grooves, multiple labels, missing labels. Did you find any of theses?
For me Pauls commentary is more interesting than the box. Am I the only one who thinks it looks a bit cheap like its made out of balsa wood with bright red ribbons?
A hardback book (why do they still put soft backs in expensive boxsets?) with ALL the cover variations around the world in plus CD’s of the music and an essay from Paul would have been very appealing.
Like I said: the box looks fine and beautiful, strong and elegant, with a superb eye for detail and craftmanship. Sharp printing. Some very effective internal cladding makes the single sit really well inside. And those straps certainly aren’t ‘ribbons’. I don’t think it disappoints anyone in that respect!
I bought the Beatles “bread bin” and it did not age well. Easily scuffed, stopped working smoothly and cumbersome to store. In the end it stopped looking impressive and become a sad bread bin that took up a lot of room in a cupboard.
Over £600 for what looks more and more like a wine bottle box to me with a load of music we all ready have yet is incomplete seems a waste of money to me.
My ribbon comment was too flippant material wise but the colour is bright ribbon red.
When I said an essay by Paul I meant SDE Paul to be clear.
The more I think about it just a hardback book with all the covers plus a Paul SDE essay would have been a much better option.
Great unboxing video. What if a CD version would be released? Would it have the same songs as this vinyl box or would it contain all the b-sides and bonus tracks of the cd-singles as well?
I have this box in high resolution 96/24 kHz FLAC and in standard CD quality FLAC.
Well, for those of us that are not rich, at least it’s (officially) available on Spotify
Indeed, nice, informative video (watched it twice already), even for somebody like me who is only marginally (t.i. historically) interested in Macca as a solo-artist. I could have used a little more time spent on the book, where it would have been interesting to see what chart-place the record reached in the country of issue (now only UK and US). But I don’t agree that this box is only for collectors. From some of the comments below, it is quite clear that some people buy it as an investment. This points to a contradiction between a collector as a music-lover and a collector as an investor. In general, an unopened item is worth more than one who has been opened. So, a music-lover has a dilemma if he wants to listen to the vinyl records themselves, as it will inevitably it will lose some value. An investor doesn’t care, he can listen to the music on another medium, but he has another headache: when to sell and at what price and effort, taken into account the monetary risk (of inflation and uncertainty of value) ? Most buyers are probably a combination of the two, with some sophistication thrown in, f.e. some collectors love a well-used item, as it has a history of its own. Which person are you ? The simple question to ask yourself is: do I want to peel the V.U. – banana myself ore not ?
On a slight tangent, my SDE bargain arrived yesterday, taking time this morning to enjoy!
Although not a McCartney fanatic, I do love watching these videos as it is clearly a labour of love.
I have kept my Farscape DVDs because the artwork is a work of art in itself, I can see how this box is the same, beautiful but not wholly practical.
Might watch the video backwards to see what a packing video looks like.
I was lucky enough (rich enough? crazy enough?) to get one of these boxes. While waiting for it to arrive I satisfied my impatience by watching this wonderful unboxing video. It was like watching a treasure chest being opened. Given how successful this seems to have been – sold out in a few days – it makes me wish that Apple would do the same sort of thing with the 50 or so Apple singles released between 1968 and 1975. Plenty of solo Beatle content to guarantee another best seller.
A box replicating the original run of non Beatle Apple 45’s would be a dream reissue for me – I suspect, though, that it will remain as a dream.
Apple only ever seemed to rejuvenate the non Beatle releases when it needed to demonstrate that it was still a functioning music label during its litigation with Apple computers. As that case is long settled then it will likely go back into hibernation as far as the non Beatle music goes. We did get the Apple CD box though, which was very good, as well as the vinyl reissues from the early 90’s.
Is the Hot Chocolate 7″ the only one that hasn’t appeared on cd over the years? (Even the King of Fuh has appeared on cd).
I am an All The Best-level fan and maybe prefer things that are McCartney-esque to actual McCartney. On Apple Music this is a great walk down music history lane for the long drive to Portland from Seattle and back and I still have a few songs to go. Very clear why some songs ended up as b-sides; they are quintessentially the type that do not belong on an album. I haven’t heard as many McCartney songs as I really should have, and I was angry at TLC on his behalf when I heard Waterfalls for the first time today. Surely they must be surreptitiously sending him royalty checks.
That’s not the barcode on the side of the box, it’s the dimensions of the box. DIMS: 346 x 232 x 224.
Marvellous stuff, I watched this at Heathrow picking up godson, arrival 2 hours late so this nicely filled out the wait, out of my price range but fabulous to see, at £7.50 a single with that book and exclusive single and a lovely box, I think it’s a great deal overall. One question unanswered though, will it fit in a Kallax cube lol. I’m a big fan of 80’s Macca, loved Flowers in the Dirt & the tour.
Great video, Sir Paul…once again my interest in something is satiated by watching your video of it’s unboxing!
I like that you buy the box AND get all the content in it already….unlike that David Bowie debacle where you bought the box and MAYBE were fortunate to be able to get all the contents !!!!
I don’t like that they got the grammar wrong on the box…… by my reckoning it should be “prod. Ltd” and not “prod ltd.”
Ah that is nitpicking…if you want an untreated box with a load of lovely sleeved records that you cannot see…..here it is…… a nicer looking box to sit on the shelf (a big shelf) would be the “all things must pass” Uber box. A nice collector’s item for those with the £¥€$ to spend.
Have a wonderfulChristmastime everyone…..! Toodle-pip!
In the US, the 7″ single standard was 45 RPM and “jukebox cut” (large spindle hole) as you call it (well at least back in the 70s/80s). I remember having “adapters” that either sat over the turntable spindle (much like a jukebox) or that snapped into the single itself. Was the UK (maybe the rest of the world) different for a 7″ single? Wouldn’t be the first time (english units vs metric).
Great video btw. I’ll have to pull out my vintage collection of 7″s and wander down memory lane.
In Australia (as far as I know) the 45rpm 7″ singles had small spindle holes since I started buying them which was in the late 60s. The only ones I have with large holes were a couple of US imports
I remember in the 80s the 7″ standard was rarely 33 1/3 rpm. In the UK we didn’t get the huge jukebox holes, unless you were buying ex-jukebox stock from the post-office or something. Most turntables came with an adaptor. But albums were never the same. They always had small spindle holes. Doesn’t make sense.
This video is awesome, I love the attention to detail and the fact you uncovered the slightly incorrect production credit on Once Upon A Long Ago! As an aside Paul, have you heard This One by The Fizz on their new album?
Made it through, good job Paul, bravo. What it does show me, and apologies if anybody has already said this, I realised that the last McCartney single that I showed any interest in (and indeed bought the 12″ on original release) was Spies like Us. After that I took no further notice and this box shows it is a tale of two halves.
The first half is stuffed to the gills with unforgettable, brilliant tunes assembled by a man absolutely on top of his game. Whether that was no longer the case on the second half of the box is entirely personal. For whatever reason other than vague memories of box crawling in the 1990s and coming across a few things I have little or no memory of even hearing any of these songs, I don’t even recognize titles.
The only part of me that says this is a complete waste of resources and money is that part of me that is jealous that I don’t own one. I would only own it as a collector though, which is not how it was meant to be so congratulations to those, who are fans, who snagged one.
Don’t think we can trust your view of McCartney’s quality level if you bought the Spies Like Us single! For me that was close to hmhis lowest point, and he has made lots of great music since.
Great video!
I’m giving you an upvote because you are right. However in my defense I was 18 and mostly stupid.
I would also add that I liked what the Art of Noise were doing, Particularly JJJ (Kiss Me) so there is that…… It’s probably the track that actual McCartney fans dislike most, but from my direction, I liked it at the time.
Edit: Just listened properly on Spotify for the first time in 30+ years and yeah, it’s shit, gave up after 60 seconds. However this does not mean my taste has in improved since then, as I popped the highlighter up two tracks and thoroughly enjoyed all of We All Stand Together.
I have to admit to adoring We All Stand Together, too. Music doesn’t have to be good, sometimes it’s enough that it means something to you. I also loved No More Lonely Nights but much of his stuff since then has left me indifferent and uninterested. The video was great though and I watched with interest and celebrate that people love him so much. No-one can deny his legacy and even producing 1 hit single is amazing, producing 80 singles is astonishing. Not everything is brilliant, but he is, obviously.
I’ll show how stupid I am. Back in the day, I liked “Spies Like Us.” Someone amongst my friends had the 12″ (probably me). I still like the track, even though I haven’t listened in a long, long time.
As for the single, the best reason to buy was the Art of Noise remix.
If you like Coldplay, or iron maiden, or buckethead or bros or bombalurina, so be it! Anyone who says you shouldn’t like a certain song or album or artist is YOUR ENEMY.
Peace and love peace and love as someone might say.
I would go that far to call someone my enemy, maybe just misguided!
Two cups of coffee and most of a packet of biscuits here but watched through it all. Absolutely excellent unboxing with a great view of the sleeves & labels for each disc. Half of me wishes they’d issued this on CD as well and the other half of me is glad that they didn’t! Listened to roughly the first half of the digital version via streaming and it is astonishing that one man has been this talented for this long, and this is all technically his second act. That and the uptick in remastered sound quality for the London Town/Back To The Egg singles has properly whetted the appetite for Achive deluxe boxes for those two.
Fantastic unboxing video, never dragged once despite the length and was a great way to spend an hour.
I will likely buy the 24/96 Hi-Res downloads from Qobuz for $64, but with my luck they will announce a CD version a week later!
Delighted to be able to listen to the music on Spotify and now get to vicariously experience the box itself. Great!
Ace video, it makes me want to buy it now. This video highlights the scope of the McCartney’s career and reminds us of what we’ve probably forgotten about down the years.
Thank you for the guided tour Paul. This was a set I was never going to buy so it was very nice of you to share yours so comprehensively. Cheers.
Bravo for this unboxing Paul. This was obviously a big one and you did a fantastic job, love the little attentions like the numbers and names in the upper left hand side corner.
Thanks Max!
Colour me amazed! I love the variety and quality on show here. Awesome!
It would be nice if those who could only afford the download could at least buy a copy of the book to get the artwork.
Yes a great video – I would have really loved to have got this, but could not afford the price within such a short space of time. The problem would have been solved had they pressed a lot more or given a better lead time for people to budget for it. Not every collector has a spare $615 lying around, especially at this time of year.
Thanks. If you were producing such an expensive box you’re always going to err on the side of caution in terms of numbers.
Is that Storm Thorgerson on the cover of ‘I’ve Had Enough’?
My favourite years were 1970-74. There’s total 28 tracks from those years. Only 12 of them are my favourites. Total time of them are about 49 minutes. Almost as long as this video. There’s 52 minutes too much for me!
I honestly don’t understand anyone who could love Paul McCartney’s music from 1970-1974 but not like any other period. Sure there’s plenty of ups and downs but he made A LOT of great music post-1974!!
73-83 for me for Macca. I will throw a curveball and add We All Stand Together as sadly that is s very guilty pleasure for me.
73 to 89 for me, Press to Play and Flowers are generally magnificent. Personally, I think the 70-73 stuff bar Live and Let Die and Maybe I’m Amazed is self indulgent and poor quality compared to before and after. But I’d probably get shot on SH forum for that view! Great video Paul, fascinating even for someone who wasn’t interested in this release. Cheers!
I DO understand. I stop with Band on the run and start again with Chaos and creation. There are exceptions, of course, like McCartney II. But I avoid his 80’s era like the plague. More Wild life for me, please, and less Tug of War !
It’s more bizarre to me that folks would start at 1973 i.e post Ram. Baffling!
I didn’t mean i don’t like any other years, but those are my favorites. After those years i own Venus And Mars, Tug Of War, Flowers In The Dirt, Flaming Pie and Run Devil Run. What i have heard from other records they haven’t impress me that much, that i should have buy them!
Fucking amazing unboxing video, truly awesome.
Thank you, so very much.
Would never buy it but the video was fun to watch so thank you Paul. Obviously they should have used the Swedish sleeve for Jet.
a big set – i admit i would buy a Paul Weller version
Now watched the whole thing and despite not having a great love for his more recent singles, the wings and 80s period more than make up for it.
A couple of things struck me:
– The emphasis on 7″ in the packaging makes me wonder if they might do a 12″ version (I am getting ready to sell a limb)
– Could they possibly create a cheaper version (e.g. CD – it would be great to have the content and the booklet)
– Paul – your Knowledge of McCartney is truly encyclopaedic. Did you bone up just before recording the video, have some kind of off-camera crib sheet or do you just remember this stuff? Or would you prefer not to say and keep the mystery :-)
Anyway, a master class in how unboxing videos should be done – well done Paul (and I hope this goes some way to mending any rifts there may be with the Macca crew).
5 stars out of 5!
Great unboxing video, as always. I enjoyed that immensely.
That may have been the longest unboxing you’ve done, Paul, but it was also the quickest I’ve had an hour go by. Well done!
Paul, you deserve a medal for services to unboxing. Thanks so much for doing this. It was a treat to watch. Hope you have a great Christmas.
Thank you :)
Hi Paul, I’m not always a fan of the box sets you do “unboxing videos” for, but I watch to learn about the making of the box and for interesting facts about the group or the song. Thanks for that. Please tell me, there is always talk about poly-lined sleeves. Surely these 45’s should have had that type of sleeve, right? Do you go back and put your old 45’s and 12″ in poly-lined sleeves?
I got my box this past week and it indeed looks and feels amazing. Someone below says that it is a bit of a dust gatherer. I agree with that. It’s really something you look at rather then use. Some certainly may but especially now that I have seen the video, I don’t need to unpack it. I have all the music on cd and uploaded in Sonos so I can play it whenever I want. No need to play it on a vinyl 45. But kudos for Macca for releasing a high quality box and making it a truly limited edition.
The video is great by the way. Watched the whole thing with -indeed- a cup of tea :-)
Do you think it’s fair for many fans to miss out on such a wonderful release for two different reasons – one is affordability at a time when lots of fans are struggling to pay bills and two, the lack of availability, with it selling out within a couple of days. Or are you an “I’m okay Jack” kind of person.
This box wouldn’t exist unless it was a limited edition. Once you accept that then there’s not much more to say. You have no idea what quantity would satisfy the worldwide demand and 3,000 doesn’t seem like an unreasonable figure for them to pick for a £600 box set.
I grew up poor in the 1980s. Maybe nobody should have sold things then since I could not have afforded them then.
Great video. Thoroughly enjoyed. Your knowledge of McCartney releases is amazing. Have you played any of the singles ? I was so badly burnt by multiple copies of the Beatles singles box having large numbers of unplayable warped singles that I decided against this. I would have to say that this looks like a different level of quality.
What a pleasant lunch hour that was. I would’ve ordered this, but without exclusive download-only tracks I’m just not interested…
I thought this was great. I really enjoyed it. Costs too much for me anyway – but your video spurred me on to root out my old LPs and them dusty singles and have a bit of a play and a Dance About…
Thanks Paul. I really enjoyed watching this and hearing your very well-informed comments. It’s a beautiful collection in every way but I’m sure I’m not the only one wishing that the contents had been made available as a CD box set (I know it’s available to download as such) and thinking that a Bob Dylan-style “Complete Album Collection” from Paul McCartney is well overdue. That will make for another great unboxing video if it ever happens!
There’s a fascinating video up on You Tube which shows the making of the actual box (es) which I would argue is far more interesting than most of the contents herein. Well worth a peek. You were lucky Paul with your bonus test pressing. Some poor buggers (according to comments on You Tube) ended up with hell like the Rupert song or Mary Had A Likkle Lamb.
I wonder if there was an even amount of test pressings for each single. 3,000 editions of 80 singles would mean 38 test pressings of each single.
A Super Deluxe, Super Deluxe unboxing video. Putting the kettle on for this one!
Nice video Paul! I especially liked how you dug up some of the original singles and compared them! The new product looks beautiful, by the way!
So when is the competition to win this thing? I don’t imagine for a second that you personally want to keep it :D
It looks better than I anticipated, to be honest. I might actually spring for the inevitable coloured vinyl variant when it’s announced next year!
Great video! In France, the box is still available in some physical stores la FNAC in Paris, Strasbourg, Bordeaux for instance :-).
In which Fnac store did you see it?!
the only problem i have with these box sets is they date easily, come the next Macca single it will be out dated, wouldve been nice if Macca had personally signed something inside these boxes too. nice set but a dust gatherer.
Exactly, you’ll maybe play them all once or twice, if you’ve got the patience, and then the dust gathers.
Quite true. How much of this stuff NEVER gets played?
I’m guilty as charged in that respect with some box sets. Not knocking it but maybe life is to short to play all these. If it were twice as long you might “extract the value” in terms of listening. Of course other subsequent releases could “get in the way”.
In particular with this somewhat unwieldy box set and the utter inconvenience of it’s format it’s even more important to appreciate the aesthetic nature
How do you folks know what others will do with their box sets?
Plenty of space left in this box to add more 7″ singles for those who are this inclined! And at the current rate of McCartney signatures, a ‘personally signed something’ would have at least doubled the price …
Still can’t get my head around the Parlophone label these days. Because it’s supposed to be part of Warner Music now and yet The Beatles and Paul McCartney stuff still appears on it. I’d probably want to buy some of the Capitol ones separately for my collection.
I might be wrong, but I think in retro sets like these, the labels are simply ‘artwork’?
When Universal were forced to sell Parlophone and other assets to Warners and others because of competition rules, one condition Universal had was that they got to keep The Beatles catalogue (and The Beach Boys)
“One box set to rule them all” great Paul !!!!
Re: Mull of Kintyre, I don’t mean to argue, but I thought the biggest selling non-charity single after Elton John and Band Aid was Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen with 2.36m units sold as opposed to Wings bagpipe behemoth at 2m? UK’s million-selling singles: the full list | Music | theguardian.com
Nope. The reissue of Bohemian Rhapsody was for charity.
Fantastic box!!!
Hi Paul,
I hope you got this free or borrowed it for the unboxing because personally I do not like it at all.
Its really only for a collector as it’s a bit of a rigmarole to even play one single by the time you undo the awful looking box and actually find the one you want to play.
“Only for a collector”… you don’t say!
Well that was a marathon! Very well done and thank you again for all your hard work.
It certainly looks like a wonderful box set.
Interesting the No: 7 with the circle around it on the outside of the box. That looks exactly the same as an old logo used by the Channel 7 TV network here in Australia :)
My first McCartney 7″ was Uncle Albert. The Australian pressing had Smile Away on the flip side. It was promoted here as a double A side.
Yes, it is exactly the same logo, which was used for 7 Records, a distribution label initially set up by the TV network to sell footy singles. Later on they picked up Mike Nesmith, The Residents, The Cure, The Flying Lizards, The Tourists and their biggest seller Genghis Ghan! Macca’s in good company!
Okay – I’m only 5 minutes into the video but I have to say that I really really wish I could have afforded this. It looks amazing.
Love the packaging and the compact size (I had thought, like others I presume, that the crate was huge).
Well done for those that purchased it – Not a disappointing package at all (at least on first impressions).