
Day 5: SDE Christmas Giveaway / Win a Donna Summer prize bundle


Day five of our SDE Christmas Giveaway andwe have SIX fantastic not-available-in-the-shops Donna Summer prize bundles to give away. Half-a-dozen winners will be sent all of the following items:

  • Exclusive two-track 12″ vinyl single only previously available as a bonus item for fans who bought the vinyl box from the official Donna store
  • Exclusive two-track CD single only previously available as a bonus item to fans who bought the CD box from the official Donna store
  • Unique promo-only SAMPLER CD featuring 10-tracks from across all the reissues.

The two tracks on the CD and 12-inch single are State Of Independence (DJ Dero Vocal Mix) [RT:8.18]  and the previously unreleased Love’s About To Change My Heart (Loveland’s Full-On 12″ Vocal) [RT: 7.34].

If you would like to be in with a chance of winning this superb Donna Summer bundle then simply make sure you’ve entered SDE Christmas Giveaway by heading over to our Facebook page where you can follow the instructions. The winners will be announced tomorrow (20 December).

10-track sampler CD (click to enlarge)
Track listing of sampler CD (click to enlarge) helps fans around the world discover physical music and discuss releases. To keep the site free, SDE participates in various affiliate programs, including Amazon and earns from qualifying purchases.


10 thoughts on “Day 5: SDE Christmas Giveaway / Win a Donna Summer prize bundle

  1. Would love to win this as MyPlay gave me the runaround with my Donna boxset and I never got a copy of the single from them. They kept re-ordering and for unknown reasons canceling my order. Eventually telling me the single is no longer available so I never got it.

  2. you teasing me now!!!!! would love this.
    BTW SDE – I think you will be the reason for my divorce with all these great releases you’re pointing out :)

    1. Haha would hate to be responsible for any marital discord ;) By the way the Donna prize winners will be announced on Monday 22nd Dec now. Cheers, P

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