Peter Gabriel announces European tour
and a new album is on the way!

Peter Gabriel has today announced a UK and European tour for 2023.
The man himself said “It’s been a while and I am now surrounded by a whole lot of new songs and am excited to be taking them out on the road for a spin. Look forward to seeing you out there.”
Those ‘new songs’ are from his forthcoming album i/o and as well as this new material, i/o The Tour will see PG delving into his amazing back catalogue of music, with “hits, fan favourites and the unexpected”.
Gabriel will be joined by regular band-mates Tony Levin, David Rhodes and Manu Katché. The 22 shows in Europe will kick off in Krakow, Poland on 18 May 2023, with dates in Italy, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, The Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, and the UK before wrapping in Dublin, Ireland on 25 June 2023. The tour will then continue in North America in the late summer/fautumn (dates to follow).
There is no further information on the i/o album right now, other than the title and the fact that it’s confirmed!
Tickets for i/o The Tour go on sale on Friday 11 November at 9am (O2 priority starts tomorrow at 9am).
92 thoughts on “Peter Gabriel announces European tour”
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It’s still possible to do cheap (ish) gigs. My local fleapit had Lightning Seeds play there last month and Turin Brakes are playing in a couple of weeks. I paid about 60 quid for both tickets. LS were on excellent form and Ian’s son plays rhythm guitar in the band now, so it’s a family affair.
At £200 a ticket for the majority of seats ( Glasgow ) they might need to have a re-think as there still seems to be 70-80% available
$18.50 to see the ‘So’ tour in 1987. What happened?
Ah wonderful PG is releasing a new LP – I have been playing the ‘Back To Front’ Blu-ray Disc recently.
How about a physical release for the digital ‘Flotsam and Jetsam’ b-sides/remixes/rarities compilation…
Very excited for news of a new album and tour. Saw PG in 1993 at his WOMAD show in San Francisco. Sinead O’Connor performed backing vocals during his set. I think she got a bigger cheer when she was introduced then when he first came out which was nice as she was getting a lot of sh*t at the time. Was great to see them perform together. Crowded House were also on the bill which was great.
I enjoyed the So playback show from 2014 (??), but these tickets are too expensive for me to see him again, plus my nearest show clashes with Depeche Mode
I dont understand why Artists and bands leave out coming to our Welsh venues when doing a UK tour, we are not part of England, but we are a part of the UK
Four tickets booked for Verona. 80 euros each. Seats in Jupiter’s ass, like we say in Italy! ;-)
All of Peter Gabriel albums were released on SACD. Whether they were 5.1, I cannot say. As for the concert, the prices are too high for my pocket! I will wait for the Blu-Ray of the concert. If the songs are like ‘Daddy Long Legs’ then it will be a challenging album.
The SACDs were all stereo-only.
UP SACD has Stereo and Multichannel
Miss the old days when you could see Hamlet (with Shakespeare himself doing a cameo) for only one penny!
But, seriously – I got front tickets for the concert in Norway for around 110 £.
Paid $56 to see PG on the Up tour in the nose-bleed seats. Was the most expensive concert I’d ever been to then and I think since. Tend to not see the “big” acts anymore.
PG likes to keep his regular studio albums’ names short. :-)
Some of them have no name at all! A picture says a thousand words!
This is exciting news. I can’t wait to listen to his new album. I hope that he will release his first “single” very soon.
Interesting to compare these prices with the price for Cure tickets on their upcoming tour.
Around £50 for standing in Cardiff and £75 seated in Glasgow.
All for one of their mega set lists and a carefully chosen support band (Twilight Sad).
In retrospect seems like very good value, but clearly against the overall trend.
The O2 is an automatic no for me as well, horrible, soulless place.
Love Peter and I know he will invest a lot of money in stage sets etc, will buy the new album and live blu ray but will pass on the gigs sadly.
Anyone got the link for Euro Pre Sale please, I am on the mailing list but never got the mail? Thanks
If you are signed up to Peter’s Mailing List, you will be sent a link to access the early pre-order,
I saw Peter Gabriel / Sting / Bruce Springsteen & Tracy Chapman @ The Old Wembley Stadium in 1988 for £22.50!. How times have changed I don’t think you would get a programme and a Cheeseburger for that on this I/O Tour!.
I was at the very same Wembley gig and it cost me zilch, as my mate had just fallen out with his girlfriend friend and had a spare ticket! This made up for missing out on the So tour in 1987, where I bought a ticket but couldn’t make the gig at the NEC due to getting a job at the other end of the country the week before. Since then I’ve seen him on the Growing Up and Back to Front tours (twice on the latter). This tour is a tad too pricey for me.
Me Woz there too!
“This is a love song” . . .do do do do de doooooo . . . (intro to sledgehammer ). I can remember that but can’t remember what I did earlier today. I don’t remember.
For some reason I got offered tickets early and half price for that Hammersmith live blood concert and kicked myself for not buying them…but, with no job I cannot be forking out these prices for the Mudd bunch to see old Pete this time. This may be the last tour. It is my loss, I know.
Lead a normal life. Humdrum.
And if they had ditched flash in the pan Chapman you would have got change out a score!!
I will wait till one of the concerts is released on Blu-ray. Ridiculous the prices nowadays to go and see a live concert. I remember going to see Inxs at the Barrowlands in Glasgow in 1987 and the ticket was £4.50 changed days indeed.
Yeah, but, it all evens out. We’re all making 10 or 15 times our salary in our jobs compared to the 80’s and 90’s right??? right…?
You’re kidding right?
I remember when I first started going to live gigs, in the early seventies, it might cost about £2 which was roughly the price of an album, or about two hours pay.
“It’s been a while ” ahahah I love PG humour.. ahahah
Got 2 200€ ticket at Paris ‘ Bercy Arena, 15 000 seats capacity, in gold area row 30. If you sprad the cost on 8 years thats’ cheap LOL
saw david bowie at Paris olympia (2000 seats ) for 8 € in 2002 :-)
Looking at the schedule I’ve got a sneaky feeling that he could be doing Glastonbury next year as there is no show booked the Saturday Glasto is on!. I’m maybe miles off the mark with this guess but if you managed to get a ticket ( I didn’t sadly ) it may be worth waiting.
My thinking exactly. I was one of those who suffered technical glitches trying to get Glastonbury tickets on Sunday and jokingly said to my partner ‘You watch, Peter Gabriel will headline or play the legends slot now’… thing is I was joking at the time.
Gotta wonder if he’ll throw in “The Musical Box” just for old time’s sake! He probably still has that old man mask from 1972.
I don’t think he does any Genesis stuff anymore….
well he sang the Moonlit Knight Intro once on the tour with sting. and the band rehearsed lover’s leap for one of his last tours. so it could emerge and would be a perfect way to round off his career
Yes, but he doesn’t need it now.
I managed to get a seat on the 1st row in Antwerp for 168 euro. 2nd row was same price but 3rd row was….399 euro !!! as a gold package. Not sure I understand the rationale but happy to have a ‘low price’ ticket. Paris and Amsterdam are even more expensive.
1st row?!?! OMG that would be SO (ha ha) cheap here in L.A. Good god Billy Joel/Stevie nicks is $125 at the very nosebleed top of SoFi Stadium! Tame Impala were $250+ at the TOP of The Forum. I wonder what Peter’s pricing will be presuming he comes here.
Two tickets for the Paris show pre ordered for 338 euros ! and we are not in the front row but these are second choice . With the first tickets 92 euros you are behind or beside the stage , for 133 euros you are very far from it and for 169 euros (mine) you will see the large screen ! Porcupine Tree last week for 90 euros seated was a bargain !
I’ve never seen him play, and I’d love to. But the O2? Dear god, why choose the country’s worst music venue?
travel to another venue. it’ll be worth it
What’s so horrible? Not disagreeing, wondering. I have some Iron Maiden tickets there though likely I will go to Amsterdam instead.
I agree that it’s a corporate, soulless venue but the country’s worst? Sadly, not by a country mile. At least the sound quality is ok which is more than can be said for the Brixton Academy. I can still recall seeing The Prodigy play there and finding the sound on the tiny speakers in the gents to be far superior to that in the auditorium. Every single gig I’ve seen there has sounded terrible so it wasn’t the fault the mixing engineer that night. I’ve largely avoided the place since then since I want to hear the artist, not just see them.
what are the prices for the tickets? The Dutch and Belgium sites don’t have them yet.
As excited as I am at the prospect of (finally!) a new album from Gabriel, I think it was a rather bold move of him announcing pricey tickets for a live tour for a new album before a single note of new material has even been released. Given his output over the last 20 years has been limited and, I hate to say rather uninspiring, I can’t help but feel some trepidation in regards to what “i/o” will offer and what the set list will consist of. I honestly wish Gabriel every success with this album and tour and but do think the release of a strong single beforehand wouldn’t have been a bad thing to help fill some seats.
You have a point, but I think he’s more or less a legacy artist now like his former colleagues in Genesis. The remaining fans will in my opinion be satisfied to hear the greatest hits. And I don’t think anyone will be disappointed if he plays nothing from UP or OVO. With Collins and Genesis retired the shows will sell out in an instant.
It’ll be a case of trial before purchase with the album. I didn’t mind his orchestral reworkings of older tracks but found UP and OVO a real slog. Using that timeline it’s pretty much 30 years since he put out a decent studio album (Secret World) or 20 if you actually like UP.
Obviously everyone thinks that 70 euro’s for a ticket in the back and 190,– euro’s for a ticket in front of the stage is ‘normal’, but I can’t afford these prices and if I could, I still wouldn’t because it’s absurd! I am a great PG fan, but I guess I won’t see him live anymore……..what a pity.
Indeed, absolutely ridiculous prices. A blu-ray or DVD of the concert will do…
Depeche Mode announce a new lp and tour,(despite Andy Fletcher’s death)and it is not mentioned.Peter Gabriel announces a new lp and tour and it is mentioned.I just find it interesting what this site decides is worth a mention and what it decides is not! Just wondering what criteria is used to decide what to mention and what not to mention?Just thought both stories were equally worthy news!
Are you saying SDE ignores Depeche Mode?
To answer the question, a new DM tour is hardly exciting news. A new PG album (and tour) definitely is.
These are his choices and you have to accept them. It’s his site after all. There are a lot of Duran Duran news here, a band I’m barely aware of, but that’s fine. As for Peter Gabriel, I’m completely ignorant of his discography. Now, I’ll check him out.
I think I have a strange musical taste because I love synth pop like Depeche Mode, Erasure or The Human League as much as Petty, Mellencamp or Springsteen. So this site for me covers it all. And that’s why like it so much, even if it regularly drains my bank account coming here..
Hey Paul, just a quick question… I’m just interested to know why you didn’t do any kind of Revolver unboxing ? I watch all your unboxing videos, and enjoy them all, even acts I really don’t like! Go on, do one just for me….. pretty pretty please.
It’s coming…
So true. Depeche Mode tours are constantly the same. They always play the same old hits, and a few tracks of the latest album. Boring formula, to say the least.
Yes, exactly. Very cookie cutter for sure. Sat out a couple of their tours for that reason and just bought the blu-rays and watched at home… Saw the last tour but will likely skip this one.
one (PG) outweighs the other (DM) by a MILE in touring/new music news.
This post reminds me of a recent meme about Depeche Mode’s “world tour” announcement which would resonate with DM fans outside of Europe and North America. DM last toured Australia in 1994.
Tears for Fears’ Tipping Point World Tour was even more limited than this, and the only German gig they did this year wasn’t advertised at all and I found out about it when it was too late. Hoping for next year now…
I would have thought it obvious that the ‘criteria used’ is Paul’s personal choice. The site often covers Depeche Mode, though personally having never listened to a note of Depeche Mode if they launched an album/tour & it was my site I probably wouldn’t find it interesting enough to mention either
I have all their albums to Songs of the Universe in stereo and 5.1 and can’t say I’ve listened to them all more then once. For me they are more of a singles band despite trying to like the albums (and I have tried). And their more recent albums have really tested one’s patience. Does anyone really have high expectations about yet another DM album? Losing Fletch was surely a good stopping point.
DM are one of the few bands I’ll blind buy although not sure why as apart from Playing The Angel have found every album hard work since Ultra. Exciter; anything but. Sounds of the Universe, cracking boxset, terrible album then Spirit and Delta Machine totally interchangeable and average at best. From the preview of the new album limited snippet that it was the track featured did sound promising. However with Dave and Martin’s recent MG and Soulsavers efforts I’m really not hopeful…
The world doesn’t need any new Depeche Mode album. Their output was brillant in the 20th century, and dreadful in the 21st. As a fan, all I want is proper SDE’s of their 80’s and 90’s albums, complete (in the sense of “satisfying for the completists”) and properly curated.
Tickets for Glasgow booked. Couldn’t justify the most expensive seats, but happy with what I got.
Fingers crossed the prospect of a new album will encourage PG to give his back catalogue some surround-sound love.
He’s already released one studio album in 5.1 (Up), not to mention his singles/videos (the ‘Play’ DVD). Time for all his studio albums to get the Atmos treatment?
He missed an opportunity with the “So-so” boxed set which makes me less than hopeful we’ll see more multi-channel mixes. I am scared to play my Play DVD with the DTS audio play back at a drastic -30dB compared to the Dolby tracks and menu music. Need to pick up the Live in Athens set to replace it.
My very first concert was Peter Gabriel Earls Court for the So Tour. Youssou N’Dour too. Back when the stage dive was a feature.
Talk about setting the bar high.
Same here. I saw the So Tour in the nineties here in Frankfurt. Awesome. He shaked our hands, haha. Long time ago. Can´t wait for new music. See him again next year. Tickets booked. A little cheaper than Roger Waters ;-)
I went to that and if my memory serves me correctly Kate Bush joined him , is that correct?
Only at one of the shows, and not the one I was at.
My best friend and I slept rough at Victoria Train station after this Earls Court concert, one of a few concerts in London we did in this fashion. It was never a consideration to book a hotel, as we wouldn’t have had enough money to do so. We used to wait, desperately, for Casey Jones burger shop to open, so we could get a hot cup of tea to warm up with.
According to, Kate did appear at the last show of the four-night Earls Court stand.
Just one of the shows – luckily the one I was at :)
The audio is on youtube and it was a complete surprise when her voice appeared.
Got tickets for Dublin. €168 for a seat on the flat.
There are only fifteen rows on the floor in Dublin, as it’s like an amphitheatre design.
Last saw Peter at the tail end of 2013 performing So at the O2. And it was a real fingers crossed moment when Don’t Give Up started, sadly disappointed. And I silently cursed to myself that I will never, ever get to see Kate Bush live….. Then…….some stuff happened.
Two tickets booked for Birmingham up in the Gods for £65 a piece.
judging from the tracks that he released since UP and those unreleased tracks that he tried live, i think we probably should be afraid, not excited ;-)
Judging from the experience of watching him on the ‘New Blood’ and the ‘Back To Front’ tour there’s no reason to be afraid.
i’m talking the new album, not the tour
Got to Peter’s website and sign up for newsletter- tix available today.
Certainly hoping it’s a late fall start to the US tour, as I’ll be in the UK to see Pulp in mid-July! Still, this is killer news!
The concert here in Munich is standing only, outdoors. The front third ‘standing zone’ closest to the stage costs 200 Euro a ticket. Very sadly count me out. ‘Time is money, and money I serve’ indeed!
Went looking for tickets offered up by being on the mailing list and they were £188.50!
Great news!
Nabbed a few tickets as signed up to his website mail list. O2 early bird tomorrow and then general sale later in the week. £196 a ticket for best seats but you can get tickets for about £65 in the gods
Those O2 prices are a disgrace, around £200 to sit at the lower back , not even on the floor. I looked at block A1 , that was over £300.
“Disgrace” indeed ? Take That are playing Hyde Park next year with a single ticket running from £96 up to £380 (or £774 for a Premium-VIP ticket with some nibbles & booze beforehand (Why not take your partner along too & it’ll only be £1548 – Bargain!) – seems like PG’s pricing is pretty standard, especially given the rarity of his tours.
Sadly Take That and the likes of Adele or Sheeran vastly outsell PG these days.
I would imagine anyone under 30 could even tell you who he is.
It’s a shame his cover of “Heroes” in Stranger Things didn’t do what RUTH did for Kate Bush. Granted it was used in the first season where Stranger Things was finding it’s feet.
I am going to see Springsteen at Hyde Park but my friend bought the ticket so I don’t know how much that will be , but it’s a day out usually with same decent support acts (saw Weller supporting The Who a few few years back). Last time he played there Paul McCartney joined him and I was at that one too.
Best tickets for Springsteen – £434 each. – ‘a disgrace’ for an artist who , like Gabriel, hasn’t had a hit single in decades ! LOL
Take That, Sheehan etc seem to tour every other year so if you miss one tour another will be along soon after, so not really the same. You could say the same about Kate Bush – when she did her residency a few years ago i’m not sure anyone under 30 knew who she was either as she hadn’t been in the charts for decades, but she still sold out a lot of concerts & made the scalpers a fortune.
Tickets booked ….