Steve Winwood / Arc Of A Diver replacement booklet

Anyone who purchased Steve Winwood‘s Arc Of A Diver two-CD reissue back in October, may have noticed an error in the accompanying 12-page booklet.
Page seven was repeated on page nine, meaning that the lyrics to the end of Arc Of A Diver, all of Second Hand Woman and most of Slowdown Sundown are missing.
A sloppy error that should never have happened. Thankfully, it seems that Universal have re-printed these, and anyone looking for a replacement should email customer services at the following address, being sure to give them a mailing address for your replacement booklet.
We did this on Monday, and our new booklet arrived this morning. Thanks to SuperDeluxeEdition reader Julian Crook for giving us this information.
3 thoughts on “Steve Winwood / Arc Of A Diver replacement booklet”
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Shocking, that I might purchase this as the FIRST CD copy of this album that I’ll own. I’m only excited because I was hoping this would lead to expanded editions for his entire catalog (it would be interesting to hear the remixes/b-sides of BACK IN THE HIGH LIFE on disc). However the inclusion of the BBC documentary or whatever as bonus materal here is just head-scratching…. at least we can see Mr. Winwood on tour with Rod Stewart :)
Universal have done the same thing for replacement Live At Wembley sleeves in the RITF25 Box Set. Just email them with your address and they’ll post a replacement sleeve (The original was misprinted Live At Wembey!).
There are at least a couple single remix versions of Night Train that were inexplicably left off this reissue. Not really seeing the point unless the sound quality is a big improvement.